Thread for July I485 mailers

Anyone from PHX - AZ who got their FP\'s with RD in July?

Mine is PHX - AZ, RD 07/05 - Waiting for FP notices
Just wanted to find out if anyone was in the same location and waiting..


Did they ask u any questions. Or did he check ur fp notices. pls let me know. also can i take my kids. i don\'t think i can leave them anywhere.
also pls let me know how it works as iam planning to go on wed and same place as u.
SUMMARY as of 10/29/2001

Here is local link for summary as of 10/29/2001.

By now you know that FPs are sent based on ASC one comes under. Recently except SFO and San Jose every one else was getting FPs (upto those who mailed in July). The good news is in the past week SFO started picking up (one who mailed in July got FP). Still no good news for people from San Jose area.

To make FP tracking more effective can you please post your Location information?

July Mailers

My daughter and I received our FP notice on 10/27. Scheduled date for FP was 11/24 but we completed our FP today(10/29).

Though it was an age out case, I don\'t think that has expedited the process as yet.

RD 7/6 ND 7/11 WAC-01-231-XXXXX

Best of luck to all waiters.

Travel before FP

My FP is scheduled for 11/30.

I plan to complete my two week vacation travel to India before then.

I don\'t plan to use my AP. My H1 is valid till July \'03.

Will there be any issues at POE ?

Hi Folks...

Haven\'t received AP\EAD\FP yet...
Here are my details...

Mailed Date - July 30th, 2001
Receipt Date - July 31st, 2001
Notice Date - Sept 10, 2001

Anyone around these dates... did you receive AP or EAD... I am guessing FP will take sometime...

fp done

hi everybody, i finished my fp. scheduled on 11/22/01. No question asked. WAs a little crowded. but we got it done in an hours time.
NO AP/FP/EAD yet for me too

My WAC# is 01-275 and no AP/FP/EAD for me too.
RD: 7/20
ND: 9/5
WAC-01-270-5xxxx - Still waiting for AP...


Eveyone else seems to be moving forward and I dn;t know why my AP is not even assigned to an officer yet..(tat waht the IIO told me 10 days ago)
havent received mine too...

Haven\'t received AP\EAD\FP yet...

Here are my details...

Mailed Date - Aug 7th, 2001
Receipt Date - Sep 21st, 2001
Notice Date - Oct 01, 2001
FP Notice Date

The Date on the FP Notice is October 23.
Since i have moved, I did not get the notice directly.
I got it through my lawyer today.
Finally received AP today, appvd on Oct 12th...

also received FP notices for both me and my wife...Please update your tracker. Thanks for maintaining it PCee, its really helpful...
AP approval notice received today, took 3 weeks since AVM10/10

gcneed, gt5219c,

I got AP notice by mail and have waited 3 weeks after the AVM said approved.

Good luck to you!
recieved AP Docs today in mail. AP approved on 10/06/01

PD: 01/00
MD: 07/16
RD: 07/19
ND: 09/05
AP: 10/06
WAC# 01-275-xxxxx
iEAD: 10/26
EAD: not received
FP: not received