S. 1932 Status

Slightly modified letter

Ram_Ram thanks a lot for taking the time to prepare the letter.

I have taken the letter and modified it a little in the time I had. The modified version has more meaningful words/sentences in some places...

I will try to modify the letter to be more eloquent when I find more time later...

Good luck and thanks all for the enthusiasm shown toward this initiative.
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Some more points

here are the top few lines from the letter. there are other places where even my letter above needs to be changed or toned down as per my opinion:


IMHO, words like "we are in no way comparable to illegal aliens" are incorrect and caustic. They have to be replaced by better euphemisms that reflect our plight rather than criticizing others.. But opinions differ... So I leave it to the judgement of others what they want to send..
Old format

Hi Guys,

Quick question. Cant we use the Same letter that we used for the Senators? I mean that letter was nice and polite and a one on one correspondence with the Senators. Most ppl on here believe that, part of the reason the immigration relief made it, was because of OUR letter and faxes. If that is true (which it might be), shudnt we stick to the same format for the Congressman too?

No offence to the new letter but as some ppl have pointed out, the letter is a lil caustic and a little too sharp. The old format sounded like a sincere plea for help. A citizen friend of mine pointed out to me yesterday, that, The top Brass in the US knows that, it is coz of the Cream from different countries coming to the US, that, immigration is still alive, else it would have died out, a while ago. My personal opinion is, that the Govt KNOWS that immigration is important and knows it's benefits, to the Govt, society, colleges etc etc.

If that is the case, shudnt we just ask the honorable congressmen for help, rather that emphasizing what benefits we bring? I am sending out 19 letters to the 19 PA congressmen tomorrow. Wish me luck guys.
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WISH YOU ALL THE BEST. Use any letter, but make sure your suffering is felt. Contact as many reps as you think is reasonable.

I personally think I should be sharp. Lou Dobbs, Christin Romans etc just show the clips with people crossing and jumping the borders and fences and start talking about H1-B and visa numbers. How is that tolerable? Is it not hitting our self respect? They even go to the extent saying that these visa holders are not traceable by INS. Come on we got SSN's. We are filing ar11' s at every change of address. What the hell are these media guys talking? Even experienced senators like Byrd had a similar impression and started talking the American hospitals are full with illegal immigrants. We are paying our health insurance. We are not burden on anyone.

Forget about Green card, but think about a situation where American people meet and start talking cheaply about H1-B guys because of these false media reports.

nozdam said:
Hi Guys,

Quick question. Cant we use the Same letter that we used for the Senators? I mean that letter was nice and polite and a one on one correspondence with the Senators. Most ppl on here believe that, part of the reason the immigration relief made it, was because of OUR letter and faxes. If that is true (which it might be), shudnt we stick to the same format for the Congressman too?

No offence to the new letter but as some ppl have pointed out, the letter is a lil caustic and a little too sharp. The old format sounded like a sincere plea for help. A citizen friend of mine pointed out to me yesterday, that, The top Brass in the US knows that, it is coz of the Cream from different countries coming to the US, that, immigration is still alive, else it would have died out, a while ago. My personal opinion is, that the Govt KNOWS that immigration is important and knows it's benefits, to the Govt, society, colleges etc etc.

If that is the case, shudnt we just ask the honorable congressmen for help, rather that emphasizing what benefits we bring? I am sending out 19 letters to the 19 PA congressmen tomorrow. Wish me luck guys.
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Leave unnecessary doubts

It doesn't work that way. The family members are not restricted under any quota and visa number availability is not an issue. It is a matter of how fast their applications are processed. I guess it is 6 moths to 1 year.
ansi2004 said:
I am really shocked at your finding. No one here is ready to even give a thought about GCs for their spouses and children. I earlier posted my doubts regarding this and looks like those doubts are confirmed by immigration.com

GUYS, you all need to have perspective... Dont just think about your GCs... What about your family members... You all will get a GC - FINE! But how good is that if your spouse and children has to wait for 8 or more years in the Family based quota for thier own GCs... Please.. GUYS, give a thought about this and act accordingly!

