San Francisco Regional DOL Tracker - Old (Archived on 09/23/2004)

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Guys, I think you have every right to ask for your case numbers as the case numbers are attached to your name, not company's. Unless we are 21st century slaves, we should not be the properties of our employers. The case numbers belong to us as they are attached to our names. One thing I learned in this country - if you have non-american accent, you are 2nd class citizen. People with non-american accent should have some kind of attitude to get things done. These people take advantage of polite people. This is what I learned in last 10 years. Since 97, I have attitude with my non-american accent and got done a lot of things pretty easily.

BTW, my lawyer and HR sends me any piece of information they get and schedule mettings with them whenever I like to get things answered.

As long as the case is in the Labor Certification process the case belongs to the company. There is no employee name attached to the case.
Labor Certifications is the process where an employer is setting the grounds to hire an alien employee, who that employee is , has not been determined.
Once the Labor is approved and you enter the I-140 stage the person and labor get attached.
Thus the statement that the case belongs to the employer is a correct one.
By the way my company and the lawyers I work with are very co-operative. They pass on every information they get and answer emails promptly and are available on the phone as long as we can work out a suitable time. and I dont have to show any attitude. Personally I have never had to show any attitude to get anything done in any situation atleast over the past 14 yrs I have been in this country, again this is purely from personal experience and not a general statement.
we will soon have to leave this country ..

have you seen this :

The point is that the growing anger is taking the shape of laws against the so called "out-siders" . The delays at DOL are just another way of descriminating as a result of this growing anger amongst locals here to any one local and you will get to know what i am talking about . ..I think its good time to pack up and take our families back ..But don't forget to your job back with you ..that's what I am doing now ..I am moving my job to Canada after getting Canadian immigration ..Think tanks at DOL does not realize that USA economy suffers more if they delay the processing as many more like me will take the American tax paying jobs to other countries like Canada , India , China..

Another disgruntelled victim of the fair and legal immigration system here
we will soon have to leave this country ..

have you seen this :

The point is that the growing anger is taking the shape of laws against the so called "out-siders" . The delays at DOL are just another way of descriminating as a result of this growing anger amongst locals here to any one local and you will get to know what i am talking about . ..I think its good time to pack up and take our families back ..But don't forget to your job back with you ..that's what I am doing now ..I am moving my job to Canada after getting Canadian immigration ..Think tanks at DOL does not realize that USA economy suffers more if they delay the processing as many more like me will take the American tax paying jobs to other countries like Canada , India , China..

Another disgruntelled victim of the fair and legal immigration system here
To cadolslow and NKelkar

Looks like you guys have been living in US for long. (10 and 14 years) . I had heard from a friend (so don't quote me on this)
That if you have stayed legally in US for certain number of years you are eligible to file your own green card?

more information, anybody?


The Labor is not owned by Company. Its for both company and employee. Though they can apply for labor for emp1 and later give that labor to emp2. But its very difficult to get I-140 with that. Its very very difficult ....



DOL Provides Guidance on RIR Labor Certifications

November 20, 2003 - The Department of Labor (DOL) issued its long-waited guidance today on RIR labor certifications pending at the regional DOL offices in a memorandum for regional certifying officers. The guidance directs the certifying officers to conduct an initial review of all pending RIR applications for "completeness/compliance." If the application is found to meet the completeness/compliance requirements, the memorandum directs that:

(a) if the position requires a "Bachelor's Degree and three (3) or more years of experience or a Master's Degree (+) six (6) months of experience," the application should be certified, OR

(b) if "the level of recruitment and the detail provided in the recruitment report" satisfy the certifying officer that further recruitment is unnecessary, then the application should be certified.
In other words, applications for positions with higher level requirements and applications that contained detailed reports of recruiting results (for U.S. workers), regardless of the positions' requirements, will be certified (approved).

