Tri-Valley University

tvu is fake. every one who are seeking admission they are up against issues in the future, to the worst being deported and a life long ban!
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If you are currently a student in good standing at another university, stay there. If not, go home and work on solving your academic problems.
i am bobby want to transfer tothis university , so i have lot of questions and doubts about it,, can u please help me out .
1. how many courses can be transfered from the previous university
2. some topics in the form says its a fraud what is that fraud?
3. if i join in it wat are the effects, can i have contact with any one who is studying there( from indian F-1 students).
please reply me ASAP becoz i am in big trouble...please consider me

I think it was posted somewhere, that TVU can transfer 3 ( 9 credits) courses to MS program, and 4 courses ( 12 credits) to Ph.D. program.
TVU is a well-respected Christian Higher Education Institution, no fraud as those Fraud people defamed. It is rather unfortunate that everyone take admission to TVU, or study at TVU have to be brushed with all of these fraudic shit by those fraudic crinimals , if the University did not bring those deformation criminals to court with the following wonderful evidence!
To join TVU, I think you will have a at least good, or a wonderful life!
TVU is a well-respected Christian Higher Education Institution, no fraud as those Fraud people defamed.
TVU is definitely NOT "well-respected." TVU is fake. TVU had just been pretending to be "Christian" to exploit a loophole in the California law which allowed for a religious exemption. That loophole has been closed since Jan. 2010.
FACT is that TVU is not accredited.
FACT is that TVU is not allowed to accept new students, since Jan. 1, 2010, per California law (see above.)

It is rather unfortunate that everyone take admission to TVU, or study at TVU have to be brushed with all of these fraudic shit
It is rather unfortunate that TVU personnel is not yet in prison.
And you claim to be a "Christian" organization and use expletives? Fecal language? Shame on you.
Of course, it only shows that TVU is a fraud.

To join TVU, I think you will have a at least good, or a wonderful life!
A "wonderful life" in a deportation cell and getting banned for life...
Like in this case:
TVU is a fraud, and people who want to have a future in the US avoid it.
Diploma Mill Functions as Immigration Scam

Diploma Mill Functions as Immigration Scam

Stephen Barrett, M.D.

Samuel Chai Cho Oh, 65, who operates California Union University (CUU) in Fullerton, California, has been charged with operating a scheme that enabled foreigners to enter and remain in the United States by pretending that they were students at his school. The CUU Web site states that CUU was founded in 1979 and received approval from the California State Department of Education in 1986. The California Postsecondary Education Commission Web site describes CCU this way:

California Union University is established to train effective and helpful workers/students in various fields. CUU is dedicated to preparing men and women for a multiplicity of professional endeavors as well as to serve in the manifold ministries in local perishes, parachurch agencies, and educational institution [1].

Until October 2009, when its federal certification was revoked, CUU was authorized by the Department of Homeland Security to accept foreign students pursuing an education in religious and biblical studies, English as a second language (ESL) and oriental medicine.

Foreigners who wish to attend schools in the United States must first obtain an F-1 nonimmigrant visa. To obtain this status, they must present a certificate of eligibility from a government-approved school that has accepted them as full-time students. After the visa is granted, they may enter the United States 30 days before classes begin and must depart within 60 days after graduation. School are required to monitor their students' progress and report when their studies are completed. The criminal complaint states that since 1999—in return for payment—Oh recruited "students" and filed false reports that enabled them to remain in the United States even though they were not attending classes [2].

In March 2009, Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents and a compliance team from the Student and Exchange Visitor Program (SEVP) paid an unannounced visit to the CUU campus. At the time, CUU had more than 300 students on its rolls. According to the case affidavit, Oh conceded during that visit that 75% of the school's students did not attend class regularly and he could only produce course schedules for computer and ESL classes, even though the school was certified to accept foreign students in several other disciplines [3].

About two months later, a cooperating source familiar with Oh's business dealings told the investigators that (a) Oh and his staff forged signatures and falsified financial documents to obtain F-1 student visas and R-1 religious worker visas, (no classes are taught at the school, and (c) Oh collected $40,000 to $50,000 per months in fees. The investigators also interviewed more than 30 foreign nationals who said they paid fees ranging from $600 to more than $10,000 for documentation enabling them to fraudulently obtain student visas and, in some cases, bogus degrees. One witness, who purportedly received a bachelor's degree in education, recounted how Oh had staged a graduation ceremony at the campus in May, where students clad in caps and gowns, laughed as they received their phony diplomas.

