Traffic tickets and naturalization (threads merged)


Not a letter but a receipt, I wish i had mine here I was going to scan it so you can see ,but i'm at work.


That's ok, I understood. I am afraid they would still have the receipt after 10 years.

when I call the customer service rep, I will definitely ask to send me a proof that I have paid the fines.
Wow Guys, I'm really scared now...

I'm going to apply for naturalization this month, and I don't know if I should mention my speeding tickets or not.

I have 2 speeding tickets, 1 in 2006, and other in 2007 @ different state.
I didn't have to go to Court, I just PAID the fines and that's it.. I don't have any documentation related to the speeding tickets.
Should I mention it on the N-400? and if yes, do I really need any documentation? (fees were under $500)
FYI, I just wanted to share my experience. I had 3 minor traffic tickets (no DUI, < $500 fine) and disclosed them on my N-400. During the interview, the IO questioned me about them and had me change the answers to Part 10.D.17 and 18 as 'yes', since, according to this IO, traffic tickets are crimes. However, the IO didn't ask for any documentation (I had certified court dispositions just in case). My application was recommended for approval.
FYI, I just wanted to share my experience. I had 3 minor traffic tickets (no DUI, < $500 fine) and disclosed them on my N-400. During the interview, the IO questioned me about them and had me change the answers to Part 10.D.17 and 18 as 'yes', since, according to this IO, traffic tickets are crimes. However, the IO didn't ask for any documentation (I had certified court dispositions just in case). My application was recommended for approval.

Apparently, your IO needs to be retrained at his job or be fired immediately.
Apparently, your IO needs to be retrained at his job or be fired immediately.

I agree, but there wasn't much I could do. I tried to argue, but I didn't want to antagonize him. I just wanted to report this, because I hadn't read anything like that on this forum.
I have 2 camera speeding tickets? Do I need to disclose that on N400...If yes then what part of my answer should I mark Yes as??? Do I need to send in the citation ticket copies along with the application???
I also had received a ticket for no license plate in the front in MD since I had moved from PA where there was no requirement to have the license plate in front. I have no supporting documentation for that.
I got a traffic ticket back in February.The ticket said I was going with 75 on a 35 limit.Since it was 40 mph over the speed (not a DUI or DWI just a speeding ticket) limit I hired an attorney.I sent my application in January and didn't disclose the ticket.I called me attorney today and she said they were trying to dismiss my case (the police officer didn't give a written explanation so my attorney pleaded not guilty for me) and it could take 3-6 months to get a court disposition because the court is a really busy one.My interview is on Friday and I'm very nervous.My driver's abstract shows my record as clean(that was my first ticket ever) but I don't want to give a false testimony to the IO but if they ask for court dispositions I can't provide them and my citizenship may get delayed another 7-8 months and I NEED to get my citizenship ASAP!! Please advise.
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That's ok, I understood. I am afraid they would still have the receipt after 10 years.

when I call the customer service rep, I will definitely ask to send me a proof that I have paid the fines.

You have to mention speeding tickets on your N400, particularly questions 15 thru 18. Get a certified driving record from the DMV in the states where you have lived. I think proof of payment of ticket from the court house will also help.
I got a traffic ticket back in February.The ticket said I was going with 75 on a 35 limit.Since it was 40 mph over the speed (not a DUI or DWI just a speeding ticket) limit I hired an attorney.I sent my application in January and didn't disclose the ticket.I called me attorney today and she said they were trying to dismiss my case (the police officer didn't give a written explanation so my attorney pleaded not guilty for me) and it could take 3-6 months to get a court disposition because the court is a really busy one.My interview is on Friday and I'm very nervous.My driver's abstract shows my record as clean(that was my first ticket ever) but I don't want to give a false testimony to the IO but if they ask for court dispositions I can't provide them and my citizenship may get delayed another 7-8 months and I NEED to get my citizenship ASAP!! Please advise.

Here is my advice after having been in the same position as you and gone through without a scratch. Three pieces of advice, and take these very seriously:
1. DO NOT Volunteer any information, it just causes more questions and can lead to problems.
2. DO NOT lie to the IO. If asked about whether you have had any traffic violations, answer truthfully, and tell them exactly what you have mentioned above, about the court being busy. Practice all your answer ahead of time and plan exactly what you are going to say at the interview. Try not to fumble or mumble :) They frankly do not care about non-DUI cases, but your confidence in response to questions helps.
3. Have a copy of your DMV record handy although like in my case they probably wont ask for it.

