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  1. A

    "Put in the queue for an interview"

    Good indicator of a namecheck completion for those stuck for more than 15 months can be a 2nd FP notice. Presumably USCIS won't send a 2nd notice if namecheck is not completed. So, if your namecheck is completed, then you should be getting FP notice within the next few weeks. PD: 01/19/07...
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    Atlanta GA - N-400 Timeline

    My namecheck was cleared on May 20 and I've had a second FP on June 19. PD: 01/19/2007 Have not received IL, so can't answer your question. You are in a tricky situation with FP, since FP expire after 15 months. So, depending on when exactly you had your FP, you might need to redo...
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    Atlanta GA - N-400 Timeline

    Send a letter to congressman and First Lady. Letter to the First Lady will be forwarded to FBI, which will (or will not) reply to you informing on the day when the name check has started. I've sent 3 letters to First Lady. Got 1 reply (only on the first one). But it seems like the 3rd one...
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    Atlanta GA - N-400 Timeline

    citizen 400, My timelines: PD - 01/19/2007 FP - 02/23/2007 Namecheck started - 02/02/2007 Namecheck finished - 05/20/2008 Still waiting on second FP notice and IL....
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    Received a Letter From FBI

    Do you think sending a letter to VP will help to speed up the process? VP's office forwards letters to INS and they usually send a response within 3-4 weeks.
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    Received a Letter From FBI

    Just called INS using Bob Smith's method (THANK YOU for that!!!!) and IO confirmed that my name check has cleared on May 20 and case is in queue for the interview. I've also asked about my fingerprints, since I've figured that they should be expired by INS rules and she has confirmed that...
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    Received a Letter From FBI

    I've just got a phone call from a congressman office and the lady told me that she has just received a response from INS that my background check has cleared on May 20. (she said fingreprint check, but it can't be fingerprint check, since that one has cleared last year) and that my case is in...
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    light at the end of tunnel or a mirage for name check

    I think it is an old news. They've announced it last December. And then FBI announced that they would clean up the backlog in 6 months. But, only several weeks later, they've anounced that they would clean up the backlog in 12 months. So, as you can see, they have no clue when they will...
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    FBI Name Check

    You are correct. By my estimates for Atlanta DO last year - if you don't get IL within 12 days after FP then you are screwed. Another thing to consider though is that name check starts before the FP. For example my PD is Jan. 19, 2007, namecheck was initiated Feb. 2, 2007, and FP was...
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    FBI Name Check

    I am stuck since Jan 2007. I've sent bunch of letters with no luck.... For WOM you have to wait for 2-3 years and 13**b does not apply without an interview. My explanation for this is that DHS still can't figure who were those hijackers on 9/11. First they thought they were Iraqis and...
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    Atlanta GA - N-400 Timeline

    Relax, enjoy life, and read about name check. In Atlanta DO, if you are past 3-4 months then you are definitely stuck in the name check process. My timelines (Atlanta DO): PD: Jan. 19 FP: Feb. 25 IL: ??? My case (as well as ~400,000 others) is currently stuck on FBI name check.
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    Interesting citizenship numbers

    In addition to fee hike, another factor is 9/11. Yes, terrorists and legal immigrants are connected :) To be specific: right after 9/11 all INS service centers were closed for 6-9 months to "improve their processes" or whatever was the reason for that. And 3-5 years from that time we...
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    Atlanta GA - N-400 Timeline

    I bet that your source inside FBI is called FOIPA, which is not the same as the name check. But checking either you are stuck in the name check or not is fairly easy: send a letter to your congressman or Vice President. You will probably get a reply that you are stuck within a month. FYI...
  14. A

    What do processing dates exactly mean?

    If I were you then I would be very careful relying on your citizenship being done by December. You are clearly stuck in the name check if you know other people from your DO who already had their interviews, but have applied after you. For your name being common / uncommon or having no...
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    Atlanta GA - N-400 Timeline

    Name check takes unknown time to complete .... My info: PD: 01/19/07 FP: 02/16/07 IL: ???? After reading various boards, I would not recommend taking an InfoPass, since IO will not tell you anything except your "background check is pending"... InfoPass is not going to hurt, but...
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    Atlanta GA - N-400 Timeline

    No, still waiting... PD: 01/19/2007 FP: 02/16/2007 My case is also still active (Received & Pending) on uscis website
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    Atlanta GA - N-400 Timeline

    Yes, you can check fingerprints status. There is a phone # on page 8 or 9 of this thread. But it is not going to help you. 99.9% that they will tell you that they've received your fingerprints on X.X and send them to USCIS on the same day. The issue, which is holding most people (and some even...
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    Atlanta GA - N-400 Timeline

    Thanks. The reason I've asked is that I have: DO: Atlanta 16-Jan-07: Mailed N400 to TSC 19-Jan-07: Priority Date 16-Feb-07: FP Date I have not received IL yet and my case is still showing up at website. I have called FBI (the phone #, which was posted in this thread)...
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    Atlanta GA - N-400 Timeline

    mpanati, Has your case disappeared online at TSC? Thanks.