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  1. I

    Indian Pride!

    Dear Mr King, You bring up very good and important point here. But there is lot of people among us Like niwea, gctakingtoolong and ip11, as long as we have these Madaris(snake charmers) and Yahoos in our society we can not expect much and will have to settle with whatever we have been given...
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    First INDIAN Women Astronaut Dead...what a tragedy !!

    Hey Another poor soul, "Get outta this site and get a life." Do you really know what is the meaning of it or just being great "copy cat " that you are , it has become fashion to borrow outdated and boring phrases and just dump it here whether you understand the meaning or not. Take India...
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    First INDIAN Women Astronaut Dead...what a tragedy !!

    Hey Fuckstick niwea of course ! Don't cry like a baby. Can anyone help Indiatoday get out of here ? What a helpless soul you really are ? what are you (COWARD) doing posting messages on Kalpana's (Brave girl's) mourning place. Do you think anyone is going to help you out ? People contempt...
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    First INDIAN Women Astronaut Dead...what a tragedy !!

    Kalpana was Indian tigress, She is Indian Heroine. May God give her birth again in India. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Niewa, don't spoil this nobel thread, just keep checking your private messages , that is where I would reply to you.
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    First INDIAN Women Astronaut Dead...what a tragedy !!

    Ravan123, All along I have been with those of you who is mourning over Kalpana's death. Let' s pray that Kalpana's soul rest in piece and may god continue to bless her family, India and America. Kalpana will always Inspire Men and Women in India for long long time.
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    First INDIAN Women Astronaut Dead...what a tragedy !!

    All I can say is here comes Chutiya number 3. What happened to you Yahoos ? Can you even not read simple sentences ? It is not me who is saying we whould worry about immigration. Read all my posts and then open your ass.
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    First INDIAN Women Astronaut Dead...what a tragedy !!

    Another Yahoo opening his filthy mounth!!!! I for long have been saying that it is not only immigration stuff that is important. We should talk about any and everything that is important to India. Undoubtedly Kalpana Chawala has has raised the bar and shyradish if you post 1000 such...
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    First INDIAN Women Astronaut Dead...what a tragedy !!

    Chutiya shyradish: I can never think that remarkable feet achieved by Kalpana Chawala is less important than immigration stuff or raising kids. Unfortunately some Indians on this message board do think that they have other pressing stuff like GC worries which is much more important than...
  9. I

    Yet again it is proven - Pakistan is a terrorist State.......!!!!

    Comming back to pakistan ..... remember this.. today only our GC's/Jobs are being affected by its policy's ... tomorrow it could very well be your and mine existence. Or atleast that of our near and dear ones in India..... You will not understand this unless you have someone close to you living...
  10. I

    First INDIAN Women Astronaut Dead...what a tragedy !!

    My Dear Friend, Although I whole heartedly agree with your thoughts here, some people among us will say , this is not immigration related topic and why should they worry about all this ? They have very important other "pressing stuff" like getting GC and raising their kids.
  11. I

    Yet again it is proven - Pakistan is a terrorist State.......!!!!

    Now we blame even the delay in 485 on Pakisthan? lol That aint right man. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chakmur, No matter how eloquently you explain these facts to bastards among us like PatienceGC , they will not understand this...
  12. I

    EB1-3(L-1A) changing job in 485

    WF20030201 See your Private message
  13. I

    India is next.

    Whether Indians will have to register or not is not that important. Let's say we Indians are asked to register, what are we going to do ? Nothing, we will simply have to register. We have no balls to fight back. We have lot of people who simply don't want to listen anything other than their...
  14. I

    Please read this !

    Cut this shit out !! This thread was useless, dull and boring to begin with. Let's talk about something powerfull somewhere else. This kind of meaningless thread makes me very sick.
  15. I

    Please read this !

    "I don't understand what you guys expect from the rest of us" NOTHING !!!!! To be very honest I have no expectation from you. Not at all, Nothing, ZERO, NIL. Please for God's sake understand me, Believe me, I beg your pardon if i mislead you or if you misunderstood me, I have no...
  16. I

    Please read this !

    Another useless post from useless user. The monkeys have got things way too easily without actually having to earn it. When you don't understand anything, call it religious stuff, call it hatred. Bunch of fucking chutiyas !!!!! Have no clue whatsoever.
  17. I

    Please read this !

    "I have a story for those who argue that "Don't read off-topics". The court hall is silent and Lawyers are arguing about a case and Judge listening to it. Then Priya_GC and IndiaToday and other guys are arguing about India future loudly in one corner. Then Judge said "Order Order". Then...
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    Please read this !

    <<I started a separate thread although forum123 had a similar message.>> Why ? You are wasting lot of resources by starting new thread and giving it a misleading title "Please read this" unlike ours which are very clear from the subject. So don't ever post another nonsensical message on this...
  19. I

    Folks desparately need your advice

    Did you submit Paystubs, w2's , tax returns etc etc before along with I-485 application ?
  20. I

    Need Immigration attorney in Upstate, NY

    Does anyone knows a good Immigration attorney in Upstate, NY ? Buffalo. Thanks