S. 1932 Status


Can someone, who has this list handy, please post it here again? I can't find it in the messages.


Please call

I was able to speak to staff of all Congressman. None of them had any clue of section 8001 senate version or Congress mans position.In fact lady who picked up the phone for Lamar Smith did not even know that he was in the reconcilliation committe.She said he has nothing to do with Senate as he is a Congressman.Anyways i asked everyone to convey the message to support section 8001.
Please do make calls and continue the good work.
F. James Sensenbrenner, Jr. 202-225-5101
Lamar S. Smith 202-225-4236
John Conyers, Jr. 202-225-5126
Latest floo updates....

2:42 P.M. -
On agreeing to the resolution Roll Call 663 - Yea and Nay vote pending.
On agreeing to the Sessions amendment Agreed to by voice vote.

The previous question was ordered without objection.

2:41 P.M. -
Amendment offered by Mr. Sessions.
An amendment to strike the words "conference report to accompany the" from the 8th paragraph.
Open your eyes. There are several different lines in EB and you do know about this. Several different lines with different cutoff dates, different origin countries etc. It's the reality.
You want to add DV visas in EB. Great, but there is family category and those guys want the same. Are you going to fight with them, huh?
What if tomorrow EB-1 guys (or family category line, whoever) say, that there is no sense in EB-2/3 and all eb-2/3 visas should be given to them? Are you going to start a war in the immigration community? Hey, be polite. My goal is to get a GC, but not to take it away from someone else (let's say from you), ok?
I'm not talking about illegals. They are not having a chance to get their GC right now. But when/if they get this chance, I'm not going to fight against them. I'm not going to support any bill, which will make their lives hard. I'm not even going to ignore such a bill. This country has standed united. We need to do the same.

nozdam said:
First off i am fighting for Immigration for employment based ppl. YES i do NOT care abt the Illegal Immigration. I am NOT taking ANYONE's "hope". What i meant by 50k GCs becoming free is, that they may not give to EB category but it WILL reduce the number of Green cards being processed per year. That frees up the employees processing the GCs, which in turn MAY mean that our retrogression gets freed up. And yes i DO not agree with the concept that ppl shud be rewarded for just being a minority, that too when they have no particular ties with the country. We are ALL waiting in line for a GC, i have NO issues with ANY category getting it AS long as they ALL wait in line. I am ALL for LEGAL immigration and Immigrant RIGHTS. ALong with you i have ALSO beeen fighting for EB immigration. And YES i believe THAT shud be our focuss. DO we see the illegals fighting against EB retrogression? Are we here to solve the worlds' problems??


When you call please make sure to use the bill and section names also not just the bill and section number. Staff members do not remember the bill by number S1932 or 8001) but by issue. If you tell them you are calling abt the Budget Reconciliation bill and want to support the use of unused Employment based greencard visas then it will ring a bell.

Semantics matter!
Here is the contact information of the senate leaders and house leaders of the conference committee.

I have a good gut feeling. He may not oppose to it, however; he would also not insist on this provision to be in this bill. As long as he is not opposing it we are fine.

Everyone please don't forget to get in touch with the senate conference committee members. We should not forget them because they are the one who will bring the issue on the table and present valid arguments in our favor.

On behalf of EB community I urge you all to call now to talk with Congressmen office


I urge you all one more time to call the Congressmen office such that you can talk to office staff as staff is now in office, even you have called and left a voice mail.....voice mail may help....talking with human being(office assistants) will definetly help to pass the message, good work guys.....keep up the good work,
don't we need to contact other conferees??

I also feel that we need to contact some other house conferees as well.
Look at the following excerpt... from the text which enlists the appointees. In addition to the people who will be working on our sections, we also have the following people who will be considering the senate bill. We want them to consider Sec 8001 (Title VIII) of the bill that senate passed, so should't we be contacting them as well?


6:44 P.M. -

The Speaker appointed conferees for consideration of the Senate bill, and the House amendment thereto, and modifications committed to conference: Nussle, Ryun (KS), Crenshaw, Putnam, Wicker, Hulshof, Ryan (WI), Blunt, DeLay, Spratt, Moore (KS), Neal (MA), DeLauro, Edwards, and Ford.

Thank you pdakwala for the file.

pdakwala said:
Here is the contact information of the senate leaders and house leaders of the conference committee.

I have a good gut feeling. He may not oppose to it, however; he would also not insist on this provision to be in this bill. As long as he is not opposing it we are fine.

Everyone please don't forget to get in touch with the senate conference committee members. We should not forget them because they are the one who will bring the issue on the table and present valid arguments in our favor.


Please keep calling. Everyone is now in the office. I spoke to few of them and they have taken my message. I was told that the conference committee is doing their work and so far there is no news. Keep the momentum going.

Just called Conyers office. Spoke to a human and conveyed the message. So, they are back in office and answering the phones again. So, please call in....
Why are we tracking today's proceedings

I am a new active member. I have been sending faxes to senetors, House Reps, and committe members for the last three months. I also sent faxes on behalf of my friends. I have a quick question. Why are we tracking today's proceedings on CSPAN. Is something due today? Sorry if I asked a dumb question.

dc9900 said:
2:42 P.M. -
On agreeing to the resolution Roll Call 663 - Yea and Nay vote pending.
On agreeing to the Sessions amendment Agreed to by voice vote.

The previous question was ordered without objection.

2:41 P.M. -
Amendment offered by Mr. Sessions.
An amendment to strike the words "conference report to accompany the" from the 8th paragraph.
RajGC said:
I am a new active member. I have been sending faxes to senetors, House Reps, and committe members for the last three months. I also sent faxes on behalf of my friends. I have a quick question. Why are we tracking today's proceedings on CSPAN. Is something due today? Sorry if I asked a dumb question.
same me too
gth999 said:
Where is this ? S1932 or 8001 In senate/house ?
Is there any vote on this today ?

It is being discussed in the conference committee between senate members and the house members. It is not available on C Span as far as I can find. I think it is happening behind closed doors.
Pdakwala, what did you tell Sensenbrenner?

pdakwala said:
Here is the contact information of the senate leaders and house leaders of the conference committee.

I have a good gut feeling. He may not oppose to it, however; he would also not insist on this provision to be in this bill. As long as he is not opposing it we are fine.

Everyone please don't forget to get in touch with the senate conference committee members. We should not forget them because they are the one who will bring the issue on the table and present valid arguments in our favor.


Pdak, the subject says it all. We know now that he just listened to you and thanksed you.

What exactly did you tell Sensenbrenner?
just called John Conyers, Jr. - (202) 225-5126 office


Just called John Conyers,Jr office his assistant answered it,
He asked me is am i calling for H1 visas support, I corrected his
understanding by saying it is for EB Greencard visas recapturing,
{ Still there is great need to explain these law makers differerence
between H1 and EB visas}
He also told he has been getting calls for congressman support,
on this issue,

keep up the good work guys,.....every one is a hero in this fight,
Victory will be ours,

I urge everyone to call them now, thanks,