This is our chance-action needed

Wisconsin is covered

Lusiks, I have taken care of Wisconsin Senators, President and Vice President. Fax, Email and letters.
New Jersey - covered

I have sent faxes to both of NJ senators and my local congressman. I sen t out 9 faxes to all possible offices of theirs.
karina said:
I have sent faxes to both of NJ senators and my local congressman. I sen t out 9 faxes to all possible offices of theirs.

Letters to my two Texas Senators and the White House.
HR418 is in the senate
Please folks we need more pressure more letters and faxes Over 2000 views and only ~30 posted so far that have sent letters and faxes. Please even if you have a GC help the others this board has thousands of members I hope we can do better. Please Do not let this chance go by....
updated list

1. freedoms12 (e-mail and fax)
2. samoel (mail and e-mail) Florida
3. Minsk (e-mail) Maine
4. lusiks (fax) California
5. ukulele (fax) Texas
6. nofreedom (fax) Missouri
7. asluser (e-mail and fax) New York and Washington, D.C.
8. miaumiau (fax)
9. pequin12 (fax)
10. paramvir1 (letter)
11. Gilbert (fax)
12. goandgo (e-mail and fax) California
13. madasylee (fax)
14. asylee25 (e-mail and fax)
15. Punjabi-Munda (letters and faxes) Wisconsin and Washington, D.C.
16. copper1 (e-mail)
17. TortFeasor (fax)
18. dade (e-mail and fax)
19. douls (e-mail and fax) Colorado
20. wantmygcnow (fax)
21. thankful (mail) Florida and New York
22. hampton8844 (fax) Virginia
23. kelvin2088 (e-mail and fax) California
24. one-of-you (e-mail and fax) California
25. karina (fax) New Jersey
26. canterbury2 (letters) Texas and Washington, D.C.
updated List!

1. freedoms12 (e-mail and fax)
2. samoel (mail and e-mail) Florida
3. Minsk (e-mail) Maine
4. lusiks (fax) California
5. ukulele (fax) Texas
6. nofreedom (fax) Missouri
7. asluser (e-mail and fax) New York and Washington, D.C.
8. miaumiau (fax)
9. pequin12 (fax)
10. paramvir1 (letter)
11. Gilbert (fax)
12. goandgo (e-mail and fax) California
13. madasylee (fax)
14. asylee25 (e-mail and fax)
15. Punjabi-Munda (letters and faxes) Wisconsin and Washington, D.C.
16. copper1 (e-mail)
17. TortFeasor (fax)
18. dade (e-mail and fax)
19. douls (e-mail and fax) Colorado
20. wantmygcnow (fax)
21. thankful (mail) Florida and New York
22. hampton8844 (fax) Virginia
23. kelvin2088 (e-mail and fax) California
24. one-of-you (e-mail and fax) California
25. karina (fax) New Jersey
26. canterbury2 (letters) Texas and Washington, D.C.
27. Gebre (California Senators)
28. LazertheGreat (fax & letters) Arizona & D.C.
Asylees Who Act - Power by numbers!!!

:D We are doing good! Thanks for keeping up the updated list.

We need more people, please join in!!!

1. freedoms12 (e-mail and fax)
2. samoel (mail and e-mail) Florida
3. Minsk (e-mail) Maine
4. lusiks (fax) California, Alabama, Arizona, Alaska, Arkansas, Connecticut, Delaware, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico
5. ukulele (fax) Texas
6. nofreedom (fax) Missouri
7. asluser (e-mail and fax) New York and Washington, D.C.
8. miaumiau (fax)
9. pequin12 (fax)
10. paramvir1 (letter)
11. Gilbert (fax)
12. goandgo (e-mail and fax) California
13. madasylee (fax)
14. asylee25 (e-mail and fax)
15. Punjabi-Munda (letters and faxes) Wisconsin and Washington, D.C.
16. copper1 (e-mail)
17. TortFeasor (fax)
18. dade (e-mail and fax)
19. douls (e-mail and fax) Colorado
20. wantmygcnow (fax)
21. thankful (mail) Florida and New York
22. hampton8844 (fax) Virginia
23. kelvin2088 (e-mail and fax) California
24. one-of-you (e-mail and fax) California
25. karina (fax) New Jersey
26. canterbury2 (letters) Texas and Washington, D.C.
27. Gebre (California Senators)
28. LazertheGreat (fax & letters) Arizona & D.C.
29. go2bk (fax) Washington State
Have sent 23 faxes to cover those who wish not to do anything -
Honorable Senator - 1202 224-1946, 1202 224-2354, 1202 224-1724, 1202 228-3997, 1202 228-4131, 1202 228-5061, 1202 224-3416, 1202 228-1518

Rick Santorum – 1814-946-7025
Dick Durbin - 1202 224-2354
Harry Reid – 1202 24-7327
Barack Obama- 131 886-3514
Barbar Boxer – 1415 956-6701
Ben Nelson – 1202 228-0012
Bill Frist – 1202 228-1264
E Schumer – 1202 228-3027
Mark Pryor – 1202 228-0908
Mitch McConnell – 1202 224-2499
Nelson, Bill - 1202 228-2183
Pat Roberts - 1202 224-3514
Reed, Jack – 1401 528-5242
Ted Stevens - 1202 224-2354
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I faxed to the senators of AL, AK,AZ, AR, CT, DE, GA, HI, ID, IL, IN, IA, KS, KY, LA, MD, MA, MI, MN, MS, MT.

