San Francisco Regional DOL Tracker

pleaseGOD said:

How long it is taking on california for processing 140/485 applications? is it same as labor application? My application is RD Aug 2003, lawyer says it might
take 8 months to get labor approval. :(

Thanks in advance,


I don't believe what your Attorney says... My RD is also Aug-03 & I am very much positive about getting LC by Feb-05 from one of the BEC.

It takes about 8 to 10 months in CSC for I-140/485 concurrent application.. not that bad.
Hello gp111 , All ,

First of all , I would like to thank for your inputs. I have been a silient reader for this forum.

Not sure , If you have answered this question before. However I have quick question. My labor moved to federal on Jun 16 2003. When you think , I should get my labor cleared ? Please advice. ( I know that the labor certs from May has been sent to BEC).

Thanks a lot in advance !
Please let us know on what basis you are certain that you expect Labor Approval in Feb-05 for cases with RD aug 2003.
Mine is also RD May 2003 and I will be happy if I get it around Jan-Feb -2005.

gp111 said:
I don't believe what your Attorney says... My RD is also Aug-03 & I am very much positive about getting LC by Feb-05 from one of the BEC.

It takes about 8 to 10 months in CSC for I-140/485 concurrent application.. not that bad.
GP, I would really hope and pray to have approval by Feb 2005, but had phone conversation with lawyer (Michael Piston) and found that, in realistic way, BECs are not going to start processing cases until Jan 2005, and considering double processing rate, lawyer says it is definately by April 2005, plus buffer time 2 months :(

gp111 said:
I don't believe what your Attorney says... My RD is also Aug-03 & I am very much positive about getting LC by Feb-05 from one of the BEC.

It takes about 8 to 10 months in CSC for I-140/485 concurrent application.. not that bad.
really could not understnad how they system works...

someone got laid of , and he applied for EDD unemployment insurance on Friday . On Monday, the first check arrived ...

I just do not understand the policy here . We are all lawful tax payer comparing to some other types of immigrant or illegal immigrants .

Sometimes I just wander what Labor department worker do. Probably nothing .
The job we are doing is far more challenging than theirs .(technically speaking )

I am quite frustraed with the slow movement in labor department. I think this is discriminaion !
Duing 99-2000 , in 6 months , you can get the LC arrpoved . What happen now ??
More than 2 years waiting ...

Is it really worth the wait while seeing countries like China /India booming ??

Well, sorry to complain it here ... :(
pleaseGOD said:
GP, I would really hope and pray to have approval by Feb 2005, but had phone conversation with lawyer (Michael Piston) and found that, in realistic way, BECs are not going to start processing cases until Jan 2005, and considering double processing rate, lawyer says it is definately by April 2005, plus buffer time 2 months :(

I would not agrue with the Lawyer as He has more contacts with BEC/DOL then any of us.

My hoping for Feb-Mar 05 is based on BEC start working Mid of Dec & goes with Double Speed... Its only 3776 RIR cases in May, June & July before Aug-03 cases. BEC must be able to process 3776 SF RIR cases in 2 months with given resources.
Remand Cases!! Any update????

csrini1 said:
same with me varma, from dol remanded to state, no news after that

Same here......Do any one in this forum know how the remanded cases will be handled?? Its really furstrating becuase no one knows how these cases will be handled...

Do anyone have any thoughts?? Its been more than 3 years and still waiting without any clue...... :mad:

I think at this time just sit up tight and watch for good news :(
And moreover have positive energy flow like GP :)

Thanks GP

gp111 said:
I would not agrue with the Lawyer as He has more contacts with BEC/DOL then any of us.

My hoping for Feb-Mar 05 is based on BEC start working Mid of Dec & goes with Double Speed... Its only 3776 RIR cases in May, June & July before Aug-03 cases. BEC must be able to process 3776 SF RIR cases in 2 months with given resources.
gp111 said:
I would not agrue with the Lawyer as He has more contacts with BEC/DOL then any of us.

