FBI Name Check


New Member
My application for N-400 was filed at TSC in June 2006. FP done during July 06 and I am stuck with FBI name check.

Any suggestions other than Writ Madamas????

Start writing letters. Not sure if they work or not but it helps to build a case if you decided to sue. Laura Bush, Congressman/woman, senators, vice president. Anyone you can think of.
I'm stuck in name check too. Do you have a russian name by any chance?

I guess I should prepare myself to be another name check victim! I've been hearing a lot about Russians being stuck in name check lately. Is it all Russians across the board, or just those with more common names?
Not sure about ppl with common names, my name is quite unique. I doubt there's another person exist with the same first/last name combination as myself. Also, I know some other russians who were struck down by FBI name check. Go figure...
Not sure about ppl with common names, my name is quite unique. I doubt there's another person exist with the same first/last name combination as myself. Also, I know some other russians who were struck down by FBI name check. Go figure...
You're probably right. Name Albert is extremely rare in Russia. Look like ex-USSR has special scenario in Name Check algorithm. :D
But don't worry, we're not the only one among 320K. I work with Polish guy who's stuck for over a year. But who knows ... His name is Andrzej and maybe name check made our names look same way - Andrey. :cool:
I'm a Russian with a rare name as well. I've done various searches on my last name, and, apparently, I'm the only person in the U.S. who has it. My first name is not very common either. I'm liking albertr's idea of a possible class action lawsuit. Although I don't know whether or not I'll be stuck in name check (hopefully, an InfoPass in March will shed some light on that), I am mentally preparing myself for the possibility. Are there any other Russians on this forum who are stuck in name check?
I'm a Russian with a rare name as well. I've done various searches on my last name, and, apparently, I'm the only person in the U.S. who has it. My first name is not very common either. I'm liking albertr's idea of a possible class action lawsuit. Although I don't know whether or not I'll be stuck in name check (hopefully, an InfoPass in March will shed some light on that), I am mentally preparing myself for the possibility. Are there any other Russians on this forum who are stuck in name check?

All kinds of names get stuck. Check out a sample:

Hmm, do I smell a class-action lawsuit here?

Forget about it. Это недоказуемо. You may have much more luck with either WoM or 120-days. I'm thinking sometimes about 1447b but I'm greedy (waste of $350) and lazy (Pro Se). But who knows .... maybe. :rolleyes:
Also stuck in the FBI namecheck, also with a Russian name

Hi all,

Me too, I have a pretty unique Russian name (although it is not "Stuck In INS"), stuck in the namecheck since March '07.
I know a few Russians who did NOT get stuck in name check, but reading this thread really makes it seem like there's a good chance of it happening. I am most definitely planning on filing a WOM if I get stuck in name check for more than 18 months. I recently came across a post from a person who's been stuck since 2004(!!!). I have a feeling that unless a judicial remedy is used, a name check victim is completely fogotten about.
I know one too - my wife. :D
My PD is Jan '06 and on Feb 1st I have 2 years since NC started. :eek:

I've heard about similar situations. In fact, there are a few posts on this forum where it was stated that Russian women who applied for naturalization cleared the name check without a problem, while their husbands got stuck. I don't know if you've seen my post about a friend of mine who got stuck in name check, so here's the story, in case you haven't read it. She applied along with her whole family (parents and a sister). The parents and the sister have already taken their oaths and gotten their passports. Since taking her fingerprints, my friend hasn't heard anything from the USCIS. Situations like that only prove that the name check is a mystery as big as the Black Hole.
This system of case submission/processing is flawed. They got own money upfront, of course they don't have any incentives to work on it since money is already pocketed.
This system of case submission/processing is flawed. They got own money upfront, of course they don't have any incentives to work on it since money is already pocketed.

Agreed. The USCIS is a priority level 3 customer, which means that there is no time constraint on their requests. Basically, unless you file a WOM, you can be stuck in name check for an undetermined number of years.
I am stuck since Jan 2007. I've sent bunch of letters with no luck....
For WOM you have to wait for 2-3 years and 13**b does not apply without an interview.

My explanation for this is that DHS still can't figure who were those hijackers on 9/11. First they thought they were Iraqis and invaded Iraq, now they are actively screening Russians... These hijackers were from SA after all :)
My explanation for this is that DHS still can't figure who were those hijackers on 9/11. First they thought they were Iraqis and invaded Iraq, now they are actively screening Russians... These hijackers were from SA after all :)

Perhaps DHS and CIA are hiding something from us. Could it be that Mohammed Atta was really "Mikhail Adamov"? :rolleyes:
I've heard about similar situations. In fact, there are a few posts on this forum where it was stated that Russian women who applied for naturalization cleared the name check without a problem, while their husbands got stuck. I don't know if you've seen my post about a friend of mine who got stuck in name check, so here's the story, in case you haven't read it. She applied along with her whole family (parents and a sister). The parents and the sister have already taken their oaths and gotten their passports. Since taking her fingerprints, my friend hasn't heard anything from the USCIS. Situations like that only prove that the name check is a mystery as big as the Black Hole.

Couple I know has different situation - he got it and she's stuck. Don't try to find pattern here. The reason might me trivial. Russians are stuck due to high gang activity in 90th and hard work of some deflectors (Mitrokhin Archive) who copy classified KGB archives with intention to sell. Keep in mind that terrorism is not the only National security threat. Please add spies, gangs, drug dealers to the list. High volume of records, high chance to get a NC hit. Females statistically are more law abiding and that's why have higher chance to pool through unscratched.