You just have to follow-up with the local field office near you. Go and check with them.
Caution: The immigration system, the asylum process, has no heart, doesn't care about the current state of the applicant: whether the applicant is poor, whether the applicant is struggling, etc. They only care about the merits of the case. Look at how they are treating the refugees from latin america on the southern border. They don't care. So, do not ever bring up your situation to them, do not tell them that you are struggling, do not say that you are living on the street etc. They interpret that as meaning you are applying for asylum because you are an economic refugee.
I don't know what city you are in. If you are in NYC or Chicago...go to the Dept of Health - Family Services. Sign-up with your family, they will find you housing, pretty fast. They will pay for it until you are able to afford it. Normally, you get these city benefits even if you have no legal status. Cities do not care about your status, for the most part, unlike the federal or state govts.
Be prepared to struggle for the next few years until your case is approved. As someone who has gone through this process, I can assure you that these dark days will come to pass. From hereon, things will only get better. Do not lose hope or get frustrated. It will work out. Good luck.