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    3year rule or 5 year?? for N-400

    I do not think that you have to take your spouse to the interview...
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    Traffic tickets and naturalization (threads merged)

    This is the best advice someone can give you
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    A simple question

    I see...I was hoping she could be there with me (inside)...Thanks a lot and I would try your trick Ghanta Bro
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    help me figure out

    I am not a lawyer or even know a lot about immigration laws but If I were you I will stay where you are right for right now...You are gonna have to answer less questions at the time of the interview but man I feel your pain!
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    A simple question

    Hey Guys, Just a simple question...I filed based on 3 years marriage...Can my wife attend the interview with me? She did when I interviewed for the GC and she brought me luck...:)
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    What to expect at fingerprinting?

    Jajjajja...Hispanic actually...But seriouly I was amazed of how nice all of the people there were
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    What to expect at fingerprinting?

    I did my FP today --- They asked for the notice and my green card ---I waited 10 minutes and they were quite nice...
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    N400 Timeline: Houston, TEXAS

    Hey everybody, I was very surprised to receive my receipt and FP appoinment the same day = Today...It seems things are going faster than expected...I hope its not only a dream...
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    My Interview

    Congratulations Kidduj2002
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    N400 Timeline: Houston, TEXAS

    HEy everyone, New in this forum...I live in Humble TX Just applied for my citizenship...I am a little nervous because I think I did some mistakes with the traffic tickets but...Oh well...
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    Newby in the Forum from TX - Just applied for citizenship

    03/21/99 -- Disregarding Stop/yield sign at intersection 09/27/00 -- Speeding 1-10 mph above limit 04/07/02 -- Improper Left turn 07/10/02 -- Disregarding Stop/yield sign at intersection And 2 speeding tickets in TX that on 05 and 06 All less of $500.00
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    Newby in the Forum from TX - Just applied for citizenship

    By the way, another question for you if you can help me...Since I got to the States I lived in 2 states Illinois and Texas. I had one stupid arrest for a burocratic mistake and several tickets. While filling out my N-400, I only mentioned the arrest I had in Illinois but I did not mention any...
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    Newby in the Forum from TX - Just applied for citizenship

    Bobsmyth I reside in Houston...I was just so surprised of how fast they took them to cash my check
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    Newby in the Forum from TX - Just applied for citizenship

    Hello everyone, I am new in this forum and I just applied for my citizenship 2 weeks ago...I thank you all for the great info I read to complete my N-400...In any case, I have two questions/observations 1.- USCIS cashed my check right the way...They did not lose anytime...Is that a good...