Travel to COP after GC w/o NP


Registered Users (C)
No plans right now but checking just in case
My NP is expired and my COP consulate won't issue me a new one or renew it. What if i have an emergency and need to go to COP. I have my GC.
Any experience anyone?
No plans right now but checking just in case
My NP is expired and my COP consulate won't issue me a new one or renew it. What if i have an emergency and need to go to COP. I have my GC.
Any experience anyone?

Ok you say that you can't get or renew your NP but if emergency arrives, how will you go?

Well the answer is YOU WONT GO. This is nothing we can answer. Only the embassy can help you right? If a country won't allow you to go how can you force it?
They will not renew your passport because they know that you have applied for asylum (based on the code on your green card)? Or is it for another reason?

Then I guess they will not issue you a visa on your U.S. travel document either right?

If they blacklisted you then you just have no options. Every country has the right to control its own borders. That is the price many people pay for having applied for asylum.
No, Mark i am not from china but india. Any thankful, they won't renew because some of the consulates don't renew NP if you applied for asylum in US.
Technially, i am still a citizen of the country until i become US citizen. But, they will do their best to make you pay for what u did.
But, emergencies can happen and sometimes you may have to go so i checked if anyone had any experince.
Yes you are absolutely right, that you are still a citizen of India. And if you have an emergency and you have to go back they will issue you six months passport and write an observation that you have aquired an asylee status.But Indian I/O don't have any problem with that. My friend went through this process. He got it from SF consulate and came back with no problem after 6 weeks.Good Luck:)
No, Mark i am not from china but india. Any thankful, they won't renew because some of the consulates don't renew NP if you applied for asylum in US.
Technially, i am still a citizen of the country until i become US citizen. But, they will do their best to make you pay for what u did.
But, emergencies can happen and sometimes you may have to go so i checked if anyone had any experince.

India and China are notorious for stopping ex-patriates from going back home if they once applied for asylum and I think they can do that rightly so.
help me to understand

first time visiting in this forum and found out all my questions are already had been asked and answered by the current users and I'm very happy about it. Only thing I need to understand clearly is the abbriviations that you all used... what do the COP and the NP stand for? Please help me to get everything clearly so I wouldn't be confused...
Thanks :)
If they wont allow us to renew our NP then they should make us CITIZENS of AMERICA right away.. A PR does not mean we are US Citizen which means we are still citizen of claimed COP..

INS sure have loop holes that needs to be fixed
If they wont allow us to renew our NP then they should make us CITIZENS of AMERICA right away.. A PR does not mean we are US Citizen which means we are still citizen of claimed COP..

INS sure have loop holes that needs to be fixed

So you are saying just because your country wont recognize you because you badmouthed them, US Should give you citizenship?

IF you remember correctly, in your asylum claim you did write that you can never go back right?SO this is not U.S's fault..They don't owe you anything.
I agree with you but they need to really publish a memo which should clearly answer most questions that we have on the forum.
I agree with you but they need to really publish a memo which should clearly answer most questions that we have on the forum.

I agree that uscis should clarify things, but in this case, uscis doesn't have anything to do with the laws and rules of other countries (i.e. India). uscis is doing its best by issuing us a RTD, it's up to other countries to accept it or deny it.
The RTD or RP should not take that long but instead they delay it for atleast 3 to 4 months.
You shouldn't be upset. You should know by now that every single procedure with USCIS will take forever. If you need anything from them, you should apply with enough time to get it when you need it.

EAD, RTD, and/or RP applications should be submitted with at least 3 months in advance.

I don't understand why people tell their embassies/consulates that they got an asylum from the US government when they renew their passports. That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard in my life. Come ON people, where is your common sense??? Just tell them you are out of status - it's none of their business anyway, well, of course, until you tell them that you're on asylum status.

Devi Dewata : Could not agree more with you....
My country is one of those that dont care on what your green card is based on, they dont even care about your status in USA to either renew your passport or expedite any national ID.

But, im amazed on how people complicates their lifes with issues that only requires common sense.

When getting a passport if your embassy cares about your asylum, just dont mention them about it. Just tell them your are out of status, there is no such embassy in the world that can deny its citizens to go back to her/his country.

Furthermore, i guess the only embassies that cares about you status in the USA are all other but yours, since they must assure you live legally in the USA and that make us come back to US and do not intends to live in their country.

One more thing I cannot understand is why GC Holders still LOVE using RTD ?
It is written at USCIS web page that no matter how we have obtained our GC, we all share the same rights and privileges and therefore, we are only required to use NP + GC .

I , as AS8 , travel all over , even my country with NP + GC and IO dont even ask me what i was doing there???
Im 100% sure that if I were using RTD + GC they will inmediately start giving me hard times.

Just calm down everybody, USCIS is extremely busy nowadays with REAL important issues and not with if we visit COP or not.
One more thing I cannot understand is why GC Holders still LOVE using RTD ?
It is written at USCIS web page that no matter how we have obtained our GC, we all share the same rights and privileges and therefore, we are only required to use NP + GC .

I , as AS8 , travel all over , even my country with NP + GC and IO dont even ask me what i was doing there???
Im 100% sure that if I were using RTD + GC they will inmediately start giving me hard times.

Just calm down everybody, USCIS is extremely busy nowadays with REAL important issues and not with if we visit COP or not.


You could have been right if all asylum cases were the same. Some of us were really persecutted to the point our "nationality" was stripped from us. Our so called country doesn't recognize us its citizens, therefore no passport for us. That's why I still love RTD!

Secondly, AS8 is not equal to AS6, which most of us are here on the forum. You personally were not persecutted (it was one or both of your parents)! Therefore you don't have (or shouldn't have) a direct fear of your COP. That's why you can travel to COP without fear. Even as an AS6 you could go back to COP, but like the new USCIS memo said, you can be questioned! Therefore, I am personally scared to travel back to COP (even if I was not persecutted by my COP anymore)!
10000000000000000000 dollars question:

Has anyone ever been questioned for having traveled to his/her COP ?????

I agree with MGT, who by the way owes me lunch. Not all cases are the same, so it is not ok for SOME people to renew their NP's.
Fasavedra: Not everybody can get a National Passport. That's why they HAVE TO get a RTD. For instance, in South America, Vanezuelan citizens cant get a NP.

And Don Chinche, I think the questions come during the citizenship interview, not before.

It's just a guess!!!
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