Many if not most RIR applications filed in recent years contained only summary recruitment results, and thus would not qualify for certification immediately unless the position's requirements met the "Bachelors and three years or Masters and six months" standard. For all other applications, the certifying officers are directed to offer employers the following options:

(a) Withdraw the application totally.

(b) Have the case remanded to the State Workforce Agency (SWA) for recruiting at a later date under "traditional" agency-supervised processing.

(c) Conduct a one-day advertisement "retest" of the labor market with a detailed report of the disposition of all applicants.

In satisfaction of the retest option, the guidance directs the certifying officers to accept current recruitment performed within the past six (6) months. Employers will be permitted to modify the applications by including different job requirements or additional duties. This permission to modify the requirements is in response to many employers' complaints that they were strongly encouraged to use only the most common or streamlined requirements in RIR applications that were filed during the tight labor market of years past.

Labor certification is the first stage of the employment-based green card (immigrant) process. Recruitment is required to test the labor market in order to demonstrate that there are not sufficient qualified U.S. workers available, willing and able for positions with specific requirements. RIR labor certification was promoted nationally beginning in 1996 to streamline the process, and permitted employers to conduct their own recruitment and report results in advance of filing the application. During the height of the tight labor market, employers were encouraged to file RIR applications with only summary reports of recruitment results, since the unavailability of sufficient qualified U.S. workers was widely recognized.

The memorandum makes no mention of a remedy for applications that were remanded to the SWA but that would benefit from the new guidance. Whether the regional DOL offices will recall remanded applications or wait for motions to reconsider to be filed is not yet clear and will be a primary question in many regions; Berry, Appleman & Leiden will continue to pursue a beneficial outcome.

Berry Appleman & Leiden is also working with employers to make individual case assessments and plans so that they can promptly take advantage of the benefits of the guidance

-Warren R. Leiden
Berry Appleman & Leiden LLP
San Francisco
Good sign

That's a good sign. The question is how well dol execute this new guidance and how fast they can process.

thank you for your info.

Seems like a good news after a long wait. Lets get ready to track approvals guys. ( if there any :) )
What about a requirement of Bachelor+1yr? Does the guideline mean it will be Remanded to SWA? Could employer modify the requirement to Master+1yr?

Originally posted by k_elink
What about a requirement of Bachelor+1yr? Does the guideline mean it will be Remanded to SWA? Could employer modify the requirement to Master+1yr?

It seems yes, the employer can modify requirements and go for adds again.

I cannot believe they took 3 months or more to come up with a policy of not even a page. Worser than the third world countries.

Anyways as everybody said atleast the policy is out, hope DOL get their act together and start working on the cases. But since its going to be holiday from now on don't know what work will get done.
Is this policy applicable to only auto remanded cases


Is this policy applicable to only auto remanded cases. I got a NOF and my company decided to move the case back to State and as NON RIR.

Is this polcy applicable to all the auto remand as well as the remanded cases who got the letter. My company seems to be doing a little bit better now. So, is there a chance for my company to pull back my application to DOL again.

Any information will be highly appreciated.

All indications are positive

But THE result everybody are waiting for will be much better. It's a little disturbing that the document doesn't mention remanded cases directly. I was waiting for more clear postion in that regard. I can see some field for manoeuvres here. It is better than all remaded cases being thrown out completely, but still not as good as a guidance to reconsider all those cases according to the new policy. And again a popular theme here: "We have to wait. Patience." I hope by the end of the year we will have some visibility into what's going on. Also I hope that we all will NOT gain high ranking status of a Senior Member in this forum and get certified sooner than that. :)
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The best approach for Remanded guys

You need to follow the suggstions mentioned by other members to pull your case from SESA and push it to DOL. To do that you need to ask your HR to talk to SESA, send a formal request to push your case back to DOL.

Then if required, that means if your case does not require those so called BS+3 years and MS+6months requirements you may want to reconsider going for Advertisemnts again with new requirements.

Thats the way to go guys. Good luck to everybody.
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