"Graduation" photo released by ICE

In October, ICE agents executed a search warrant at the school, seizing computers and more than 300 student files. A review of that evidence showed that while the majority of CUU's enrollees were Korean, the school's student body included foreign nationals from more than 20 countries.

Oh, a naturalized U.S. citizen originally from Korea, also serves as pastor at Union Church on the CUU campus. If convicted of the conspiracy charge, he faces up to five years in prison. In addition to the criminal charge, ICE has seized more than $400,000 deposited in two separate bank accounts maintained by Oh and an associate [3].


California Union University. California Postsecondary Education Commission Web site, accessed Dec 28, 2009.
Criminal complaint. USA v. Samuel Chai Cho Oh, U.S. District Court, Central District of California, Magistrate's Case No. SA09-530M. Filed Dec 21, 2009.
California pastor charged in visa fraud scheme: Foreign nationals allegedly paid defendant thousands for aid in illegally obtaining student visas. ICE news release, Dec 23, 2009.
This article was posted on December 27, 2009.
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At last the inevitable had to happen.

My heart extends to all those who had been lured into their trap. i hope this does not mean an end to any immigration/work authorization your seeking.

wishing you all the luck
Hi. I am student on F1 visa I took transfer to this university from some other university. What about the option of b2 ( tourist visa) till we get admission for summer semester in other university.? please let me know
Can you connect with me, please?

My e-mail is I am a journalist and looking to get a student's version on what's going on at TVU?

I am studying my PhD at TVU. TVU is the world first University to have live classmeeting in the computer, all of my friends are so impressed and also join. The President has a golden Ruel to office staff: " Every studnet request has to be completed at the same day!", as the student increase, the office sometimes has been delayed in getting back to me, but they are adding more new staffs, so they can keep the golden rule! I am very happy. It is easier to concentrate on my computer, I can ask real questions, everyone see my picture and hear my voice. The university is mainly continue study, for us who can work and study --- to attend class on my computer. As for CPT, for gradaute degree, TVU can approve you for the first day you register class ( mine is so), but i heard for undegraduate, you have ot wait for a year. We have one accreditation and in the process of apply for another 2 accreditation agencies. Check the website
I head most accreditation requires 2 year of operation before apply, we are doing extremely good, since TVU at 2 year old already have accreditation, only thing is that it is an internal accreditaiton, the agency is not recognized by Department of Education, but the other we are applying one year ago is recognized by the Department of Education. I heard we are deferred to March of 2010. The management team is busy everyday to have auditting for the accreditation. Mostlikly we will have it this time, not enoug fund lasttime, now we have lots of students, the univeristy also purchase a new building. I realy hope that we can have it so that my degree is recognized, we are so much deserved, the classes are really good! I mean good quality!
I am student (ex) Tr-ivalley University and i have been interviewed by an ICE officer and issued me a NTA(Notice to appear)
I have also contacted a near by Attorney and he suggested that he can able to cancel the NTA by talking to the ICE officer.
So i have 3 Questions and i was in conference today and i was waiting for a chance to speak with you guys, Unfortunately could
not able to make it.

1.What should be the next step to go whether i have to consult the Attorney such that he can cancel the NTA and move further.

2.If the NTA is cancelled and then is there is any way to transfer any other accredited university.

3.What may be possible situation if the NTA is not cancelled. What would the Attorney will fight about.
I am student (ex) Tr-ivalley University and i have been interviewed by an ICE officer and issued me a NTA(Notice to appear)
I have also contacted a near by Attorney and he suggested that he can able to cancel the NTA by talking to the ICE officer.
So i have 3 Questions and i was in conference today and i was waiting for a chance to speak with you guys, Unfortunately could
not able to make it.

1.What should be the next step to go whether i have to consult the Attorney such that he can cancel the NTA and move further.

2.If the NTA is cancelled and then is there is any way to transfer any other accredited university.

3.What may be possible situation if the NTA is not cancelled. What would the Attorney will fight about.

1. YES PLEASE CONSULT YOUR ATTORNEY ASAP. NTA is the first step for Deportation. Ask your attorney for more options. Choose reputed Immigration Attorney.

2. Yes and No. It will judged by USCIS on case by case basis.

3. If NTA is not cancelled you may be deported. You have right to appeal to Immigration board in Virgina under may be 30 days. But that process takes time. Please Consult your attorney ASAP. Another option will be take Voluntarily Deportation rather than Removal, that way you may not be barred from entering USA again for 10 years.

Best of Luck and Sorry to hear your situation
Why dont u speak up now?

I think it was posted somewhere, that TVU can transfer 3 ( 9 credits) courses to MS program, and 4 courses ( 12 credits) to Ph.D. program.
TVU is a well-respected Christian Higher Education Institution, no fraud as those Fraud people defamed. It is rather unfortunate that everyone take admission to TVU, or study at TVU have to be brushed with all of these fraudic shit by those fraudic crinimals , if the University did not bring those deformation criminals to court with the following wonderful evidence!
To join TVU, I think you will have a at least good, or a wonderful life!
One student has done this.
Just go to india and tak enew visa and com back.
IF you have NTA from court go to court and take permision volunatary departure and that should be a problem.
First get admitted, or take accpetance ltter form a USCIS approved school in USA and then go to india.
Go to US embassy in India anad then take a new visa.
( You will considerd sinc eyou have valid visa)
And then you have will have new visa and new visa.
This case of Tri valley is going to tak elots of time months, till then the status will be on freeze(kind of frozen--can be considered out of status, illegal)
Safeside, go to india and get new visa.
YOur sevis is freezed, and you wil surely have problms going and back to USA.
And the USCIS is going to see each case individually,
Advice, to All students , Just belive in urself and go get a new visa and comabck.
A stitch in time saves 9.
All universities iwll accept you
If u have NTA from court go to and take permission tpo go to india
Voluantary departurte .
but wil not issue I20 till ur sevis is released by USCIS.
The US authoritities will listn to inidan high commision but do whatt the book
One student has done this.
Just go to india and tak enew visa and com back.
IF you have NTA from court go to court and take permision volunatary departure and that should be a problem.
First get admitted, or take accpetance ltter form a USCIS approved school in USA and then go to india.
Go to US embassy in India anad then take a new visa.
( You will considerd sinc eyou have valid visa)
And then you have will have new visa and new visa.
This case of Tri valley is going to tak elots of time months, till then the status will be on freeze(kind of frozen--can be considered out of status, illegal)
Safeside, go to india and get new visa.
YOur sevis is freezed, and you wil surely have problms going and back to USA.
And the USCIS is going to see each case individually,
Advice, to All students , Just belive in urself and go get a new visa and comabck.
A stitch in time saves 9.
All universities iwll accept you
If u have NTA from court go to and take permission tpo go to india
Voluantary departurte .
but wil not issue I20 till ur sevis is released by USCIS.
The US authoritities will listn to inidan high commision but do whatt the book
All the Best.
u still dont get it !
none of the students at tvu are actually interested in the courses there! they just want some kind of legal status, to stay, to work (opt/cpt) or to stay with their spouses!
if they seek admission in accredited university, they may have restriction on hours of work, will have to attend class, may be physically.

99% of them just need universities like this to maintain the status. all the diploma mills providing legal status should be raided. this tvu should be made an example of. its a fault on the side of the DHS for permitting mills like this to provide i120s and sevis ! students should be educated and be warned against institutes like this and made to sign a waiver that, they will attend classes, and be made aware of the rules. the students cannot dump the blame totally on the dhs and try for some kind of status. barging in with illegal status and stealing the jobs of other people who are originally highly paid, when these guys will work for peanuts! they shouldnt be just made to wear gps-tags, they should be locked up and deported !

what ever u guys say, u knew it was a diploma mill.
u knew every day when u went to work, that u had no legal status.

all the mills should be shut down and the action taken by dhs for tvu so every one can consider it as an example to see what they are up against when their institution if fake is raided!

bye bye , illegal non immigrants!

didnt this catholic studies for engg programs ring any alarm bell, if u thought if the university is real. Indians are smart, so u cant say u didnt.
i guess u were being too smart gambling with the fake, well u gambled, u got to pay the price!

i bet that no one has any sympathy!