Tentative Jan \'02 Chennai CP Interviews

acehart/gcappl/gabbar/santhu What is going on with NVC ?.

Do you guys have the same NVC Sent Consulate Date?. Any way, Lady said to call back on 12/20. That means they are working on expedating your cases. I know how you feel now. But I belive you should be o.k. Reason why they did not give you dates (Except gabbar who call on Sunaday) is because they are trying get the NVC papers before they can conform. For me, it looks like they are working on getting your papers. Since gabbar got the Interview date, your dates are also scheduled. You will know when they receive you papers from NVC. Good Luck to you guys.
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I am very sorry to hear about your situation. But Superman\'s previous mail does seem logical and I hope that it is true and you will get through in January.

Even though our interview dates are on the Website, this whole episode has got me on my toes and now I am not sure what will be the confirmation that the dates are in fact 100% valid!

Should we confirm with Chennai to make sure we do not have similar problems?
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P4 typically for out of station guys (non chennai local address) takes a long time in arriving (some times as late as 5th-10th of next month). This entire thing looks so confusing and scary now.
gc_hopeful if you see your date on chennai website

I think you are all set. Chennai was not sure whether they would receive the necessary paperwork from NVC in our case before committing dates and that is why we were asked to call on friday.

I\'m sure they are working on getting the necessary papers from NVC and hopefully manage to get it fast. But realistically Jan looks difficult now (unless NVC sends the necessary papers in next couple of days)
NVC mailed on 15th October but NVC automatic message says 8th October.

My lawer received them on 22nd and I mailed them on 23rd and Chennai received on 29th October.
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Aceheart I really understand the unfortunate situation that you and rest of our friends on this thread have run into. I feel really sorry for you all and pray that you will make it for January.

As far as others who do see their interview dates through the query option on the website(including myself), the reason I am apprehensive is because while it is true that the Website does show the dates for us, I am not sure how much credibility we can attach to those dates given the major goof up they have done with you all.

On top of it when I called just now to confirm the dates, they are picking the phone and then putting it back on the hook. All this is definitely making me nervous.
No Title

Folks who are able to retrieve their January interview dates from the Website, Please post if you have been able to receive a confirmation/denial from the Consulate regarding your website interview dates either via Phone Conversation or via Email.

I am just trying to acertain the authenticity/credibility of the January interview dates we are retrieving from the Website!
Question about Medicals

The Best to all who got Jan interviews, and others who are waiting to hear from the consulate.

I have a trivial question about Photos we need for the medicals in Chennai. It says we need 4 passport size photos for the medical tests. Do these need to be immigration style photos? Or can they be any passport photo (me looking straight at the lens).

Moreover how many immigration style photos do we need?

Thanx a lot
Guys what next for us?? For thoese who did not get January date

Do we call NVC or wait for consulate to schedule interview or go *&#*(#Q(**#&#Q&

Lets talk and see what actions we can take..


I think we better call NVC and confirm what is wrong with the mail. Please post your experience with them.
I got an email too .....

 I got an email from consulate saying that "your interview has not yet been scheduled because we have not received the petition in the mail due to the anthrax problem."
That says it all I guess. January is no longer a possibility. Hopefully we will make it in Feb.
Does the requirement change for us. I have heard that PCC will be required from Feb 2002.
Superman and others going for Jan interview could you guys please find out abt this and let us know.
Let us get a list of people who have been affected by this and decide on what we should do (Call up NVC ?)
To Superman

Dont Know what is happening. WHen i called yesterday nite, lady
got my name from the system when i gave the case number, and
said interview not yet scheduled, please call after 10 days and hung up.

Can you guess what might be happening. My P3 entered date is 11/27.
Also can i assume they have my papers from NVC??
GC Despo, They did not schedule you for Jan. yet.

Whether they received your paper work is unknown from the message. But I think they did received your paper work. You should get Feb.
gcappl, Just apply for PCC @ Consulate with a copy of Passport.

I will be in touch with our group with all my experiences. I still believe Chennai is working hard to accomodate you. Let\'s see how NVC can co-operate. You still stand a very good chance for Jan. Good Luck to all of you.
Called NVC

I called NVC they say file left NVC on 10/22 and it takes anywhere from 1 wk to 90 days to go to consulate. They can not resend the file and I need to wait till consulate gets back to me...