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Upcoming month's visa bulletin: MARCH 2014 ~ Discussion/Predictions/Chat

dear fren same chat had been done 3 month before with embassy of Nepal about the cutoff and that time they had told 4300 when actual cutoff came it was like 2650 so i donot think they may have any idea about cutoff..still yesterday when i had chat with kcc about possible cutoff for KCC for next month lady in phone told that it will be like 5k for sure but cannot say how much it will be in exact...
Hey Folks,

Managed to have a chat with someone in the US Embassy, Colombo. Got an indirect statement saying that there's an 80% chance that asia will go up by a very little as usual next month. more like 500-800. Its not confirmed as they wont guarantee this information cuz its more like inside information. Sorry Asians, looks like another slow month for us. but will keep this forum updated with any info i get.
dear fren same chat had been done 3 month before with embassy of Nepal about the cutoff and that time they had told 4300 when actual cutoff came it was like 2650 so i donot think they may have any idea about cutoff..still yesterday when i had chat with kcc about possible cutoff for KCC for next month lady in phone told that it will be like 5k for sure but cannot say how much it will be in exact...

Thats good news then mate, as long as it goes faster, the better. As i mentioned the statement couldn't be guaranteed and its only an 80% chance. So lets hope and pray the info i received is wrong!!
dear fren same chat had been done 3 month before with embassy of Nepal about the cutoff and that time they had told 4300 when actual cutoff came it was like 2650 so i donot think they may have any idea about cutoff..still yesterday when i had chat with kcc about possible cutoff for KCC for next month lady in phone told that it will be like 5k for sure but cannot say how much it will be in exact...

Rayme, you mean 5k case # increase or the case # will be 5k next month. If the latter then it only increased by 675 which is not a good news for Asia.
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she said the cutoff will be 5k that means just cutoff not increase ,but also she was sure on this but couldnot say exactly how much 5200 or 5900 but during the conversation she was referring for less increase for asia.. so this time too we asian will be upset by the cutoff for sure and talks about limit to iran and Nepal i donot think it will ever happen this year..
Rayme, you mean 5k case # increase or the case # will be 5k next month. If the latter then it only increased by 675 which is not a good news for Asia.
she said the cutoff will be 5k that means just cutoff not increase ,but also she was sure on this but couldnot say exactly how much 5200 or 5900 but during the conversation she was referring for less increase for asia.. so this time too we asian will be upset by the cutoff for sure and talks about limit to iran and Nepal i donot think it will ever happen this year..

Well like see how it turn out to be. Even without special cut off, it cannot run with case # of less than 2k, it just cannot fulfill the quota with this rate. I still think special cut off is happening next bulletin.
Let say not special cut off or big jump for Asia the the remaining 6 months, the max case # will be less than 9k and based on CEAC, it cannot even hit 5k visa issue. And at least 10k selectees out of 23k selectees will not get their chances if this happening. Only 6 months left, I don't think they can still do what they did for the last 6 months. They have to do think faster, at least with 2k increased each month regardless of whether there is any special cut off.
Let say not special cut off or big jump for Asia the the remaining 6 months, the max case # will be less than 9k and based on CEAC, it cannot even hit 5k visa issue. And at least 10k selectees out of 23k selectees will not get their chances if this happening. Only 6 months left, I don't think they can still do what they did for the last 6 months. They have to do think faster, at least with 2k increased each month regardless of whether there is any special cut off.

So right and what you just said is applicable to all the other region ! So something will happen surely and get things started ...
As far as I know it is assumed that the number of holes and selectee count must be directly proportional but the dv 014 is diverted the way and it is invertionally proportionaled, I might be wrong. From the development of this empirical relation could not bottleneck AS and other regions at the end of this fiscal year!!!
I hope there must accelerate the cutoff from April, we have no more months n gonna decline from acme but still remain colossal case numbers. The thousands of selectee are disappointed from the previous couple of months, so they have to plan!!!
We have claimed something will happen in upcoming month and again next months n so on n slumped down each day
Which month will be the turning point?????(after sep....ha ha ha)
Hey Simon, seems like you're equally popular to Justin Beiber mate, to have an infatuated fan base! lol
I think DV14 is more scary.

This whole DV process and waiting for your interview is like you're on a drug and on a roller coaster , makes your mind go bonkers! Again on the bright side an experience only a few of us get to go through
This whole DV process and waiting for your interview is like you're on a drug and on a roller coaster , makes your mind go bonkers! Again on the bright side an experience only a few of us get to go through

OMG!!! How do you know how that feels? Jesus! I think it's scary, overwhelming, exciting, nerve-wracking... but "on a drug and on a roller coaster" damn...
OMG!!! How do you know how that feels? Jesus! I think it's scary, overwhelming, exciting, nerve-wracking... but "on a drug and on a roller coaster" damn...

LOL Veronice - I am sure Lionhawk was just speculating about the roller coaster whilst high thing! ;-)
LOL Veronice - I am sure Lionhawk was just speculating about the roller coaster whilst high thing! ;-)

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Must be really "something" that mix Lionhawk suggests. On the other hand, BritJustin... driving a lambo in Miami and having a fan club? You're preparing very well for your upcoming Hollywood lifestyle!!!