San Francisco Regional DOL Tracker - Old (Archived on 09/23/2004)

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Does anybody know the fax number of DOL? The old one (415) 915-4660 is no longer working.
Thank you
Does this pilot program Centralized Processing Group (CPG) mean that SESA cases in California will be processed faster, more importantly the remanded cases?
DOL AV System

AV is not answering (415) 975-4617.

It's just ringing for past 2 days. Does anybody know what is happening?
status of autoremanded cases

As to the remanded LC cases, we are seeing some cases approved but not a lot of consistency on that front. The DOL is still
trying to come up with a consistent policy to apply across the board and hopefully will have something in place by the end of
October 2003.
Re: status of autoremanded cases

Says who? Does anyone know of anymore cases which were approved? DoL has succeeded in creating anxious aliens :)

This is the quietest I have seen this forum.

Originally posted by shankru
As to the remanded LC cases, we are seeing some cases approved but not a lot of consistency on that front. The DOL is still
trying to come up with a consistent policy to apply across the board and hopefully will have something in place by the end of
October 2003.
Hi Folks,

It is really frustrating.Already SWA is doing lot of work.All remanded RIR cases are already approved by SWA and it has sent to DOL.But once again DOL is playing game.Again it is sending back the already approved cases to SWA.Again the workload is increasing.So bad.They have to remanding all the RIR cases means they have to maintain this policy in all the states right.In SFO area only 12,000 people affected.It's really frustrating!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: Re: status of autoremanded cases

Originally posted by california_gc
Says who? Does anyone know of anymore cases which were approved? DoL has succeeded in creating anxious aliens :)

This is the quietest I have seen this forum.

It is quiet, that's for sure.
We're all observing rather than being excited. I think all now knows that their chances of getting their green cards approved are slim but you never know.

Good luck everyone
My case was forwarded to DOL in Aug. How can I get the case number by calling DOL? I heard I can punch in my employer's number with DOL answerinf system, but I could not find which option to get there.
Whatz up with DOL??

Knock..knock, is DOL still there??

What's going on with DOL?? Has DOL gone on a long vacation to Hawaii or what?? How come they get way with this? This can happen only in US. They give driver's licenses & citizenship to illegal immigrants but are not interested in giving us a fair opportunity to stay here. Bunch of hypocrites!!!

Did anyone of you forward my earlier messages to DOL??:D

Can anyone give an update on what's going?
- :mad:
The AVM now says it cannot locate my case !! It used to say it's in Received Status up until yesterday.

DOL RD : Nov 2002
DOT : 999.051-151
Case # : 09537***
Same with me

To add to more insanity. DOL AVM says that my case # cannot be located. It used to say that my case was Remanded to State

Can some body whose case got Remanded confirm this?.
RD: Oct 2 / 2002. Remanded on July 14/2003, 999-151-051
Re: Same with me

Yesterday I could locate my case number, today I can't. I think the worse has happened. The cases might have been successfully transferred to EDD - SESA.

No point in being optimistic now.

Originally posted by Titan01
To add to more insanity. DOL AVM says that my case # cannot be located. It used to say that my case was Remanded to State

Can some body whose case got Remanded confirm this?.
RD: Oct 2 / 2002. Remanded on July 14/2003, 999-151-051
Same here... Most likely the AVM database may be down or the portion of it may be down.
Originally posted by stan01
Same here. I also tried my employer phone number but that can't be located either.

I am also in the same boat!!!!.2 Days before the message is "Remanded to State".Now the number cannot be located!!
What is going on??So stupid!!!!

submiting a another labor application

hello everybody,

have a question - I have already a labor application pending;
last year my job description changed. Am I allowed to file
an another labor with new job description.

The new labor will allow me to stay in the country a little

Any advise/comments/suggestion?

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