There are two sides: the law says you have rights abcdef etc. USCIS specifically operates using their own rules, which are sometimes illegal, unlawfulNo, by law you don't have a right, but not ever asylum is in the same situation, if you have family members who are getting persecuted because of the wait time. you don't have any choice but to file for a mandamus.
In this case, in our analysis we are focusing on what USCIS is doing on the ground, how they are operating.
Keeping kids in cages? Fast track deportations? No decision for years after interview? Denying claims, even when there is evidence of credible fear? Mass arrests? Detention of asylum seekers? These are all potentially illegal things all dhs agencies are doing. They are not operating within the law. So, not helpful to try to force them to do things using the law. You will not win.