This is our chance-action needed

Asylees Who Act - Power by numbers!!!

Good job, everybody!


1. freedoms12 (e-mail)
2. samoel (card mailed)
3. Minsk (e-mail)
4. lusiks (fax)
5. ukulele (fax)
6. nofreedom (fax)
7. asluser (e-mail)
8. miaumiau (fax)
9. pequin12 (fax)
10. paramvir1 (letter)
11. Gilbert (fax)
12. goandgo (e-mail and fax)
I have faxed the letter to my senators(New Jersey) and will also ask fellow asylees from my country living in other states to do the same.
i am faxing and emailng right at this hour from work. :D

I am a just-recently approved asylee and i do not want to wait for my GC till 2020-2025. :mad:

good luck to all of us!!
Me too

I sent emails and to Senator Herb Kohl and Russ Feingold. Also, Sent email to President and Vice President.
Joined with a caveat

In the spirit of the initiative in this forum (while taking due concern of my strong objections to the xenophobic provisions of the House bill), I have faxed a letter to my Senators from Maryland, Paul Sarbanes and Barbara Mikulski, to support the removal of the cap and reject the other parts of the House bill.

Technically, the Senate will have its own version of the bill which may be somehow different from what Sensenbrenner sent from the House. The way it works is that any difference between the Senate and House versions will be resolved in what is known as the "Conference Committee." There are many ways to skin this horse!

I work in DC. Depending on when the Senate may pick up its version of the bill, I will go down to Capitol Hill and pay my Senators a visit.

May the best of outcomes for the millions of current and future immigrants to this wonderful land come true!
Anybody want to put a advertising on the newspaper about the asylee's major problems? Its better to let everybody in the U.S. know about it and support it the law changes rather than only asylees know about this problems. I know a lot of asylees, they does not even know that they need to wait 10 -20 years for GC.
I emailed and faxed both Barbara Boxer and Dianne Feinstaine of California, as well as forwarded this thread to all asylees I know.
Asylees Who Act - Power by numbers!!!

Good job, everybody!

Please use fax or regular mail rather than e-mail (I know e-mail is easier, but it's less effective)


1. freedoms12 (e-mail and fax)
2. samoel (card mailed)
3. Minsk (e-mail)
4. lusiks (fax)
5. ukulele (fax)
6. nofreedom (fax)
7. asluser (e-mail)
8. miaumiau (fax)
9. pequin12 (fax)
10. paramvir1 (letter)
11. Gilbert (fax)
12. goandgo (e-mail and fax)
13. madasylee (fax)
14. asylee25 (e-mail and fax)
15. Punjabi-Munda (e-mail)
16. copper1 (e-mail)
17. TortFeasor (fax)
18. dade (e-mail and fax)

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Ok guys
I am going to fax my message to both senators and to the President, vice-president and other members mentioned. thanks
Does our campaign cover enough senators?

More then 10 people I notified joined this campaign and send letters out. But I have a concern. Does our campaign cover enough senators? I think most of us here live in immigrant states (MA, NY, NJ, IL, CA … …). That means our campaign at most hit about 20 senators. How about other 80 senators?

I think we need to vote couple of people out to coordinate this campaign. We need a more organized action. We need to hit more senators and the hit needs certain strength.

I suggest Gilbert, lusiks be the coordinators. How do you guys think?
lusiks said:
Good job, everybody!


1. freedoms12 (e-mail)
2. samoel (card mailed)
3. Minsk (e-mail)
4. lusiks (fax)
5. ukulele (fax)
6. nofreedom (fax)
7. asluser (e-mail)
8. miaumiau (fax)
9. pequin12 (fax)
10. paramvir1 (letter)
11. Gilbert (fax)
12. goandgo (e-mail and fax)
13.douls ( e-mail and fax )
Asylees Who Act - Power by numbers!!!

Good job, everybody!

Please use fax or regular mail rather than e-mail (I know e-mail is easier, but it's less effective)


1. freedoms12 (e-mail and fax)
2. samoel (card mailed)
3. Minsk (e-mail) Maine
4. lusiks (fax) California
5. ukulele (fax)
6. nofreedom (fax) Missouri
7. asluser (e-mail)
8. miaumiau (fax)
9. pequin12 (fax)
10. paramvir1 (letter)
11. Gilbert (fax)
12. goandgo (e-mail and fax)
13. madasylee (fax)
14. asylee25 (e-mail and fax)
15. Punjabi-Munda (e-mail)
16. copper1 (e-mail)
17. TortFeasor (fax)
18. dade (e-mail and fax)
19. douls (e-mail and fax)
20. wantmygcnow (fax)

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States covered


Could you post your state, I'll add it to the list and we can see which states remain uncovered. We could then send faxes to appropriate senators.

Florida (card to WH, letters sent to the senators home state office and DC office, emails)
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lusiks said:

Could you post your state, I'll add it to the list and we can see which states remain uncovered. We could then send faxes to appropriate senators.


Florida and New York--first class mail.