First INDIAN Women Astronaut Dead...what a tragedy !!


Registered Users (C)
My heart goes out to what may have been the proudest moment in Indian History.

Actually, let me rephrase that, it already is the prodest moment in Indian History. She was indeed the first woman in space.

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My Dear Friend,

Although I whole heartedly agree with your thoughts here, some people among us will say , this is not immigration related topic and why should they worry about all this ? They have very important other "pressing stuff" like getting GC and raising their kids.

you really think talking about a silly immigration thing is more important to you than a tragedy like this ??? get outa here. besides, what burden is a a little compassion in the form of a posting ????????

just take it easy and stop adding more agony !

go's a something the news...hindi movie or something..

and whats raising kinds got anything to do with this ???? are one pseudo indian brother...

listen..i dont wanna get into a pissing contest with you...just let me be...FYI, Iam not taking this posting out.

may she rest in peace
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Kalpana Chawla a true Indian heroine...she brought glory to India and to Indians. May she rest in peace..

My eyes are filled with tears as I saw the news. This is a loss to mankind. This is space exploration!!.

People who make fun of this trajic incident should not be allowed the fruits space explorations. they should not be allowed to use phones and TV's to begin with.

This was kalpana chawla's second trip to space. There was one other indian women who was on stand buy for this trajic mission.
The first indian in space is rakesh sharma who went to space with russian astronautes in 1980's.

Thanks for posting it. It is a huge loss for humanity to loose such great astronauts. I feel very proud to be an indian and proud human being.

My deepest condolences for the family members of astronauts. May god give them courage to go through such tough times.
Chutiya shyradish:

I can never think that remarkable feet achieved by Kalpana Chawala is less important than immigration stuff or raising kids.

Unfortunately some Indians on this message board do think that they have other pressing stuff like GC worries which is much more important than any other thing.

Junior Member

Registered: Jan 2003
Posts: 5
Please read this !
I started a separate thread although forum123 had a similar message.
We all should realise that this website is about immigration ( ) and we should maintain the sanctity of the website. Although its nice to see them(PriyaGC, IndiaToday, Waytoolong) passionately defending their views it just is a wrong place to do that. We are facing enough issues already related to immigration and visa that keeps us on the edge. Let us as a team in this messageboard ignore those sentiments expressed by these people. Lets keep our eyes on the ball and not respond to those issues that are not related to visa/immigration.
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agreed....will take it off-line but dude...whats with the chutiya part ?? did I freakin use bad language ?? U can;t take healthy criticism ?
but listen you butthole, you, the one who wanted to raise a family and beg the INS for a stupiid piece of plastic, take it easy. Keep your pants on. There are other things in life worth talking about anywhere..besides....Kalpana Chawla is a reasonably new immigrant....she came to the US in the 80s and probaby got her GC and then went on to become a citizen. Her accompolishment woul've put India in the radar screen and would've helped the INS folk understand that we deserve this status change...ironically, her death has put us on the radar screen...whether you like it or not !..god bless her soul.

so, dont tell me this has nothing to do with immigration...maybe not for you and you and you ....but it does in a very large perspective. it shows that the quality of human capital immigrating into the US is of high caliber....sets an example...

good luck to you " mission, to get gc & raise family"
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Its a sad day

for everyone. I remember sending a mail to all my desi friends long back. Indian Americans seem to know her more than Indians. I didnt know either. We should have done a better job of recognizing her in India. She even went to college in India. Too sad that people had to know her this way.

Hope such tragedies dont repeat. :(
Its a sad day for India and entire world!
May her soul live in peace.
She definitely did India proud.
What a woman..........
Condolences to the families of the Astronauts...

Also, please do note that Kalpana Chawla is an India born American. Pls acknowledge that too.

"There are other things in life worth talking about anywhere..besides....Kalpana Chawla is a reasonably new immigrant....she came to the US in the 80s and probaby got her GC and then went on to become a citizen. Her accompolishment woul've put India in the radar screen and would've helped the INS folk understand that we deserve this status change...ironically, her death has put us on the radar screen...whether you like it or not !..god bless her soul.

so, dont tell me this has nothing to do with immigration...maybe not for you and you and you ....but it does in a very large perspective. it shows that the quality of human capital immigrating into the US is of high caliber....sets an example... "

a great loss.. none the less

Shyradish: I answer this because I was part of the other message thread that Indiatoday pointed out. Loss of Kalpana Chawla is tremendous to the whole world and nobody in regular mind would complain about your posting here. I for one, definitely welcome discussions like this.
In the thread indiatoday pointed out, he was asked to shut up because of his filthy language(just like the one in this thread) and his hate monging attitude. If we can talk in a civilised way, nobody would complain talking about anything. But when people like Indiatoday behave in indecent manner, thats when the question arises as to why this forum is used for non-immigration related. And even then in this case it is an immigration related news as we all immigrants should be exceptionally proud of people like Kalpana Chawla. Please ignore Indiatoday and please keep up the good work of posting, as we all need to express our views.
May the astronauts' souls rest in peace!

Great loss indeed! I learnt of the tragedy just a few minutes ago as I was out the entire day. Strange thing though is that CNN and Fox News talked a lot about the first Israeli astronaut onboard and did not say a word (for as long as I was watching the news) about the first Indian-born female astronaut being a part of this tragedy. I read on the scrollbar at the bottom of the screen that some few thousand Indians in India braved the cold and prayed for her soul, but I think I would have liked it for the anchor/host to have talked about her as well.
For someone who pointed out that this would make INS take notice of her accomplishment and make a case for them to process AOS applications faster, maybe this is a sour point to consider.
Another Yahoo opening his filthy mounth!!!!

I for long have been saying that it is not only immigration stuff that is important. We should talk about any and everything that is important to India.

Undoubtedly Kalpana Chawala has has raised the bar and shyradish if you post 1000 such messages on this board I will be the last one to criticize. I am upset that you didn't try to understand what I was trying to say even if I clarified it in my second post and copied a thread in which gctakingtoolong was advocating that we should only worry about GC and raising kids and nothing else !!!!!
Immigrants from other counties have spoiled their country’s name. But people like Kalpana makes their country (birth or adopted) proud. All Indians are proud about her. There is no shame in telling she is from India.
oh! dont get me wrong...I didn't say her passing away would make INS realize AOS or whatever....I don't care about the INS in today's unfortunate tragedy..I was only trying to make a point that this lady's acheivement as the first indian born american astronaut is testimony of high quality human capital that is immigrating into this country fom india in a way to make one gentleman who brought up his opinion that all he wanted to see on this site we all come together was "i want greencard and raise family" talk.

so, no...I did not say anything you pointed out. Please take that back. thanks

Let us pray for our Sister Kalpana and her family

Dear Friends:
Why fight on things like this. Show the real Indian spirit. We all must be proud of our Sister Kalpana, who achieved great heights in life, despite being a immigrant like us. Let us pary for her and her family. Remember people like Kalpana make people count on we Indians.