Traffic tickets and naturalization (threads merged)


Like i said the IO during the interview aske me if i have been arrested, cited...etc, since none of the citation were criminal, I replied yes i have some traffic violation fines.
"If you have been arrested or convicted of a crime, you must send a certified copy of the arrest report, court disposition, sentencing, and any other relevant documents, including any countervailing evidence concerning the circumstances of your arrest or conviction that you would like the USCIS to consider. NOT that unless A TRAFFIC INCIDENT WAS ALCOHOL OR DRUG related, YOU DO NOT need to submit documentation for TRAFFIC FINES and incidents that did not INVOLVE an ACTUAL ARREST if the only penalty was a fine of less than $500 Or points on your driver's license."

On N-400 i should checked YES to citation, but I checked NO, and at the interview when the IO asked about citation i said depend on the type of citation at the same time i said yes for traffic violation for less than $500, He did not ask me for the proof and moved on to the next quetion.
At the end of the interview he said i should receive the Oath letter in two weeks but it have been two month, and from the senator's office i learnt that the USCIS will send me a letter requesting some evidence as soon as i got the letter i'll let you all know.



I am going to do the same in my interview. I´ll disclose my tickets in the interview. I said NO in N400.

I have a red light citation with the disposition and certified, a parking ticket( only I have the payment in a letter that i received) and little accident in a parking lot but any citation, any police, both parts reported to our insurance(So I am not going to disclose this one). Well, i think that you are not going to have any problem to get citizenship but you should have offered him/her some documentation regarding your citations. Maybe they could request from you this information at this point.
But I tell you that it should be fine to request an infopass.

Good luck,
Let us know any update.
you should have offered him/her some documentation regarding your citations.

Wrong. The USCIS doesn't care about minor traffic violations and most IOs will not ask for proof of payment or court dispositions. Moreover, it's never a good idea to volunteer information or documentation when it comes to USCIS, unless specifically asked for.

As Wavejazz pointed out above, his A-file was missing. This is why he didn't get an immediate approval, not because of traffic tickets.
Hi wawejazz1,

Where did you get your state 5 years tax transcripts??. I have federal account transcript 2005 and tax return transcript 2006-2009. They couldn´t give tax return transcript because they only give current year and prior 3.

I need to get the state and I think that it is going to be same. Did you pay something because federal are free and I don´t know about states transcript.
Please any advice

For federal account transcriptions i called 1-800-829-0922 they all were sent from Memphis, TN 37501-1498.
For State i had to eighter mail arequest or fax it, I faxed. If you live in Virginia the # is: (804) 254-6113



I am living in California. for federal, I called 1800-829-1040. I tryed to get 5 years tax retun transcript(they only give you current year and 3 prior) and account transcript(they are sending me the 5 years).
I dont know why tax return only current year and 3 prior... If I were you I would try to get the tax return transcript (Thought I got only 4 years). Some people say that it should be fine with either one.

Did you pay something???. did you get account transcript for states too??. I am trying to look california transcript, do you know where can I get it?.


Iceway, no i don't know how you can get the state ones but i think you are worrying too much about this. The USCIS do check before the interview if you paid all your taxes since you became a US permanet resident NOW if on N-400 you said you paid all the federal taxes since you became LPR and for some reason you missed one year then is a problem and the IO will ask you about the TAXES as CITATION if you answered "NO" to citation and you had a citation they do find this out before the interview that's why they give a chance to the applicant to clear the "NO" answer if you aswered "NO" because all the citations were traffic violation that resulred on fine and negative points they won't even ask for the court final desposition because they alredy investigated it, on the other hand if there is a criminal citation you have alot of explanation to do.

I wasen't asked about the taxes, I was asked about citation i guess the IO needed to know why i answered "NO" on my N-400 so i cleared up by telling the IO that all citations i had in the passed were traffic violation related that resulted on the fines and negative points, No arrestes and No jail times.

Again is OK to have all the documentation when you go for your interview but....always do what you think is right.


