S. 1932 Status

If possible people here should meet their senators, house representatives in person and present our PPT to them. I think thats most effective. I will be calling tomorrow to again ask for an appointment with other senator and house representative
khodalmd said:
The intension of AILA to take initiation to support this bill is to have one million potential customers (Illegal immigrants).

Of course, AILA is supporting us (Legal immigrant), we should hold it to support illegal issue.

[QUOTE=drforgc]I agree with khodalmd, we should hold off on acting for or against this bill, as from what I read it ideals with illegals and not us. I think we should know more about the bill before we act on this.

Friends, my 2 cents..
The intension of AILA to take initiation to support this bill is to have one million potential customers (Illegal immigrants).

Of course, AILA is supporting us (Legal immigrant), we should hold it to support illegal issue.
For AILA, both legal and illegal immigrants are potential clients and hence they support us and oppose this bill.
I believe that opposing this bill will weaken our efforts. We should stay laser-focussed on the common thread that holds this group of diverse people together, ie, "Ease of getting Green Cards"
I believe that this country has a responsibility to keep illegals from entering just like we have the problem of infiltration in our country. We would do best to keep out of this.

Guys let pls be Focussed on S-1932 and LEGAL immigration. Pls lets not follow AILA blindly as we cud end up being used for their benefits.

Bill Frist said that the S1932 the deficit reduction bill will be debated tomorrow in the Senate. The chair is authorised to appoints the conferees on the part of the senate with the ratio of 11 to 9. We will have to names of the conferees tomorrow when senate begins its work at 9.30 EST. Then senate will address this conferees on the process.

The House will also be expected to do the same thing. At this point in time it looks like they have not reached any agreement so far and so let's hope that they reach the agreement soon..
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Back in 1999, there was retrogression. And at that time they did recapture the unused VISA numbers. So they are not doing anything new. This has been done before too. Is it worth mentioning in the fax ? I am going to send some more faxes tonight.
Current Floor Proceedings

The Senate stands in adjournment until 9:45 a.m. Wednesday, December 14. At 9:45 a.m., the Senate will be in a period of Morning Business for up to 30 minutes, with the first 15 minutes under Majority control and the second 15 minutes under Minority control. Thereafter, the Senate will begin consideration of the motions to instruct conferees with respect to the Deficit Reduction bill.

This report highlights illegal immigration. I do not think this may affect S 1932. Just being hopeful. :)
Don't Stop

Guys, please keep your efforts on of faxing, contacting and calling. I contacted my employer and the immigration lawyers. They are also lobbying for the bill. Please make sure you contact your employers and immigration lawyers, and most of the time they are receptive to lobbying if they hire H1B holders. Let's try our best and not worry about such negative articles. Sunjoshi and many others on the board are the most active Indians I have come across. Thanks guys for such wonderful efforts.

md17 said:
This report highlights illegal immigration. I do not think this may affect S 1932. Just being hopeful. :)
Dont be disheartened. This is a quote from the first article, from the Center for Immigration studies, which is know is an anti immigrant "Steven Camarota of the center, which advocates tougher policies on illegal immigration and favors attracting immigrants with needed job skills."

THey are talking about illegals and immigrants with no skills, even if legal, for example the asylees and refugees, and visa lottery people, many of whom cannot contribute to the nation. Should we state this point in the presentation---SUNJOSHI? We could ask to channel these visas or a portion of them to EB visas for needed skilled labor. I am doctor, a cardiology fellow and there is a trememndous shortage with thousands of jobs available for cardiology in this country for the aging population. I think it would be a good point.

I also think that the faxes we send today whould be brief with big bold letters from our personal faxes, somthing like,

Dear Senator/Congressman/woman

Please support S1932 with section 8001

Help legal immigrants with advanced degrees assimilate and invest in the United States.

This is NOT about increasing H1s, you have done this before in 1999


Tell me what u think.

Tell me what you guys think?
Send ISN fax but have doubts

The site wrote the contents of the fax for me .
And it says about recapture of the visa number. It does not say about spouses excluded from the visa number calculation . Does anyone know whether that is in 8001 ?

even if we capture 90,000 it will not be enuf .Same time next year we will trying for another bill...
atldolwait said:
Same time next year we will trying for another bill...
Same time next year you can try for another bill but keep in mind that next year is elections - noone is going to touch a contentious issue like immigration. If you want to do anything do now.
atldolwait said:
The site wrote the contents of the fax for me .
And it says about recapture of the visa number. It does not say about spouses excluded from the visa number calculation . Does anyone know whether that is in 8001 ?
As far as your question is converned, SEC. 8001. RECAPTURE OF UNUSED VISA NUMBERS. has this wording regarding dependents " Immigrant visas issued on or after October 1, 2004, to spouses and children of employment-based immigrants shall not be counted against the numerical limitation set forth in paragraph (1)."
satyasaich said:
in the senate, just started about the deficit reduction bill. stay tuned

Thank God :)
It was so quite . I was scared to death. I guess this bill is going to kill me ,I cannot take this for long. I am already a diabetic patient. :( :mad: