San Francisco Regional DOL Tracker - Old (Archived on 09/23/2004)

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buddha2004 said:
Yes, How will they hear us, if we don't shout ?
Why would the Senators or the congressmen be concerned about an immigrant who cannot even vote. It is the local immigrant legal community that needs to do this. With faster turnaround they can generate more revenue and grab cases from going to other states.
gp111 said:
I guess DOL is not updating AVM currently ( It doesn't mean they stopped processing - I hope so !), lets see if they update by Monday. They ware not updating Seattle cases also, last night they updated one case "Certified on Aug 30"...wait & watch.

Regarding, BRC.. thats Ridiculous, if they are starting with PHL not CA...PHL RIR current dates are 08/03 (6 months ahead of CA).

You guys think we should send letters to DOL / Senators / Congressmen like other regions are doing ??

Hi gp111,
This we should have done before Aug20, 2004. Still we can do it, i mean sending letters. I heard (not sure) that Dallas BRC is also taking up cases belong to Texas only. Finally no one bothers about CA.

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It's said "You never know what is possible till you try". What have we got to lose, anyway?

Also, the babus in senate & congress may - just may - feel that getting the gratitude of the IT crowd may help them in the future, and therefore the quid-pro-quo.

I support any idea for a representation. Any help from Rajiv Khanna would also be very useful. I volunteer to help anybody who knows what needs to be done.

Btw, is BRC = Backlog Reduction Center? In that case, wasn't it pretty clear when DOL was coming up with the BRCs that CA was last in the list, anyways? Please clarify if I'm mistaken.

m_chundi said:
Why would the Senators or the congressmen be concerned about an immigrant who cannot even vote. It is the local immigrant legal community that needs to do this. With faster turnaround they can generate more revenue and grab cases from going to other states.
worker_bee said:
Btw, is BRC = Backlog Reduction Center? In that case, wasn't it pretty clear when DOL was coming up with the BRCs that CA was last in the list, anyways? Please clarify if I'm mistaken.
Actually yes. Whatever info I read about BRC so far, CA was never on the list. But answers by attorneys (in other forums) indicated that "eventually" they will take on all cases (including CA), but CA doesn’t seem to be picked up in near future.
Seattle and SFO queues Merged??

Hi Guys,
Did anyone of you hear about that the Seattle and SFO queues merged?
any further info is appreciated.

Any new approvals ?

Any new news ? I called 415-975-4601-1-1

The message recorded today said they are processing applications recieved between Nov 2002 and Feb 2003

How much longer will they stay in Feb..What the heck happened ? :confused:
Don't think Feb is through

My RD is 27th Feb 2003 and I meet the BS+3 yrs/MS+6 mths criteria. I still haven't heard anything. The status of my case is "received" on the AVM.
I want to know what is going on???????

They're once again slowing down the processing speed !!!!!!
Does anybody know if they put everything onhold ??????
Same here, I am also waiting for my Labor Certification

sunnycal said:
My RD is 27th Feb 2003 and I meet the BS+3 yrs/MS+6 mths criteria. I still haven't heard anything. The status of my case is "received" on the AVM.

My RD is 25th Feb 2003 and I am still getting "received" status on the
AVM. I think we are long way from finishing Feb.
My RD is Feb 28 and I am also getting "received status". They haven't updated AVM since last 2 weeks. The last case that I heard certified was 09548143 with RD of 2/20/2004 certified on Sept 1, 2004.

I received a response to my email regarding reinstantiating AVM from DOL last week when the AVM was down from the following email id They said that they were not aware of the problem and it has been fixed.

I think they may also not be aware if their AVM update process is working correctly or not. I have send them another mail this morning but haven't heard anything so far. Perhaps some more people can do the same to find out whats going on?
bholadhuri said:
My RD is Feb 28 and I am also getting "received status". They haven't updated AVM since last 2 weeks. The last case that I heard certified was 09548143 with RD of 2/20/2004 certified on Sept 1, 2004.

on aug 28, 548174 for feb 24 was certified.
this is last case i know about
I know of a case in my company with RD date of 02/28/04 which shows certified status on AVM. So I would presume that the processing has moved onto to March atleast.

bholadhuri said:
My RD is Feb 28 and I am also getting "received status". They haven't updated AVM since last 2 weeks. The last case that I heard certified was 09548143 with RD of 2/20/2004 certified on Sept 1, 2004.

I received a response to my email regarding reinstantiating AVM from DOL last week when the AVM was down from the following email id They said that they were not aware of the problem and it has been fixed.

I think they may also not be aware if their AVM update process is working correctly or not. I have send them another mail this morning but haven't heard anything so far. Perhaps some more people can do the same to find out whats going on?
SFDoLRd_082003 said:
I know of a case in my company with RD date of 02/28/04 which shows certified status on AVM. So I would presume that the processing has moved onto to March atleast.

do you know what is the CERTIFIED Date for that case ?
thanks in advance
3 option letter

I just checked my status. It is saying my case has been remanded to state. My HR is saying they remanded my case to state. I did get 3 option letter 2 months back.

Does that mean my case goes back to state and will be put in the queue for processing. Is it like a whole new LC from the scratch? Someone please let me know if you know any more details about employer remanded cases.

I am trying to decide whether i should quit job, because i am feeling it is not worth to wait in my company any more. Screwed up lawyers and screwed up HR. My case was such a weak case. (BS +0 years), even though i did have 4 years of experience at the time of application.
Correction to previous post... RD should be 02/28/2003 not 2004. I have been checking the status for all cases outstanding in my company and have heard the certified status for atleast 3 weeks if not more.

I think it has been certified for atleast that duration. I don't really know the exact date.

gp111 said:
do you know what is the CERTIFIED Date for that case ?
thanks in advance
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