Tri-Valley University


One student has done this.
Just go to india and tak enew visa and com back.
IF you have NTA from court go to court and take permision volunatary departure and that should be a problem.
First get admitted, or take accpetance ltter form a USCIS approved school in USA and then go to india.
Go to US embassy in India anad then take a new visa.
( You will considerd sinc eyou have valid visa)
And then you have will have new visa and new visa.
This case of Tri valley is going to tak elots of time months, till then the status will be on freeze(kind of frozen--can be considered out of status, illegal)
Safeside, go to india and get new visa.
YOur sevis is freezed, and you wil surely have problms going and back to USA.
And the USCIS is going to see each case individually,
Advice, to All students , Just belive in urself and go get a new visa and comabck.
A stitch in time saves 9.
All universities iwll accept you
If u have NTA from court go to and take permission tpo go to india
Voluantary departurte .
but wil not issue I20 till ur sevis is released by USCIS.
The US authoritities will listn to inidan high commision but do whatt the book
All the Best.