Iceway, no i don't know how you can get the state ones but i think you are worrying too much about this. The USCIS do check before the interview if you paid all your taxes since you became a US permanet resident NOW if on N-400 you said you paid all the federal taxes since you became LPR and for some reason you missed one year then is a problem and the IO will ask you about the TAXES as CITATION if you answered "NO" to citation and you had a citation they do find this out before the interview that's why they give a chance to the applicant to clear the "NO" answer if you aswered "NO" because all the citations were traffic violation that resulred on fine and negative points they won't even ask for the court final desposition because they alredy investigated it, on the other hand if there is a criminal citation you have alot of explanation to do.

I wasen't asked about the taxes, I was asked about citation i guess the IO needed to know why i answered "NO" on my N-400 so i cleared up by telling the IO that all citations i had in the passed were traffic violation related that resulted on the fines and negative points, No arrestes and No jail times.

Again is OK to have all the documentation when you go for your interview but....always do what you think is right.



Thanks for your help. I am going to try to go to an IRS office. if somebody wants to look IRS office and go in person.

BTW, I had a car accident (I hit a car in parking lot). No police, no citation, nothing. Both parts reported to our insurance. Well, the point is that it was my fault and I think I got 1 point in my DMV record. It is the only thing that I can see in a DMV recorg that I got the last day. A lot of people told me that I don´t need to disclose it because there is nothing, no criminal charges...etc
What do you mean with negative points???

Thanks for all your help.
Good luck in your citizenship

Thanks for your help. I am going to try to go to an IRS office. if somebody wants to look IRS office and go in person.

BTW, I had a car accident (I hit a car in parking lot). No police, no citation, nothing. Both parts reported to our insurance. Well, the point is that it was my fault and I think I got 1 point in my DMV record. It is the only thing that I can see in a DMV recorg that I got the last day. A lot of people told me that I don´t need to disclose it because there is nothing, no criminal charges...etc
What do you mean with negative points???

Thanks for all your help.
Good luck in your citizenship

BTW, I´ve just received the income tax account with the state of california for 5 years.
If somebody is interested in get california state tax information, I called to Franchise tax board. They told me that the tax return cost $20/year requested. Speaking with them and explain the situation about applying to US citizenship, they sent me a summary of tax information for 5 years.
The letterhead has information about state of california franchise tax board and the letter says:
"In response to your recent communication, the following is a summary of your personal income tax account with the state of California...". So it is the same as account transcript because it says the total balance and if you have any due. So If I required to show something about state taxes il would do the trick.

Hope this helps to somebody
good luck

There is no need to report driver license points. Again, if you choose to disclose traffic tickets, make sure you bring some type of proof of payment. However, there is absolutely no need to disclose the points associated with your violations. In fact, it doesn't say anywhere in the Guide to Naturalization or the N-400 instructions that driver license points must be disclosed.

As far as taxes are concerned, this is a thread for traffic violations only. You guys will get better answers if you create a separate thread or post in one of the existing threads dealing with taxes.
Did not report Traffic violations on N400. What is the best way to handle this during Interview?

My wife and I had filed N400s before I joined this forum. We iterpreted the questions about "Arrest, Cittations, ...." (Part 10 D, questions 15, 16 ,& 17) as not needing to report traffice citations. So, we both answered "No" to all three. After going thru this thread it seems to me that we should have reported the traffic violations.

It was a genuine interpretation mistake. Can't go back and change the original N400 form. But, what is the best way to handle this going forward?
1. Should we take a chance to see if IO asks questions about citations and then explain that we have citations (and be ready with our motor vehicle records) but incorrectly interpreted the question on N400 OR
2. Volunteer the citations info in the beginning or somewhere during the interview and explain how we incorrectly interpreted the question on the N400 form.

For details:
- I have traffic violations in 1996 (speeding), 2002 (accident), and 2009 (speeding).
- My wife has traffic violations in 2005 (speeding) and 2007 (speeding.)

Thanks for your advise and experiences regarding this matter.
Did not report Traffic violations on N400. What is the best way to handle this during Interview?

My wife and I had filed N400s before I joined this forum. We iterpreted the questions about "Arrest, Cittations, ...." (Part 10 D, questions 15, 16 ,& 17) as not needing to report traffice citations. So, we both answered "No" to all three. After going thru this thread it seems to me that we should have reported the traffic violations.