My hoping for Feb-Mar 05 is based on BEC start working Mid of Dec & goes with Double Speed... Its only 3776 RIR cases in May, June & July before Aug-03 cases. BEC must be able to process 3776 SF RIR cases in 2 months with given resources.


Do you have the numbers for RIR cases filed in Aug, Sept, Oct, Nov 2003.
Thanks for clarifying, gp111; I'd overlooked to mention this. This is a subtle but very critical point. It's not sufficient only if the applicant has the required education and/or the experience; the job MUST require it (in line 14 in the form ETA 750).

By the way gp111, how did you find out that the dates will retrogress to mid-2002? Also, "mid" = June, July, August, any idea?

gp111 said:
As long as the Job requires it.
EB2 Versus EB3

GP and all ,

I know that EB2/EB3 catagories are relavent only in 140 stage based , so If one had mentioned EB2 as the catagory in Labor Cert , Does he has an option of filing either EB2 or EB3 on 140 application or he is forced to file as EB2 ?

EB category is NOT relevant during the labor stage and is not mentioned anywhere in this stage. Only after you get an approved labor, the EB category is mentioned when you apply for 140.

bal_ki said:
GP and all ,

I know that EB2/EB3 catagories are relavent only in 140 stage based , so If one had mentioned EB2 as the catagory in Labor Cert , Does he has an option of filing either EB2 or EB3 on 140 application or he is forced to file as EB2 ?

bal_ki said:
GP and all ,

I know that EB2/EB3 catagories are relavent only in 140 stage based , so If one had mentioned EB2 as the catagory in Labor Cert , Does he has an option of filing either EB2 or EB3 on 140 application or he is forced to file as EB2 ?


Yes, If your LC quaifies for EB2 but you want to apply EB3 You can do that. Just choose EB3 in I-140 & no questions will be asked.
Hi Bal_ki,
I am curious - why would you opt for EB3 if you are eligible for EB2 ?

gp111 said:
Yes, If your LC quaifies for EB2 but you want to apply EB3 You can do that. Just choose EB3 in I-140 & no questions will be asked.
GotGC?? said:
EB category is NOT relevant during the labor stage and is not mentioned anywhere in this stage. Only after you get an approved labor, the EB category is mentioned when you apply for 140.
I have BS + 5 Years experiance but the progressive experience Part is confusing it could be interpreted in different way . Besides EB2 and EB3 are current .. please correct me if I am wrong.
Hello gp111

gp111 said:
Yes, If your LC quaifies for EB2 but you want to apply EB3 You can do that. Just choose EB3 in I-140 & no questions will be asked.

My labor Cert. was filed as EB3, do I have any benifit for the processing time?

Thanks a lot!
bal_ki said:
I have BS + 5 Years experiance but the progressive experience Part is confusing it could be interpreted in different way . Besides EB2 and EB3 are current .. please correct me if I am wrong.

May be not right thread to worry, but if your job requires BS+>3 have more chances to get LC cleared as per Carlson Memo.

At least my Attorney has filed my LC for EB2 catgory as "the applicant has requisite experience of BS + 5 before joining the fooo (sponsiring) company".
in the form ETA 750

Hope this clarifies, Means should have BS+5 before filing LC and NOT gained that experience on the current JOB or during course of completing the education. May be other EB2 Guru's will throw more light.

RR 5/5/2003

Definition as per INS published in 2000

What Exactly is Progressive Experience?

``Progressive experience'' is not defined by statute or
regulation. Its plain meaning within the context of EB-2
adjudications is relatively simple: employment experience that
reveals progress, moves forward, and advances toward increasingly
complex or responsible duties. In short, progressive experience is
demonstrated by advancing levels of responsibility and knowledge in
the specialty."

Read this article of INS to understand how EB2 for BS+5 is adjudicated with examples.


Is it true that for non-RIR LCs from SF DOL from Sept '03 (till end of '04) have been moved to BECs (even though backlog for non-RIR is higher than RIR). Also is Seattle DOL merged with SF DOL now ?


Still very slow for folks left at SF DOL

On Macrh 17th now, still processing around just 7-8 cases per day. Some recent certifications -


Lets keep positive energy flowing and we will get there one day.