Yet again it is proven - Pakistan is a terrorist State.......!!!!


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I am sorry for posting this here.. But there is a reason why I am posting it here. It is obvious that my GC is delayed because of these mullahs....Worst part is that the Pak. ambassador to italy has the audacity to claim .......

"According to my information none of (these men) had anything whatsoever to do with terrorism, none of them had anything like explosives"

This is after the police confiscate the explosives... Who are you kidding, Mr Ambassador ?
Yeah.. I ain't blamin' for no reason....

If only these mullahs had not gone on a Jehad war path.. 9/11 would not have happened ...DHS would not have been formed... New procedures would not have been put in place...approvals would have not taken so much time.... It's Domino effect and I put the blame squarely on Pakistan... I have a reason.. Madrassas were Mullah's are hardlined are not in the US not in Europe Not in Indonesia.. Not in Yemen. Not in Saudi Arabia... Not in IRAQ.. It is in PAKISTAN.........Suck up the reality... Evil is Pakistan....Pakistan is evil......:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
Now we blame
even the delay in 485 on Pakisthan? lol That aint right man.



No matter how eloquently you explain these facts to bastards among us like PatienceGC , they will not understand this. We don't know who these people are ? Could be anyone , God knows.
The vituperative statement of yours about patienceGC exposes your level of culture.
I think one need to come out of this Pakistan syndrome. I agree security concerns might have delayed at this stage. But you should realize that it use to take more than 18 months till April 2001. 9/11 happened after that. One should also realize that Immigration officer hardly spends 10 minutes on each case. And your whole immigration petition(including labor and I140) is finalized in less than 20 minutes and now with this Sept 11, it might have been 25 minutes or 1/2 hour. CP use to take 4 months and now it is taking 6 months and CP processing includes lot of paper movement from INS to NVC to posting packet 3 to posting back to NVC and file going to consulate and then arranging an interview. Ideally INS should take less time because there is not much movement of paper work and so if INS has proper resources it won't take more than 3 months which includes arranging for FP and other stuff.
Against this background, I completely agree with patienceGC that it is the laziness of INS rather than terrorism that is delaying the things.

Rajum ... The point that chakmur and Indiatoday are

expressing is that inspite of the traditional laziness of INS
we would have gotten our GC's sooner than later if not for 9/11
You just cannot turn a blind eye to the fact that things would have been better(immigrationwise) if not for 9/11. And everybody knows who was responsible for this.

Long Before 9/11, INS had publicly made it clear that one of their aims was to get rid of the backlog and they had initiated steps to
address that issue. And do you remember AC21 and the 180 day rule? they were legislated partly so that INS got its "lazy" ACT in order by giving the applicant the benifit of "good Faith" if INS
doesnt act on their cases before 180 days.
Do you hear anything about how INS is addressing the backlog problems these days... NO its no longer a priority ! I wonder why?

Comming back to pakistan ..... remember this.. today only our GC's/Jobs are being affected by its policy's ... tomorrow it could very well be your and mine existence. Or atleast that of our near and dear ones in India..... You will not understand this unless you have someone close to you living in Kashmir.....GC is just beside the point.

Truth always is bitter.
Comming back to pakistan ..... remember this.. today only our GC's/Jobs are being affected by its policy's ... tomorrow it could very well be your and mine existence. Or atleast that of our near and dear ones in India..... You will not understand this unless you have someone close to you living in Kashmir.....GC is just beside the point.

Truth always is bitter.

Eternity, you exactly understood the point we are trying to make here.
No one could explain this with more clarity and or simplicity than this(the above). Anyone who thinks terrorist attacks by Jehadi Muslims on AMerica have no affect on Immigration policies and procedures, has no affect on world's economy at large, has no affect on Indian prosperity, has no affect on Indian well being in general is insane and out of his/her mind.

"... tomorrow it could very well be your and mine existence. Or atleast that of our near and dear ones in India..... "

That tomorrow will definately come unless some miracle happens, it is just matter of time.

Now I will be labled as BJP, RSS, Bajarngdal, Shivsena...........Wow !

The question here is who are we trying explain ? and for what reason ?
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Originally posted by Indiatoday
today only our GC's/Jobs are being affected by its policy's ... tomorrow it could very well be your and mine existence.

I agree with the above thoughts.

IMHO, there has been a massive dislocation in the thought process because of 9/11. All the time tested processes that have evolved over the yrs have been put to rest because of 9/11. Anybody thinking that 9/11 will not have an affect on them, would naive.

We already r seeing job cuts everywhere. Now GC delays, tomorrow because of DHS another delay or necessacity to get oneself registered with DHS and getting it renewed periodically. Visa for parents are not being renewed easily. Don't know, what will be next?
Priyagc.... "Naive" is putting it very mildly... "Stupid" is more appropriate

The sad thing is that inspite of knowing all this there are so many gullible people who want to think that everything is rosy and want to take the "high Road". Honestly I dont know what else
needs to happen inorder for such people to wake up and face reality. And more often than not these guys will tend to run away from the situation instead of facing it.

Anyway Thanks guys for supporting me.
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Anyway I should thank you for at least characterizing as gullible rather than antinational.
I am not arguing a case that 9/11 has not made a difference in American Psyche.
May be the difference of INS is because of economy. One will never know. Historically, INS has always been indifferent. At every juncture, one can give one or the other excuse. About losing jobs, American economy was in recession even before 9/11. In fact job market started tightening with the internet bust in the later part of 2000. It is false argument to say that we are losing jobs because of 9/11. One can argue that because of 9/11 recovery of economy is taking longer. one can argue endlessly on that.
On the contrary, I believe the other way. Any nation in times of aggression or calamity performs better than in normal times. Japan has performed better after losing second world war.
India economy is growing at the rate of 5 to 6 % despite terrorism. Before 1985, Indian economy was growing at the rate of 3% per annum.
Similarly, American economy has shown this much resilence because of strong preservance of its citizens. Historically, American has always done better in times of war. Otherwise, the way the economy grown in 90's, the impact would have been horrible. Japan never recovered in the last ten years after seeing a gigantic growth in 80's.
I think because of 9/11 there has been delay of 2 months in our processing and considering one year period for 485 and considering other processing times, I want to reiterate that this delay is not significant enough to justify every other assumption. Always the last leg of journey is painful and even small delay we tend to see in telescopic glasses.
Sometimes, I wonder about the implicit argument that losing job here and going back to India is the worstest thing that can happen to an Indian . Has our education and our so called empowerment has not given us this much confidence that we can do better in case we go back to India ? If I accept the argument that everything is lost then what self respect we got as an individual or as a community ? This question bothers me further.
Before closing, I want to add one more point regarding the statement "You will not understand this unless you have someone close to you living in Kashmir". Personal suffering or personal depravation is not the qualification in itself to justify ones prejudices and one has overcome this personal depravation through intellectual quest and rational thinking.

Originally posted by rajum

On the contrary, I believe the other way. Any nation in times of aggression or calamity performs better than in normal times. Japan has performed better after losing second world war.
India economy is growing at the rate of 5 to 6 % despite terrorism. Before 1985, Indian economy was growing at the rate of 3% per annum.

IMHO, the above conculsion is really absurd. There are lot many countries that have done very bad after a calamity/aggression.
If this is the case, then every poor country will go to war just to get that good luck to have a better growth rates. American economy will always grow as long as they have the lead in innovation. Period.....

9/11 had a profound impact on people living in america and u wil see that impact for a while, before things start getting back to normal. Ofcourse if our friends in M-E/Asia keep quiet. Which I doubt.
I think you gave a different spin to what I wrote. Rather than "any nation", I should have written "America" and avoided the spin . Or I should have elaborated in a better way. Unfortunately, I didn't intend to write a big article on that and so I made that generalized statement. I will elaborate little bit. It also depends on the potentiality of that country. Japan and Germany bounced back after devastation because they got the potential to do that. It is very difficult for Afghanistan because they don't have anything before. And I never said it is the good luck that makes them to bounce back. It is the unity of the people and their willingness to work hard apart from the capabilities of the people that brings the country back to path.
Innovation and prosperity will have a cyclical relationship. I partially agree with you on that count.But innovations alone does not guarantee prosperity.
I also said that 9/11 has an impact on American Psyche in my previous posting. I didn't argued the other way.
I don't think this is right fora to discuss M E/Asia. In short, I am not expecting that terrorists in M E/Asia will keep quiet but at the same time I don't characterize all the people from M E/Asia as evil people. I differentiate between terrorists and ordinary people from these countries. Moreover, I also differentiate between evil doers and evil.

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