San Francisco Regional DOL Tracker - Old (Archived on 09/23/2004)

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Hi Everyone,

I am not sure if this will help you at all but one of my colleagues whose labor had been remanded to state about 6 months ago just got his approval. I am not sure what his number etc is but just thought i would put this in. Hopefully that means the DOL is working?????
Re: Hi Wang2Mazi

Originally posted by aman_k

Thanks aolye, aman_k, and RAJ!234.

I have no idea if it was an auto-remand or not. But I believe my lawyer contacted either DOL/SESA. My company don't want us to talk to the lawyers so there are insider info that I am not aware of.

Has any one got DOB Certificate and/or Marriage Certificate from Indian consulate in USA and used it for GC processing? Would there be any problems if I do that? Any help in this regard is very much appreciated.

Originally posted by IWantIt

Has any one got DOB Certificate and/or Marriage Certificate from Indian consulate in USA and used it for GC processing? Would there be any problems if I do that? Any help in this regard is very much appreciated.


I think the Consulate issued certificates are not valid.

You will get more info if you search in I-485 forums.

Return after Remand

Does any body know what is the date they are currently working on for the cases returned after remand. Any updates...!...!.
Can somebody throw some light on the following question.
My friend s LC is filed with "A , B , C" type of reqs/job description,
whereas he does not have that all experience in his past experience.He may be having A B types of skills but not all A B and C.

But some reqs match , but not 100 % - Probably 70% matches.

Based on this fact , any problem to that GC processing.

My case was auto remanded in on june 26th 2003. It was later Returned by state after a remand on jan 5th.
Anybody knows how long is it taking the DOL to take action on these "returned" cases??
RD = sep 02
Hi Folks,

My Case was auto remanded on July 10 2003.Now the case returned after remand to DOL on Jan 6 2004.Guys psot yr info also.So we can get some idea!!!Already 2 years and another 3 months gone from the date of filing .In Ca only this situation happens!!!Not anywhere!!!!!!

Originally posted by IWantIt

Has any one got DOB Certificate and/or Marriage Certificate from Indian consulate in USA and used it for GC processing? Would there be any problems if I do that? Any help in this regard is very much appreciated.

"No Entry Record" is acceptable issued by authority of the cuntry of origin. This is true for the cuntries do not have birth record of the subject. At least Canadian immigration does not accept, consulate varification in this regard. Even DOB could be verfied by educational certificatre/degrees but not acceptable.
I suggest, please don not wait and get certificates from birth and death registration authority and mariage certificate from relevant authority, to avoid any delay in the future. I am sure immigration people ask about original and translated version of these certificates.
Re: RIR processing dates

I'm pretty sure that AVM message is correct. A lot of remnded cases that are not processed yet have September as a priority date.

Originally posted by piyushb
Hi Aman,

The AVM still says its Sept. 02 (the message was updated on Jan 20th). But the website does say its Nov 02. Lets hope the website is correct :)
Remanded July 1st, 03. Returned, Jan 2, 04. Current status: Returned after a remand.

Originally posted by RAJ!234
Hi Folks,

My Case was auto remanded on July 10 2003.Now the case returned after remand to DOL on Jan 6 2004.Guys psot yr info also.So we can get some idea!!!Already 2 years and another 3 months gone from the date of filing .In Ca only this situation happens!!!Not anywhere!!!!!!

DOL Response after Certification

Details below:

Intial Filed Date: 7/2001
DOL RCD: 4/2002
Remanded to State: 4/2003
Return after a remand: 9/2003
Certified : 1/2004
Code: 151.081

AVM says my labor is certified on Jan 13th and attorneys haven't received any official notification on paper yet. It has already been a week.

How long it generally take to receive this official notification afer your labor is certified? Does any body know?
Re: DOL Response after Certification


It depends on where your lawyers office is located.
My labor was certified on Dec 23 rd reached lawyers on Dec 31st . My lawyer's office is in San Fransisco where DOL is located , I think that had an effect on how fast the mail reached.

Originally posted by RDDI
Details below:

Intial Filed Date: 7/2001
DOL RCD: 4/2002
Remanded to State: 4/2003
Return after a remand: 9/2003
Certified : 1/2004
Code: 151.081

AVM says my labor is certified on Jan 13th and attorneys haven't received any official notification on paper yet. It has already been a week.

How long it generally take to receive this official notification afer your labor is certified? Does any body know?
Return to State after Remand

Case#: Donno (HR will send it tomorrow)
SESA Priority Date: Oct 4 2001
Sent to DOL: Oct 3, 2002
DOL Receipt date: Donno!
Current state : 'Return to State after remand'

What does this mean is my LC rejected? Are there any chances the Attorney can request to re-consider or do a market retest and get it certified? Gurus please advice.

Thanks in Advance.
Re: Return to State after Remand

Dont worry ! It means SESA send your case back to DOL and DOL will work on it, if your case's job requirements are BS+ 3 yrs or MS +6months then there is high chance that your case will be ceritified. You should feel hopeful instead of worrying.

Originally posted by CaliGC
Case#: Donno (HR will send it tomorrow)
SESA Priority Date: Oct 4 2001
Sent to DOL: Oct 3, 2002
DOL Receipt date: Donno!
Current state : 'Return to State after remand'

What does this mean is my LC rejected? Are there any chances the Attorney can request to re-consider or do a market retest and get it certified? Gurus please advice.

Thanks in Advance.
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