You will have no problem, good luck.
Thanks Blanco.I talked to my lawyer a couple of days before the interview and the case resolved 2 days before the interview so I went to the court, paid about 495$,got the court disposition and payment receipts.The IO asked me if I ever got arrested,I replied "no but I got a traffic ticket for speeding".She mumbled something and kept on with the interview,she didn't change the "have you ever been cited,arrested.." section to yes.I insisted and asked her if she wanted to see the court disposition and payment receipts (because I spent the whole day trying to obtain them) she said ok,she took a look at them for like 3 seconds and gave them to me so I guess that's not much of an issue..She didn't even look at my driver's abstract.
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I just got a court disposition for my traffic ticket in California. Under the column of "disposition date and status", it is written

"B" and xx/xx/xx

Anybody know what this "B" mean?

Thanks in advance.
I had my interview on 05/19. In the application I had not mentioned the minor traffic violations but when asked during interview if I had any citations or arrests I told the IO about the speeding tickets (had three last one from 2004). She said that was okay. I had certified copies of the disposition and showed them to her (she had not asked, I volunteered that information) She briefly looked at them and said I can hold on to them for my records and she doesn't need them. I wanted to share my experience and am not giving any recommendations or advise.
I had my interview on 05/19. In the application I had not mentioned the minor traffic violations but when asked during interview if I had any citations or arrests I told the IO about the speeding tickets (had three last one from 2004). She said that was okay. I had certified copies of the disposition and showed them to her (she had not asked, I volunteered that information) She briefly looked at them and said I can hold on to them for my records and she doesn't need them. I wanted to share my experience and am not giving any recommendations or advise.

That's good to know and thanks for sharing your experience.

I too have court dispositions for all my tickets.

BTW, I did mention it on the application.
My wife is applying for citizenship, and she has one ticket. This is an interesting thread. That one overly-broad question on N-400 has caused more grief than all of those other questions combined. And the IOs don't even really care about infractions (non-criminal acts).

People here seem to be divided in two camps. Those who lie by excluding moving violations, and those who lie by not including every ticket or every time they have been stopped by a cop in their entire life. Also, people here have never plead down their tickets? My wife got a ticket for running a stop sign, and got the charges reduced to a non-moving violation. So she's in-between the two camps.

I have noticed some legal advice here that's simply wrong, so I'll clarify. If you've ever been pulled over by a cop, or you have been in a friend's car when he was pulled over, you've been detained. Also if you've been in an accident and the police were called, you were detained. If a cop pulls you over and just gives you a warning, you've been detained. "Detained" is simply when a cop is talking to you and you feel you can't leave until he's finished with you. I'm sure that wouldn't affect anyone's citizenship, but in theory it needs to be reported on N-400 the way that question is worded.

Also, if your wife borrows your car and gets a parking ticket, you're the one who's been cited, not her. It's the same in most states for a red light camera (except in California). The registered owner of the car gets cited, not the driver. The good news is that if you borrowed your wife's car and got a parking ticket, you weren't cited. Also, ticket=citation, so subway hopping, jaywalking, breaking a noise ordinance, littering, etc. are all citations and in theory should all go on N-400. (Citation=ordered to appear in court)

Also, it's funny that the N-400 directions say you don't need any paperwork for fines under $500, yet some IOs ignore that and want court dispositions or DMV records. I'll try to get my wife's, but I think they've dissolved the town so I'm not sure where those records are anymore. Her DMV record won't show anything, so there's no point in bringing it. The bank doesn't even have the cashed check anymore.

Finally, there are people who checked "no" in that box and then later came to this forum and are now freaking out. N-400 states that if you KNOWINGLY lied on the form, you could be in trouble. But you didn't knowingly lie at that time, so don't panic. I would NOT bring it up. If the IO specifically asks if you've ever gotten a ticket for anything, just tell him about your tickets and say you didn't realize that you were supposed to include them since they were so minor. It sounds like it happens all the time, and they'll either ignore it or change your form for you.

Honestly, if I was an IO and someone who had lived in this country for 5 years had NO traffic tickets, I'd be suspicious. :)

Simply brilliant! In your post, you've summarized everything that is wrong with the oft-discussed Question 16.No other N-400 related issue has been discussed at lengths as great as Question 16.
Traffic ticket doucmentation

In 2008, I had a minor traffic ticket(worth 2 points). I had backed into a static car and caused an accident. I had reported this on N-400.Now I have received a letter from USCIS requesting for complete documentation of what happened and how was it resolved.They will accept original or certified copies.Unfortunately, I am not able to find the original records in my house. Any ideas where I can request this documentation from? I had appeared in court and paid apprx $430 to settle the charges as the judge had downgraded the traffic ticket from 2 points to zero points.
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