Tentative Jan \'02 Chennai CP Interviews

akorah/tanani, Please post PCC req. as soon as possible.

You are the first ones from our group regarding the PCC. Please post PCC req. Thank You.
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Just for Idea these are the people attending Jan 2002 Interview.

Total Persons Date
21 02-Jan-02
19 03-Jan-02
17 04-Jan-02
18 08-Jan-02
11 09-Jan-02
11 10-Jan-02
8 11-Jan-02
1 14-Jan-02
7 15-Jan-02
14 16-Jan-02
11 17-Jan-02
17 18-Jan-02
17 22-Jan-02
20 23-Jan-02
19 24-Jan-02
17 25-Jan-02
25 29-Jan-02
22 30-Jan-02
19 31-Jan-02
Total 294

Thanx TL
Interview date not on Website. But was told Jan 22nd

Dates are out on website for Jan. But, my case no is not there. I was told Jan 22nd on phone.
All those affected by the NVC Goofup

Folks, is there anything we can do here (call NVC or consulate)? I am also in the same boat. My P3 was received entered and all that stuff much before 11/15. However, they do not have the NVC piece.

I have asked my lawyer to see if they can do anything. Any thoughts appreciated.
Hey Sup, about PCC

Sorry to ask again but which consulate did you apply to ? I mean my palce comes under houston so do I just check there ? Thought no harm in getting it as I just had the passport reissued a couple of months back.
Just called NVC

I just spoke to an operator in NVC and she told me that my case was sent to Chennai on 15th October. When I told her that they have not received it, she said it takes upto 3 months for it to reach there.
I asked her if Chennai has requested to resend the info and she said NO they have not.
Guys what is the guarantee we will get FEB?
Who is screwing up here NVC or Chennai?
This whole thing sucks.
Guys when you call Chennai next time pls ask them if we need PCC for Feb 2002.
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My P4 was received at my Parents address yesterday in Hyderabad. My Dad read out the required documentation for the interview from the documents list and PCC was not one of them for January 2002.

When we go for the interview, if the PCC is required starting Feb 2002, I will certainly update this forum with the information.

Hope this helps.
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I received my P4 at hyderabad address and PCC is not mentioned in the required documentation list. Hope this helps.
Appointment letter has PCC. But it is not in Required docs list.

No surprises in P-4. My name and my wife\'s are on the letter.
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When we get an email from Chennai consulate "Packet Received"
or when we call them when they say "P3 Received" or "Interview Not yet
scheduled". If This does not necessarily mean that they have the
papers from NVC.
WHy is this ambiguity?

I just called NVC and the operator says she cannot confirm if the
embassy has got it or not because it goes through a "diplomatic pouch".
All MDR200177XXXX cases did not make in to Chennai.

Looks like all the MDR200177 series did not reach Chennai, except for two people. I am not sure how this is possible? I heard that NVC sends them using couries service and how can they stop or misplace courier service with Anthrax issue?
Guys anyone knows what courier NVC uses, so we can talk to them and see if any things are hanging?
gcappl / aceheart

I spoke to NVC operator and she said my case was sent to chennai on 22nd October, and unless she hears from them, how can she re-send anythnig. When I further requested her, she says I could fax NVC a letter explaining the circumstances and they would try and do what best they could.
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After sending my Pk3 to Chennai. I called them, and after giving my case no they tell my Name and used to say Pk3 not yet received. This
confirms that they have received case details from NVC or else they would not know my full name. I thing there is some goofy things happening in Chennai consulate. I think they lost our papers in the consulate after entering them in the system.
The only way they will know about my details is from NVC or my pk3. How can they say that they have not received from NVC due to Anthrax?
When I called on Dec 11 they gave me Jan 22nd as interview date and now its not there on the website.
Here is the list of people affects by this goofup

GC Despo
GC Michigan

Others please add if you belong to this category.
Let us try to see the trends. Analyzing data from cptracker.com, other people whose P3 was sent from NVC on the same day as mine have not gotton Jan interview. At the same time NVC sent date of 10/22 has people not getting (gabbar007) and getting (Kudos) Jan interview.