Traffic tickets and naturalization (threads merged)

I had a friend in NYC who encountered something similar to your situation. He didn't pay the ticket because the information on the ticket did not match his car registration details.

Since then, he has applied for US citizenship and received it without any issues.

Yeah and he might have the same outcome if he just doesn't talk about this ticket...
A law abiding person should always do the right thing even if the officer made a mistake. Secondly, it is a terrible idea not to pay ticket in another state -- it can come to bite you years, even decades, later.

Dear friend, do the right thing. Mail the payment, feel good about doing the right thing, and go to the citizenship interview with your head held high since you will be able to claim that you have good moral character.

This is the best advice someone can give you
When the department is directed to refuse vehicle registration, the refusal shall apply to all vehicles owned by the person named on the "Notice of Unpaid Citation" or "Notice of Unpaid Judgment." When a person’s registration has been refused, the person may not:

* Register a vehicle
* Renew the registration of any owned vehicle
* Re-register a vehicle
* Change the gross weight at which a vehicle is registered
* Change the operating status of a vehicle
* Obtain replacement license plates for any vehicle
* Transfer registration to another vehicle
* Acquire registration as part of the transfer of ownership of a vehicle
* Continue a non-expiring registration

When a person’s vehicle registration has been suspended for any reason, including a suspension for an unpaid parking ticket, it is unlawful to operate any vehicle displaying the suspended registration on any highway in the state. The registration remains suspended until the named registrant pays the parking ticket.

This is only applicable to NYS registrations. Being that the recepient of this ticket is registered in MD, this does not apply to him/her.
The ticket with my name, ticket # court ID and car plate is not in the system according to the lady I spoke with NJ municipal court. If the ticket is not in the system they said that no info is reported to DMV or MVS who issued the DL till the fine is paid or matter is resolved and for me it will be Maryland DMV as I had MD DL, MD address, MD plate and all the info on the ticket is correct. When I asked how to resolve the matter she said ticket need to be in the system and she can’t give more info. As per your suggestion if any ticket with my name were in the system then they would have reported to my MD address or may have sent letter to pay the ticket at MD address. I get all the mail on my NJ address from MD as I changed my address with post office and also online with postal department and I don’t miss any mail.

Still the Ticket is still with me and Court is not ready to take payment as my ticket is not in the system.

I talked to Police officer and he told me that if the Ticket is not in the system you are Ok and may be the officer after writing the ticket thaught that giving you ticket is mistake and officer never sent the Ticket to Court
.Ticket was issued to me in 2007 and I talked to NJ DMV and they said they cant do anything. I still cant solve the Problem of this ticket.
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This is only applicable to NYS registrations. Being that the recepient of this ticket is registered in MD, this does not apply to him/her.

Are you sure? Where does you find that information? Maybe that's true, but it would prevent a driver from registering it if he wants to live in NY in the future or move to NY (suppose he wants to get a job there in NY).
Are you sure? Where does you find that information? Maybe that's true, but it would prevent a driver from registering it if he wants to live in NY in the future or move to NY (suppose he wants to get a job there in NY).

You are absolutely correct. If the an individual who received a parking ticket in NYC and never paid it, his ability to register a vehicle in New York MAY be affected. However, in order for this to even be possible, the parking violation would have to be valid. As I've already mentioned, an improperly filled out traffic ticket is considered invalid and is dismissed automatically. I know several individuals who received parking tickets in NYC (properly filled out) and didn't bother paying them. They were able to renew their vehicle registrations without any glitch. The most that the NYC Department of Finance (the agency that handles parking violations in NYC) will do is mail the ticket recepient a notice requesting payment. However, being that the parking ticket in this case had 2 major errors (wrong state of registration and wrong vehicle color), there's no way for the NYC Department of Finance to track down the recepient.

Also, it's worth mentioning that about 10 years ago, I resided in New Jersey for a few months. I had an NJ driver license and a vehicle registered there. I caught a couple of parking tickets in NYC and never paid them. When I moved back to NYC, got an NY license and vehicle registration, I had absolutely no issues obtaining these documents. The NYS DMV can only prevent an individual from renewing their registration only if they have outstanding parking violations issued to their NYS-registered vehicle.
Do i need my drivers licence records during naturilization interiview?

Ok i have come across a few posts on this forum about how some IO's deny or approve applications based on previous traffic violations.

Do i need to take a copy of my DMV records with me to the interview? I dont seem to recall seeing it on the list of documents required to be brought to the interview.
The paper accompanying your interview letter will state what nature of traffic offenses need documentation, such as fine over $500, DUI etc.

If you have traffic violations which which you were ticketed, it is a good idea to take paperwork showing you paid the fine and defensive driving course or to support your position that you did what was needed and that it is not a concern.
Ok i have come across a few posts on this forum about how some IO's deny or approve applications based on previous traffic violations.

