TSC I-140 board on Fec 19, 2002, come in, a lot new approvals

Not surprizing the updates of Texas INS systems have been a mess

From today\'s Yahoo news:

Man Sentenced To 25 Years In Child Sex Case

A Bexar County jury Thursday sentenced a Bulverde man to 25 years in prison in a child sex case.

Patrick McShane (pictured, left), 52, had been charged with indecency with a child and six other counts, including taking pictures of a young girl in sex acts.

But on Wednesday McShane pleaded guilty to one count of aggravated sexual assault in the 379th District Court.

McShane is a former computer system manager at the San Antonio Immigration and Naturalization Office.

To my utmost surprize, my case has been approved .. This is definitely by the grace of GOD and well-wishes from all of you.... Going for AOS, see you all there...

Good luck all of you my friends....

RD: 10/1
ND: 11/5
Country: Others
Another EB2 Approval !!!

Just wanted to let everyone know that my I-140 petition has been approved. Just heard the good news on the AVM.

Here are my details :


RD 08/20/2001
ND 09/07/2001
AD 02/20/2002

I have been a regular silent watcher of this forum. I wish everybody lots of luck and hope that TSC will keep the approvals coming. Going for AOS - see you all there :)
My guess is a month or so. What are your Receive Dates (RDs) and Notice Dates (NDs)?


I am a silent watcher of this thread for the past month or so, very helpful. Just checked AVM and suprisingly heard what I long waited for.

RD 5-16-2001
ND 6-12-2001
AD 2-19-2002

Good luck to you all!
How come EB1 case in March 2001 is still not approved? what\'s the f**king going on?

The tracking list shows some EB1 case filed bofore May 2001 is still not approved. But EB2 and BE3 cases filed after JUly are approved. So unfair!!!!!

Hi guys,
My case
RD 06/05/01
ND 07/26/2001
was approved today 02/21

Thanks to all you guys.
Hi GKING, Can you tell me ND from my SRC #

My I-140 details:

RD: 11/05/01 (According to AVM)
SRC: 02-029-XXXXX

If you look at 3 digits following SRC-02, it is 029. Does it mean, my ND is 10/29/01 ???.

By the way, can you estimate time for my I-140 approval ?.

Thanks inadvance
Gking, If I\'m Miss Cleo, you are the Amazing Kreskin

Glad to see all the approvals. Its about time.
Lets keep it going.
I was fortunate enough to get our families applications in 5 days before the fee increase. Just got the 485 receipts.
029 would be business days after start of fiscal year

That would put your ND at November 8th. As for processing time, get out your dart board, it could be another month, or it could be 4.
TSC has done this before, where they all of a sudden jump way ahead and then stop (remember August-September?). Lets hope it continues this time. Pretty soon, people will also file premium, which **should** help in the processing of other cases.

your ND is November 5, 2002.. Your RD would be some earlier date, probably first week of October.. AVM tells ND as RD... But actual RD could be different...
tracker update- iam willing

i know people are busy and stuff but with all this approvals it is necessary tracker be updated daily
i know hari has been doing it alone and hence would like to share the responsibility and do the update. i feel i can manage to do the update daily
please let me know how to go about doing it
Texy ....a weird experience!

 I had a weird experience y\'day. I checked the AVM at 6 in the evening y\'day and it said that the case was still pendng.
I again checked it around 11 at night just for the heck of it and it said the case was approved y\'day.
Sounds weird isn\'t it?
No Title

Thanks TexasLucky, Even I tried thrice yesterday at 6PM, 9PM and 12 AM but unfortunately NO Change.I am really Happy for all those guys whose cases were approved in past 2 days but at the same time I am feeling scared as I am the one left in between. Hope I hear some good news today.

Also Wish you good Luck for your I485 Stage.


RD 30 JUN 01
ND 30 JUL 01
No Title

GKing, I am really confused about this TSC AVM thing. Do they update every day?. If NOT how can our guys know that their case has been approved?. I am just curious. When are you expecting u\'rs !!! Thanks
Gking ! What is u\'r ND and middle 3 digits fo SRC !!

My ND is 9/24 and 276 is SRC. When do U think that mine will be thru..... Thanks.
INS called lawyer for AOS or CP??

Hello everybody,

Category: EB2(RIR)
RD = 10/11/2001
ND = 11/08/2001

My first post here after waiting in the sideline for some time. Let me congratulate you all on keeping everybodys spirit high. And now that TSC is showing some signs of life, it sure has raised all our hopes.

My lawyer received a call today from INS asking if I wanted to do an adjustment of status in US or go for CP, although my I-140 visa petition clearly mentioned AOS. Has anybody come across such a situation? Does this mean my case has been adjudicated? Is this a good sign or an ominous one? With so much of randomness at TSC, anything is possible. Somebody please shed some light on this.