TSC I-140 board on Fec 19, 2002, come in, a lot new approvals


Guys.. I have a question for you all, specially GKing.. If you look at the tracker you will see that the cases, which have September ND, have very small differences between RD and ND..For example, GINA\'s RD 9/19 and ND 9/21, OLGA\'s RD 9/26 & ND 9/26, Huashan Li\'s RD 9/24 & ND 9/27... But cases which have October ND, have quite a big differences in their NDs and RDs... I have also noticed that there are not many cases with October ND...

I assume that this because TSC had a loooooooooooooong audit in October... Basically, if you look at my case, probably you will see the difference.. Although they received it in September 26th, my RD is October 1 and my ND is November 5th..

I was just wondering if you guys know anything about it.....

From AVM they said they received my I-140 on Sep 10th, my attorny told the notice date on my I-140 is Aug 24th, Could somebody tell me which one is RD and which one is ND? I am still waiting.

According to AVM and your I-797 notice of action (Approval notice), the Receipt Date (of Receipt Notice) is the Notice Date.. But on your reciept notice, you will find the actual receipt date ..

(Receipt date is the date when they received the package.. Notice date is when they enter all the information in the system...)

Did I confuse you more?????
GKing, It is first time in TSC one day 10 approvals. Mine\'s still old 200...to..

275 days message. ND 09/14/01 EB3(RIR). Waiting for good news. Hari, please update tracking with Gking List. Hope

to see all this approvals is tsc in its sences.
BTW gking what is your estimate of likely date november EB2RIR cases would be taken up?

Look like Aug. 01 cases are getting approved, that means all Aug and Sep. cases are assigned to IIO\'s. and Oct has very less submissions so hopefully the next lot of transfers from building A to B will have Nov. cases. And I think it could be in early March, and might be we will see some approvals of oct-nov. in March.
So cross the fingers and wait.
Talked to IIO just few minutes back

Congratulation to all approved. You guys are through big I-140 hurdle.

Just talked to IIO. She told me that my case is yet not assigned to any IIO & she told me that TSC is processing 4/10/01 cases. When I told are there had been some approval with ND in Sept 01 she says no way. We process cases in order.

I think she does not work in TSC, just dreams all theory at work.

Any way, will get through this someday.

EB2-RIR, ND 7/25
My case still waiting: RD: Jun 29, 2001, ND: July 30, 2001, RIR EB2

I am gald to see the progress in past two day and hope best happen to rest of us soon.

entries 69 and 78 are one and the same person shoney. can we delete one entry as this person is approved and gone long back

No Title

GKing you are right Feb 19 was a special day.I remember you saying that TSC must be holding on approvals till Feb 19 as the new filling fees for 485 becomes effective then, WOW what a foresight :))))

watchTSC,I think we all are stuck for a while i.e all cases with ND between 24 JULY and 31 JULY. But I have a feeling that we should be able to hear the good news today.

RD 30 JUn 01
ND 30 JUL 01
Don\'t rely on that !

I talked to an IIO last week on 2/12 and I was informed that my case was in transit to be assigned. So I was expecting it will be another week before it gets assigned and may be another couple of weeks before it gets approved. But it got approved yesterday. So I think your approval is just around the corner.
ND: 7/27
AD: 2/20

GKing, My AD was 2/20 and not 2/19.
No Title

Case Transferred to NSC on 02/06/02
Which AVM do I need to check?
If NSC should SRC be replaced with LIN and checked?
or just the same No..
Do provide TSC/NSC AVM#.
NYMan (Texas to Nebraska)
No Title

Case Transferred to NSC on 02/06/02
Which AVM do I need to check?
If NSC should SRC be replaced with LIN and checked?
or just the same No..
Do provide TSC/NSC AVM#.
NYMan (Texas to Nebraska)
case assigned to officer means...?

Hi, one of my cases (NIW and EB1-EA) has been assigned to an officer this month at TSC, how long does it take to get further info? Thank you.


I just checked the AVM. It says My case was approved.

EB 3 (RIR)
RD oct 3
ND nov 6
AD feb 20 2002

Good luck to you all.
72tulsa, Very much congratulations! It is superfast case from TSC if I am not wrong Please

post your CASE SRC 3 digits.