TSC Consolidated 485 Tracker

socialmix said:
He didn't mention any specific timeframe when they are going to start employee based applications...

I am stuck in Name Check... (according to TSC 2 months back...) , after that I called coulpe of times they never gave info about it. I filed a inquire about my case ... my RD is past due...

well u can go to an infopass apointment and inquire there about ur namecheck. how common is ur name? did u do anything to expedite ur namecheck?

I called USCIS last week and they also recommended that I should make an appointment through InfoPass to check my namecheck, background check etc.
So I am curious whether you manage to get these information when you went for your appointment? Did they give you a hard time? Thanks>
I called TSC today and they told that my namecheck is still pending. see my signature. does this mean that i'm offcially stuck in this FBI namecheck hole or not yet?

anybody had his namecheck cleared in few motnhs after the submission? or it is either 2 weeks or 3 yrs nothing in between?

Antonio 77
I also took an infopass appointment to verify name check status. The person was very friendly and informed that even USCIS cannot tell about namecheck! So infopass to verify name check does not really mean anything.
Dull in Dallas said:
Antonio 77
I also took an infopass appointment to verify name check status. The person was very friendly and informed that even USCIS cannot tell about namecheck! So infopass to verify name check does not really mean anything.

what do u mean they can't tell about namecheck? they tell if they received it back from fbi or not. and this the most important. once they receive it, they can process ur I485 otherwise they can't .
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What is the I-485 process at TSC ?

Is it the following

1. Receive application
2. Send FP notice
3. Submit name for extended security check
4. Only when (3) is completed , check for other
details of the submitted application and
issue RFE/Approve/Deny if FD is at the
current processint time range.

I wish most of the (4) is done in parallel to (3).
For eg. my FD is July 27, 2006 and don't know name check is cleared or
not. maybe it is still in namecheck. But i guess they won't look at my
other papers since my FD is later than the current processing time.
If namecheck clears fast , they may immediately revisit the case regardless
of the current processing time. That is why we heard stories in this forum
of type "applied in Oct, approved in Nov" .
prince123 said:
Is it the following

1. Receive application
2. Send FP notice
3. Submit name for extended security check
4. Only when (3) is completed , check for other
details of the submitted application and
issue RFE/Approve/Deny if FD is at the
current processint time range.

I wish most of the (4) is done in parallel to (3).
For eg. my FD is July 27, 2006 and don't know name check is cleared or
not. maybe it is still in namecheck. But i guess they won't look at my
other papers since my FD is later than the current processing time.
If namecheck clears fast , they may immediately revisit the case regardless
of the current processing time. That is why we heard stories in this forum
of type "applied in Oct, approved in Nov" .

just call TSC or take an infopass and u will know about ur namecheck.

In my case the infopass officer looked into his computer and informed that he has received it back from FBI - but cannot say anything more than that. He said the 'background check' is still pending! and my case is under review. He also told me I am in good shape!! :eek: This happened around a month back and still no sign of approval or LUDs.
Dull in Dallas said:
In my case the infopass officer looked into his computer and informed that he has received it back from FBI - but cannot say anything more than that. He said the 'background check' is still pending! and my case is under review. He also told me I am in good shape!! :eek: This happened around a month back and still no sign of approval or LUDs.

i think u got confused between fbi fingerptrints which i think the officer tiold u that it was received. but when he say background check is opending it means that ur namecheck is still stuck. i beleive that what he told u was unclear and things r confused. i think u should take another infopass and talk with another more clear agent.
just call TSC or take an infopass and u will know about ur namecheck

Could you please tell me the number of TSC . Is it the 800 number listed in the USCIS website


I 485 RD July 10th , FP July 27th , LUD 8/11 /06
rajeshus99 said:
just call TSC or take an infopass and u will know about ur namecheck

Could you please tell me the number of TSC . Is it the 800 number listed in the USCIS website


I 485 RD July 10th , FP July 27th , LUD 8/11 /06

ya it is thr 1-800 number. did u inquire before about ur namecheck?
TSC phone number?

Does anybody know the TSC phone number.
I only have the general customer service 1-800 number, and I see in this forum a lot of people are saying that they called TSC directly. Please let me know how.

Also, anyone with transferred case from CSC in March 2006?
I think the TSC is having some problems with the transferred cases in March 2006.
rajeshus99 said:
No I didn't inquire . After applying my priory date went back and became current only in November

then u can inquire now and if u do. it will be nice to know when ur namecheck was initiated and when it was cleared, if it was. thks. just call TSC and they will tell u . i did it today.
Mike20006 said:
Does anybody know the TSC phone number.
I only have the general customer service 1-800 number, and I see in this forum a lot of people are saying that they called TSC directly. Please let me know how.

Also, anyone with transferred case from CSC in March 2006?
I think the TSC is having some problems with the transferred cases in March 2006.

this is the way:




My infopass experience

I Took info pass in San Jose today. Officier told me my FBI name check is pending. Then I ask when it was initiated, He told me it is Apr 14 this year. I ask him to printout my case status, but he only give me a fact sheet of USCIS back ground check which is on the USCIS web page. I then ask him to write down my case number on the fact sheet, also with words "Pending FBI name check" from Apr 14. He said normally they don't do that, but finally he wrote down it. When I ask him to write down his name, he become angery and said "what do you want", I said I want printout of my case status, he said "that's enough" I said "thank you" and end the conversation. Another bad experience in USCIS.
worriedEngineer said:
I Took info pass in San Jose today. Officier told me my FBI name check is pending. Then I ask when it was initiated, He told me it is Apr 14 this year. I ask him to printout my case status, but he only give me a fact sheet of USCIS back ground check which is on the USCIS web page. I then ask him to write down my case number on the fact sheet, also with words "Pending FBI name check" from Apr 14. He said normally they don't do that, but finally he wrote down it. When I ask him to write down his name, he become angery and said "what do you want", I said I want printout of my case status, he said "that's enough" I said "thank you" and end the conversation. Another bad experience in USCIS.

why u want an official receipt? from which country r u? how common is ur name?
Security checks question

Hi all -

I bit the bullet and called TSC today to check on my status. I had my FP done a couple of weeks ago but have not had a single LUD or update on my case since 10/28.

When I asked about my background check and fingerprinting check, the person said "your security checks have been processed". Does this mean my name check is cleared?