trips over 6 mos - interview approaching..

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The advice you got was based on the information you provided about your case. You provided that you didn't disclose two long trips that potentially broke your continuous residency ( a base requirement for eligibility) and that it is entirely ok not to disclose such trips. How else did you expect posters to respond??

you and others simply were wrong this time. Accept it and stop repeating yourself.
you and others simply were wrong this time. Accept it and stop repeating yourself.

Wrong about what? You need to stop kidding yourself and think it's ok not to disclose trips. What you don't know will bite you in the end.
you and others simply were wrong this time. Accept it and stop repeating yourself.

You obviously are here just to hear yourself babble. You have made nothing coherent in any of your statements, you know nothing about the immigration process and I'm actually tending to believe you made up this entire thread to start some drama.

Learn the immigration process and then come back with a valid post. Adi325, your comments are just plain stupid and immature. Drop it. Play time is over.

For those that are really serious about trips taken, they are well aware that everything counts. Nothing can be said to deny that fact...
You obviously are here just to hear yourself babble. You have made nothing coherent in any of your statements, you know nothing about the immigration process and I'm actually tending to believe you made up this entire thread to start some drama.

Learn the immigration process and then come back with a valid post. Adi325, your comments are just plain stupid and immature. Drop it. Play time is over.

For those that are really serious about trips taken, they are well aware that everything counts. Nothing can be said to deny that fact...

nobody cares what you say anyway, you are pointless. You don't know anything about citizenship, read others experiences to learn and come back or don't even come back. Please stop misleading people with your stupid and wrong advices and critics. Accept the fact that you are useless on this topic and people can actually learn something from my experience that can benefit from.

I can see you don't like my comments because is too hard for you to accept them as a fact. There is nothing you can do to change the facts, just deal with the fact that I got my citizenship legally and all of you can't sleep at night because of this :) :) :) Belive whatever you like. Who cares anyway??!!
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Wrong about what? You need to stop kidding yourself and think it's ok not to disclose trips. What you don't know will bite you in the end.

WRONG in giving advices to people. Admit it. If I were to follow your advices prior to my interview, you all said I will not get aproved. Remember??? So you were wrong. I was aproved.

DEAL WITH IT!!! And stop trying to defend yourself, you are not good in giving advices to people, try taking advices, that might work!
There is nothing you can do to change the facts, just deal with the fact that I got my citizenship legally and all of you can't sleep at night because of this :) :) :) Belive whatever you like. Who cares anyway??!!

You know, I was sympathetic to your little fits of denial up until this point because I thought you wanted to protect your achievement whatever one's opinion of it may be. Now though I realize that you're just here to provoke people and have no sense of decency. The best thing you could do at this point would be to slam your door and never again ask for advice on this forum as you've been nothing but rude to the people who tried to help you, even if you may have not liked the advice they prescribed.

Instead of thanking them for their opinions and saying that you considered them but made your own choice (remember, we are all responsible for our choices), you started acting childish here and accusing people of being stupid and "not sleeping at night" because some anonymous guy at an internet forum got his citizenship by not listing the full facts of his life.

Congratulations, you win the internet.
WRONG in giving advices to people. Admit it. If I were to follow your advices prior to my interview, you all said I will not get aproved. Remember??? So you were wrong. I was aproved.

DEAL WITH IT!!! And stop trying to defend yourself, you are not good in giving advices to people, try taking advices, that might work!

As I said before (over and over), you provided inconsistent facts in your case and you preached that you don't need to disclose travel dates. Enough said, the evidence speaks for itself.
You know, I was sympathetic to your little fits of denial up until this point because I thought you wanted to protect your achievement whatever one's opinion of it may be. Now though I realize that you're just here to provoke people and have no sense of decency. The best thing you could do at this point would be to slam your door and never again ask for advice on this forum as you've been nothing but rude to the people who tried to help you, even if you may have not liked the advice they prescribed.

Instead of thanking them for their opinions and saying that you considered them but made your own choice (remember, we are all responsible for our choices), you started acting childish here and accusing people of being stupid and "not sleeping at night" because some anonymous guy at an internet forum got his citizenship by not listing the full facts of his life.

Congratulations, you win the internet.

Please stop making useless coments! Thank you.
The advices I got from these people were wrong and the critics after, also wrong.

All of you critisizers, I've had enought from you, I should have not even listen to you in the first place. Just because you had this citizenship interview experience does not qualify you as someone who can give an advice to others and mislead them. Accept the reality. YOU WERE WRONG!
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Please stop making useless coments!

The only one making useless comments here is yourself. You are in deep denial that you weren't forthcoming with the details of your life, and that it's not the best of ways to get your citizenship.

The advices I got from these people were wrong and the critics after, also wrong.

No one said that you won't be able to have your application approved with false information. What everyone said was that such false information will make it easy for USCIS to de-naturalize you should they stumble upon such information in the future. Some reading comprehension is in order here.

They have to accept the reality. THEY WERE WRONG!

The reality is that you got your citizenship by less than ideal means. You are a prime target for de-naturalization should any internal investigation occur at USCIS. Instead of accepting this reality and living with it, you choose to deny it because it's easier to live that way.

It still doesn't make you "right" and us "wrong", however.
As I said before (over and over), you provided inconsistent facts in your case and you preached that you don't need to disclose travel dates. Enough said, the evidence speaks for itself.

Like I said this is nothing more then a forum troller who is just trying for attention by falsely making up garbage just to argue and get people riled up as well as put out false information for people that might be in situations about extended trips.

No one can really be this stupid and not a have a single clue about anything dealing with the N-400 process.

If the OP was legit they would have read the N-400 at least and realized what is expected and what is not for the interview and the oath. No one can really be this dumb and clueless with the process.

This thread by the OP was made as a joke, plain and simple and should not be taken seriously...
We shouldn't discount the possibility that this is a provocation from the Powers That Be, just to see people's reactions on such "interesting" news.
You all my critisizers are nothing but a bunch of idiots who know nothing about the immigration and try to mislead people with your stupid and unjustified advices.

Just because you passed the citizenship test does not give you the right to give others wrong advices and information because you don't want them to pass the citizenship test!

I prooved to all of you idiots that you were all wrong and have no ideea about this citizenship interview and cry out loud now because I pass the test and did not go the way you "predicted"! Shame on you!

You all my critisizers are nothing but a bunch of idiots who know nothing about the immigration and try to mislead people with your stupid and unjustified advices.

Just because you passed the citizenship test does not give you the right to give others wrong advices and information because you don't want them to pass the citizenship test!

I prooved to all of you idiots that you were all wrong and have no ideea about this citizenship interview and cry out loud now because I pass the test and did not go the way you "predicted"! Shame on you!


I suggest you leave this board before you are banned for good. You've taken this too far as it is. Consider this your final warning.
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