Hi, 4 days passed after last message. I have experience after reading this forum that MAJORITY of people who were VERY ACTIVE asking LOTS of questions and being VERY NERVOUS after getting Referral just disappear giving ZERO feedback to people.Still decision was mailed .
For someone who wrote to me before and it is not appearing here . I asked about the EAD . I have one and my fees all paid off . And SSN fingerprint done since I came here . They said I do not need a new EAD .
A lot of asylee get decision was mailed and nothing else to it . Maybe each case is different I do not know .
I nothing changed on the case status and I will keep checking will inform u with any news .
To make it USEFUL for other people will think that you got referral and it confirms that “decision was mailed” without “fees were waived” within 1-2 days is 100% bad decision.
P.S. if you want people to help you, be ready to help with feedback here when you have result or just answer to questions.
Even if you were busy you found time for 19 messages and opening new topics so being busy is not good excuse for SILENCE
I ask everybody on this forum be not only “getters” but be “givers” too