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I came across this list last night and this morning I had some time and setup the fax soft on my notebook with all the numbers and faxed them the letter. BTW I know the list is not the current one but most of the sen are the same (I like it cuz it doesn't inc HC, lol):

Senator Arlen Specter _________(202) 228-1229
Senator Barbara Boxer _________(415) 956-6701
Senator Barbara Mikulski _________(202) 224-8858
Senator Ben Nelson _________(202) 228-0012
Senator Ben Nighthorse Campbell _________(202) 228-4609
Senator Bill Frist _________(202) 228-1264
Senator Bill Nelson _________(202) 228-2183
Senator Blanche Lincoln _________(202) 228-1371
Senator Bob Graham _________(202) 224-2237
Senator Byron Dorgan _________(202) 224-1193
Senator Carl Levin _________(202) 224-1388
Senator Charles Grassley _________(202) 224-6020
Senator Charles Schumer _________(202) 228-3027
Senator Christopher Bond _________(202) 224-8149
Senator Christopher Dodd _________(202) 224-2823
Senator Chuck Hagel _________(202) 224-5213
Senator Conrad Burns _________(202) 224-8594
Senator Craig Thomas _________(202) 224-1724
Senator Daniel Akaka _________(202) 224-2126
Senator Daniel Inouye _________(202) 224-6747
Senator Debbie Stabenow _________(202) 228-0325
Senator Dianne Feinstein _________(202) 228-3954
Senator Don Nickles _________(202) 224-6008
Senator Edward Kennedy _________(202) 224-2417
Senator Elizabeth Dole _________(202) 224-1100
Senator Ernest Hollings _________(202) 224-4293
Senator Evan Bayh _________(202) 228-1377
Senator Frank Lautenberg _________(202) 228-4054
Senator George Allen _________(202) 224-5432
Senator George Voinovich _________(202) 228-1382
Senator Gordon Smith _________(202) 228-3997
Senator Harry Reid _________(202) 224-7327
Senator Herbert Kohl _________(202) 224-9787
Senator Jack Reed _________(202) 224-4680
Senator James Inhofe _________(202) 228-0380
Senator James Jeffords _________(202) 228-0776
Senator Jeff Bingaman _________(202) 224-2852
Senator Jeff Sessions _________(202) 224-3149
Senator Jim Bunning _________(202) 228-1373
Senator Jim Talent _________(202) 228-1518
Senator John Breaux _________(202) 228-2577
Senator John Cornyn _________(202) 228-2856
Senator John Edwards _________(202) 228-1374
Senator John Ensign _________(202) 228-2193
Senator John Kerry _________(202) 224-8525
Senator John McCain _________(202) 228-2862
Senator John Rockefeller IV _________(202) 224-7665
Senator John Sununu _________(202) 228-4131
Senator John Warner _________(202) 224-6295
Senator Jon Corzine _________(202) 228-2197
Senator Jon Kyl _________(202) 224-2207
Senator Joseph Biden Jr. _________(202) 224-0139
Senator Joseph Lieberman _________(202) 224-9750
Senator Judd Gregg _________(202) 224-4952
Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison _________(202) 224-0776
Senator Kent Conrad _________(202) 224-7776
Senator Lamar Alexander _________(202) 228-3398
Senator Larry Craig _________(202) 228-1067
Senator Lincoln Chafee _________(202) 228-2853
Senator Lindsey Graham _________(202) 224-3808
Senator Lisa Murkowski _________(202) 224-5301
Senator Maria Cantwell _________(202) 228-0514
Senator Mark Dayton _________(202) 228-2186
Senator Mark Pryor _________(202) 228-0908
Senator Mary Landrieu _________(202) 224-9735
Senator Max Baucus _________(202) 224-4700
Senator Michael Enzi _________(202) 228-0359
Senator Mike Crapo _________(202) 228-1375
Senator Mike DeWine _________(202) 224-6519
Senator Mitch McConnell _________(202) 224-2499
Senator Norm Coleman _________(202) 224-1152
Senator Olympia Snowe _________(202) 224-1946
Senator Orrin Hatch _________(202) 224-6331
Senator Pat Roberts _________(202) 224-4774
Senator Patrick Leahy _________(202) 224-3479
Senator Patty Murray _________(202) 224-0238
Senator Paul Sarbanes _________(202) 224-1651
Senator Pete Domenici _________(202) 228-0900
Senator Peter Fitzgerald _________(202) 228-1372
Senator Richard Durbin _________(202) 228-0400
Senator Richard Lugar _________(202) 228-0360
Senator Richard Shelby _________(202) 224-3416
Senator Rick Santorum _________(202) 228-0604
Senator Robert Bennett _________(202) 228-1168
Senator Robert Byrd _________(202) 228-0002
Senator Ron Wyden _________(202) 228-2717
Senator Russ Feingold _________(202) 224-2725
Senator Sam Brownback _________(202) 228-1265
Senator Saxby Chambliss _________(202) 224-0103
Senator Susan Collins _________(202) 224-2693
Senator Ted Stevens _________(202) 224-2354
Senator Thad Cochran _________(202) 224-9450
Senator Thomas Carper _________(202) 228-2190
Senator Thomas Daschle _________(202) 224-6603
Senator Tim Johnson _________(202) 228-5765
Senator Tom Harkin _________(202) 224-9369
Senator Trent Lott _________(202) 224-2262
Senator Wayne Allard _________(202) 224-6471
Senator Zell Miller _________(202) 228-2090
Letters sent to senators of CA (where I am attending med school) and Florida (my official home state). I included an attachment asking them to crackdown on fraud cases.
Asylees Who Act - Power by numbers!!!