Do i need to take a copy of my DMV records with me to the interview? I dont seem to recall seeing it on the list of documents required to be brought to the interview.

I know it is not listed on the documents. You know officer has rights/power to verify, ask questions, and approve/disapprove.

Yes, if you have traffic violations in the past (for last 5 years or last 3 years if it is based on marriage), it is better to take a copy of your DMV records (showing points) AND court records (showing that you paid or not).

In fact, in my interview the officer quick-glanced at my court driving records when she asked me about traffic tickets and verified N-400 form.

Most important things that are not listed (or may not be required) are tax transcripts, bills showing address, driving records, or court papers (martial disputes, criminal history, etc). Just bring them with you to be safe.
I don't have any traffic violation related tickets as far as i know. However my concern stems from whether they will ask to see a copy of my drivers record in order to prove if i have any tickets pending.

Do they do an independent check on every candidate's driving record prior to the interview?
I don't have any traffic violation related tickets as far as i know. However my concern stems from whether they will ask to see a copy of my drivers record in order to prove if i have any tickets pending.

Do they do an independent check on every candidate's driving record prior to the interview?

They do not do independent check on every candidate's driving record prior to the interview. You do not have tickets, you should be last person to worry about this... just take a copy of your record to be in the safe side. I have 4 tickets that I have already paid for in the last 3 years... I have no records that I can prove that I paid them... not sure where I can get that from???
Ghanta Bro,

From My interview experience (I had 7 tickets) the IO was concerned about three things:

1. If they were serious (drug or DUI types)
2. Each ticket was less than $500
3. I had paid them.

DMV records are sometimes not detailed and may not mention the fine and/or disposition. But it is a starting point. If you know where you got the tickets, the local county court will give you a certified disposition letter. you can Google them for phone numbers.

For tickets I got in NY I called the DMV directly and explained that I needed proof of payment for citizenship interview. So the representative mailed me a letter saying that payment has been received and she was kind enough to put the fine amount on them. IO was satisfied.

The key is you need to keep calling the DMV or other agency till you find someone who is sympathetic to help you out. Good Luck.
Ok thank you for the information. As previously indicated, i do not have any tickets and pray i do not get any before the interview date.

One final thing i failed to mention, i have an out of state drivers license and i never switched it to my residence state license because i do not have a car and also because i plan on moving back to the east coast very soon.

Anyone know if this can create an issue with the IO?
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Ok thank you for the information. As previously indicated, i do not have any tickets and pray i do not get any before the interview date.

One final thing i failed to mention, i have a NJ drivers license and i never switched it to a California State license because i do not have a car here in San Jose and also because i plan on moving back to the east coast in a month or so.

Anyone know if this can create an issue with the IO?

You will be asked to show your drivers license at the start of the interview (along with your passport and GC). Showing a license with a different address than the one you are claiming as your residence is likely to cause the IO to request additional proof of residence, so be prepared.

Additionally, if you are planning to move residence into a different USCIS district, you need to be aware that filing an AR-11 during the N-400 process will typically causes a delay of 4+ months.
Thanks Boatbod- I wasn't aware i would be requested to show a proof of residence if i provide an out of state drivers license. I will make sure I take my tenants agreement, cable bill, bank statements etc showing my in state address when i go for the interview.

Regarding the AR-11, my plan was to tell the IO officer AFTER being notified that i have passed the interview that i plan on going out of state for a few months with the hopes of pushing my oath proceedings to the state where i plan on moving to. Now if it is going to take a few months or so to process this, i'll just tell the IO officer that i will travel back for the "in state" oath.

What do you guys think?
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Rick can you please elaborate further on what you mean by me doing the Interviewing Officer's job? Thanks
Should I mention a Dismissed Reckless Driving Ticket

I'm going thru the N400 form, in 1999 I got a reckless driving ticket but it was dismissed.

When I filed my family based 485 three years ago I didn't mention that as I thought it's only a traffic ticket, but now I learned it's a misdemeaner

My question is should I mention this in the N400 and what happens if they compare this with my GC papers and find out a discrepancy?

Will that affect the good moral character requirement (the ticket was 10 years ago)
Traffic citation just before Oath ceremony


I got a traffic citation during this long weekend holidays.
It is a traffic violation only( crossing double yellow lanes).
My oath is on 11th July at Los Angeles Convention Center.

I called LA Superior Court and they mentioned it will not be in the system till 2 to 3 weeks.

I am worried what happens during the oath ceremony.
Will they allow me or refuse to take oath ?

I am ready to pay fine and clear it if I can but the time is so short I could not do any thing about it.

I need to mark it as yes for traffic citation on N-445 form(Oath invitation)

Please help if you have any suggestion.