It was a genuine interpretation mistake. Can't go back and change the original N400 form. But, what is the best way to handle this going forward?
1. Should we take a chance to see if IO asks questions about citations and then explain that we have citations (and be ready with our motor vehicle records) but incorrectly interpreted the question on N400 OR
2. Volunteer the citations info in the beginning or somewhere during the interview and explain how we incorrectly interpreted the question on the N400 form.

For details:
- I have traffic violations in 1996 (speeding), 2002 (accident), and 2009 (speeding).
- My wife has traffic violations in 2005 (speeding) and 2007 (speeding.)

Thanks for your advise and experiences regarding this matter.

There's no definitive way to handle traffic violations. If you read this thread, you'll see that there are two distinct factions (report and don't report) with different views on how to treat traffic violations.

I didn't list my traffic violations on the N-400 either. After reading this forum, I decided to bring proof of payment to the interview and only offer it if specifically asked if I've had any traffic violations. The IO only asked if I've ever been arrested, so I truthfully answered no. Case closed.

If you decide to voluntarily disclose your tickets, you can do so at the interview. You won't be penalized for this.
There's no definitive way to handle traffic violations. If you read this thread, you'll see that there are two distinct factions (report and don't report) with different views on how to treat traffic violations.

I didn't list my traffic violations on the N-400 either. After reading this forum, I decided to bring proof of payment to the interview and only offer it if specifically asked if I've had any traffic violations. The IO only asked if I've ever been arrested, so I truthfully answered no. Case closed.

If you decide to voluntarily disclose your tickets, you can do so at the interview. You won't be penalized for this.

Vorpal is right. There are a lot of contradictions. The best thing is take whatever with you just in case. For speeding tickets, I guess you got citations from the court. Take certified payments from the court. I read some people was requested to provide certified payments and disposition.
For the accident, I don´t know exactly what happened. If there wasn´t involve police, any citation, crime or something like that there is no need to disclose it even in the interview because there is no question related to that. But for citations take your certified payments and dispositions.
Good luck
Vorpal is right. There are a lot of contradictions. The best thing is take whatever with you just in case. For speeding tickets, I guess you got citations from the court. Take certified payments from the court. I read some people was requested to provide certified payments and disposition.
For the accident, I don´t know exactly what happened. If there wasn´t involve police, any citation, crime or something like that there is no need to disclose it even in the interview because there is no question related to that. But for citations take your certified payments and dispositions.
Good luck


Even if the police were called to the scene of the accident, there is no need to even mention it at the interview or on the N-400. If a ticket was issued as a result, it's up to you to decide how to approach it. However, if the police were called just to take the accident report, you don't need to disclose it.
I got a court disposition from the county where I got a speeding ticket almost 10 years ago.

But the court disposition document doesn't have any information about the payment. It just says on XX/XX date, I got the speeding ticket 50mile/35mile and found 'guilty'. It doesn't say I have paid the ticket and no dues are pending.

Is this ok? Or should I get a letter saying I have paid the fees etc. I think this is the standard format they use for disposition letters.

BTW, I did mention this citation in my N-400.


The court dispositon that you were given includes the case number. You should have asked the clerk that helped you to print out the payment receipt from the computer, and they do it at no time. that is how i got mine.


The court dispositon that you were given includes the case number. You should have asked the clerk that helped you to print out the payment receipt from the computer, and they do it at no time. that is how i got mine.


Thanks Wave.

Its from a different state. I spoke with the customer service rep, sent a request letter with payment. I was expecting that the court disposition letter would contain the payment details.

Is this not good enough? Should I ask for another one with payment details. I am afraid they may its their standard process.

Dude come on now, you got to prove that the fines have been paid in full. again some court disposition include the fine amount but some don't, hence in order to prove that you paid all tghe fines you'll need a receipt.

inclusion of a fine amount on the court disposition doesn't imply that such fine as been paid.

Dude come on now, you got to prove that the fines have been paid in full. again some court disposition include the fine amount but some don't, hence in order to prove that you paid all tghe fines you'll need a receipt.

inclusion of a fine amount on the court disposition doesn't imply that such fine as been paid.

Ok thanks. I see your point.

I will call them up and ask them to send me a letter saying I have paid all the dues.
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Not a letter but a receipt, I wish i had mine here I was going to scan it so you can see ,but i'm at work.
