San Francisco Regional DOL Tracker - Old (Archived on 09/23/2004)

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Congratulations to all certified! Anyone with 999.151-031??

Congratulations to all certified lucky ones.. Please mention your DOT codes too. I know one case of 12/16/2002 with 999.151-031 and its still in received status!!
Where I can look for?


Really appreicate your response. Please tell me where I can look for the information you mentioned? I didn't find it in the FLCDatacenter, The case displayed there are only those got reviewd up to Dec 2003, not received by Dec 2003.


gp111 said:
Try using Employer Phone Number / Attorney Phone Number & look for cases received after Oct 25th... see if you can filter out your case !
Dial AVM 14159754617... press 1,2...

laengineer said:

Really appreicate your response. Please tell me where I can look for the information you mentioned? I didn't find it in the FLCDatacenter, The case displayed there are only those got reviewd up to Dec 2003, not received by Dec 2003.

gp111 said:
Dial AVM 14159754617... press 1,2...
Hi gp111,
There used to be a excel sheet (kept in file manager at yahoo), which had details about DOT code, RD, current status. It was very helpful tool. Do you know if we are still maintaining it.


I know one case Received date 12/19/2002 DOT Code 999.151-031
Still says received


DesiPardesii said:
Congratulations to all certified lucky ones.. Please mention your DOT codes too. I know one case of 12/16/2002 with 999.151-031 and its still in received status!!
Backlog Reduction Centers

Hello All,

Any idea if the Backlog Reduction centers, once open, will process the NON-RIR labour at SWA (NOT FEDERAL).

Dol Processing

As of May 28, most of RD Jan 10, 2003 cases have been processed (Did random case number check between 09544572 to 09544740).. most of them Certified, some received & a few remanded.

Now they should be working on Jan 13th (89), Jan 15(54) Jan 16 (83).....

keep up the good work !
Same DOT Number

DesiPardesii said:
Congratulations to all certified lucky ones.. Please mention your DOT codes too. I know one case of 12/16/2002 with 999.151-031 and its still in received status!!

Hello Desi Pardesi,

I have the same DOT Code. And my case was received by DOL Nov-25-2003.

What does this DOT number refer to?

Do they process by received date ?


I'm just wondering they do process by received date order.
Some cases of Feb 2003 were approved.
So, if it is the same code, then the cases that has earlier priority date should have been handled, either approved, remanded , rejected or etc,. Does anyone know how they process ? Do the area of application or company size matter ? (or something else ?) Many thanks !

I need help - Labor Cert

I got a letter from SESA stating that my LC case has been approved and been forwareded to the ROL (San Fran, CA) on 1/27/04. I have been calling the 415.975.4617 number and can't find my case - not even in a "RECEIVED" status. Is this normal? It has been 4 months.... :confused:

gp111 said:
As of May 28, most of RD Jan 10, 2003 cases have been processed (Did random case number check between 09544572 to 09544740).. most of them Certified, some received & a few remanded.

Now they should be working on Jan 13th (89), Jan 15(54) Jan 16 (83).....

keep up the good work !
i_am_lost said:
I got a letter from SESA stating that my LC case has been approved and been forwareded to the ROL (San Fran, CA) on 1/27/04. I have been calling the 415.975.4617 number and can't find my case - not even in a "RECEIVED" status. Is this normal? It has been 4 months.... :confused:

Perfectly normal. Believe it or not It takes 6 months to get your Case in to their system.
RD date @ DOL

This link says they are doing it for RD in Dec 2003. Your's is a month away. So, sit back, relax, and enjoy the bumpy ride :)

i_am_lost said:
I got a letter from SESA stating that my LC case has been approved and been forwareded to the ROL (San Fran, CA) on 1/27/04. I have been calling the 415.975.4617 number and can't find my case - not even in a "RECEIVED" status. Is this normal? It has been 4 months.... :confused:
Thanks all!!! Does anyone have any idea how long it is going to take DOL (San Fran, CA) for certification??? I am too new and know nothing about it... :confused:

Note: SESA forwarded my LC application to DOL San Fran, CA on 1/27/04.
My LC application was forwarded to SFO DOL from SESA on Oct 30 2003, and I still don't find it in the AVM. So, don't worry. It takes them awfully long to enter the cases in the database.

Even on I see only cases upto July 2003 for my company.

i_am_lost said:
I got a letter from SESA stating that my LC case has been approved and been forwareded to the ROL (San Fran, CA) on 1/27/04. I have been calling the 415.975.4617 number and can't find my case - not even in a "RECEIVED" status. Is this normal? It has been 4 months.... :confused:
i_am_lost said:
Thanks all!!! Does anyone have any idea how long it is going to take DOL (San Fran, CA) for certification??? I am too new and know nothing about it... :confused:

Note: SESA forwarded my LC application to DOL San Fran, CA on 1/27/04.

That's a question with no answer. DOL is currently processing the cases received on Jan 10, 2003.
You mean Jan 10 2003, not 2004, is that correct? It probably might take at least one year for certification?? I really want to find another job. If I leave my PT company, I get to redo the whole process like placing an ad, refiling another LC application again??

The-Dude said:
That's a question with no answer. DOL is currently processing the cases received on Jan 10, 2003.

SESA PD: 03/11/03
xfer to R DOL: 01/27/04
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Thanks In_GC_Race! Please keep me post when you find your case number in the AVM system! I am 3 months behind you. Thanks for the link...I just figured the link is pretty staledated as one of my coworker's LC has been certified back in Dec 2003 and the result shown under the link stated his LC was "returned by state after remand", not "certified". :) should be a good news?

Do you file RIR?

SESA PD: 3/11/03
xfer to R DOL: 1/27/04
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i_am_lost said:
You mean Jan 10 2003, not 2004, is that correct? It probably might take at least one year for certification?? I really want to find another job. If I leave my PT company, I get to redo the whole process like placing an ad, refiling another LC application again??

SESA PD: 03/11/03
xfer to R DOL: 01/27/04

You bet, it is 2003 not 2004, and if you change job, you will have to start from scratch again.
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