Thanks to everybody for doubling the effort! We still need more people faxing letters to as many senators as possible.


1. freedoms12 (e-mail and fax)
2. samoel (mail and e-mail) Florida + 99 additional senators
3. Minsk (e-mail) Maine
4. lusiks (fax) California, Alabama, Arizona, Alaska, Arkansas, Connecticut, Delaware, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico
5. ukulele (fax) Texas
6. nofreedom (fax) Missouri
7. asluser (e-mail and fax) New York and Washington, D.C.
8. miaumiau (fax)
9. pequin12 (fax) + 23 additional senators
10. paramvir1 (letter)
11. Gilbert (fax)
12. goandgo (e-mail and fax) California + AL, AK,AZ, AR, CT, DE, GA, HI, ID, IL, IN, IA, KS, KY, LA, MD, MA, MI, MN, MS, MT
13. madasylee (fax)
14. asylee25 (e-mail and fax)
15. Punjabi-Munda (letters and faxes) Wisconsin and Washington, D.C.
16. copper1 (e-mail)
17. TortFeasor (fax)
18. dade (e-mail and fax)
19. douls (e-mail and fax) Colorado
20. wantmygcnow (fax)
21. thankful (mail) Florida and New York
22. hampton8844 (fax) Virginia
23. kelvin2088 (e-mail and fax) California
24. one-of-you (e-mail and fax) California
25. karina (fax) New Jersey
26. canterbury2 (letters) Texas and Washington, D.C.
27. Gebre (California Senators)
28. LazertheGreat (fax & letters) Arizona & D.C.
29. go2bk (fax) Washington State
30. usa2002 (fax) CA and Florida
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If we get at least 30 people sending faxes to 99 senators - that's an impressive action in my opinion. I suggest everybody on the list start doing what samoel, pequin12 and goandgo did. I will be sending some more faxes in the morning.

Let's see if we can make some noise!

I have been following this thread after a friend told me about it. I have sent emails and faxes to CA senators and have several other friends that did the same.
Asylees Who Act - Power by numbers!!!

Thanks to everybody for doubling the effort! We still need more people faxing letters to as many senators as possible.


1. freedoms12 (e-mail and fax)
2. samoel (mail and e-mail) Florida + 99 additional senators
3. Minsk (e-mail) Maine
4. lusiks (fax) California, Alabama, Arizona, Alaska, Arkansas, Connecticut, Delaware, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico
5. ukulele (fax) Texas
6. nofreedom (fax) Missouri
7. asluser (e-mail and fax) New York and Washington, D.C.
8. miaumiau (fax)
9. pequin12 (fax) + 23 additional senators
10. paramvir1 (letter)
11. Gilbert (fax)
12. goandgo (e-mail and fax) California + AL, AK,AZ, AR, CT, DE, GA, HI, ID, IL, IN, IA, KS, KY, LA, MD, MA, MI, MN, MS, MT
13. madasylee (fax)
14. asylee25 (e-mail and fax)
15. Punjabi-Munda (letters and faxes) Wisconsin and Washington, D.C.
16. copper1 (e-mail)
17. TortFeasor (fax)
18. dade (e-mail and fax)
19. douls (e-mail and fax) Colorado
20. wantmygcnow (fax)
21. thankful (mail) Florida and New York
22. hampton8844 (fax) Virginia
23. kelvin2088 (e-mail and fax) California
24. one-of-you (e-mail and fax) California
25. karina (fax) New Jersey
26. canterbury2 (letters) Texas and Washington, D.C.
27. Gebre (California Senators)
28. LazertheGreat (fax & letters) Arizona & D.C.
29. go2bk (fax) Washington State
30. usa2002 (fax) CA and Florida
31. kaban (fax) CA
I agree, it should be. I am trying to do posts as often as possible to keep it on the top.

People, if you know any other asylee forums/groups that we could potentially reach out to, please post it here. I am spreading this out by e-mail to my friends asking them pass it on to as many people as possible. You might want to do the same - send it to your address book and ask to pass it on. Reference this post's URL.

There are 160,000 people needing this bill out there and we should try and reach as many as possible. Spread the word!