ZBD, can you post the link of the immigration.com breaking news where you found this info.

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hey ram_ram,

All i meant was, we have a format that has worked for us. We ALL want self-repect more than a GC, but the bitter truth is, we are in a country that is NOT our own and there are some misguided people here who think Legal and Illegal Immigration is the same. However from the rejection of the Bryd proposal, it seems, there IS a force working in our favour, and that some lawmakers DO understand the difference.

All i am saying is lets point out to the Congressmen, like we pointed out to the Senators, as to what our plight is. Maybe they too will get educated abt the same and listen. Other than that, people are free to use whichever format they think is best.
hey guys

Its really good that all of you are chipping in with time and effort. However there are several problems with the letter I saw attached above. Firstly the language in it is full of grammatical and stylistic errors and therefore inappropriate for formal communication in the US. Secondly there are several things mentioned in it that are politically incorrect usage here (e.g. regarding illegal aliens- remember that many lawmakers support providing relief and dignity to illegal aliens and we too should not sound unsympathetic to them; also regarding using upper case and bold letters- that looks very rude)..
......the language itself would not have mattered but for the fact that we are presenting our case as "highly skilled' employees" ....so using incorrect language could jeopardize our case......the fact that English is not our native language and not necessary for acquisition of specialized skills in most technical fields will not register with our audience.....what they will see is an unprofessionally written letter and therefore its impact will be significantly lessened...

Time is precious so if any one can polish the same letter or post a different letter thats really helps the people who come to this site
Hello everyone,

I have few things that are still not clear. Immigration-law.com says that "Under the new law (If it passes) the spouse or children of EB direct beneficiary, unless the direct beneficiary's I-140 petition is eligible, their spouses and children will not be able to submit I-485 applications."

Lets imagine a situation where the direct beneficiary first file the I-140. Once it is approved by USCIS he or she files for the adjustment of status for him or her under the new law. If the direct beneficiary's family meaning spouse and children if they are in US currently living with the direct beneficiary; what happens to them.


Can they file for EAD and Advance Parole and I-485 (ADJUSTMENT OF STATUS ALONG with the direct beneficiary once the direct beneficiary's I-140 is approved and files for the adjustment of status?

If the spouse of direct beneficiary cannot file anything until the direct beneficiary's I485 is approved there is no gain to us because we all will still be affected since our spouse and children will be waiting for the GC.
Guys, please use the letters just as a draft, Take the content and personalize them with whatever. Everybody need not send exactly the same letter. Dont bother about the grammar or style, No time for all that. Just please contact your house of reps with some talking points.

helpful_leo said:
hey guys

Its really good that all of you are chipping in with time and effort. However there are several problems with the letter I saw attached above. Firstly the language in it is full of grammatical and stylistic errors and therefore inappropriate for formal communication in the US. Secondly there are several things mentioned in it that are politically incorrect usage here (e.g. regarding illegal aliens- remember that many lawmakers support providing relief and dignity to illegal aliens and we too should not sound unsympathetic to them; also regarding using upper case and bold letters- that looks very rude)..
......the language itself would not have mattered but for the fact that we are presenting our case as "highly skilled' employees" ....so using incorrect language could jeopardize our case......the fact that English is not our native language and not necessary for acquisition of specialized skills in most technical fields will not register with our audience.....what they will see is an unprofessionally written letter and therefore its impact will be significantly lessened...

My suggestion

Please remove the H1B cap increase in the Letter when you send to House members. Every one is getting worried about loosing their jobs by increasing H1B cap, they dont want to repeat the chapter of 2001... Please stress only on EB retrogression..... They are not against EB retrogression (We already in US)... only concern is H1 B cap increase for them.... And all this anti - immigration formation is bcoz of H1 B cap rise...
Focus On Retrogression Rather Than On Increasing H1 B Visa

One individual who has posted a new thread have received the following letter from 'Bob Inglis', a house representative, 4th District, South Carolina.

The letter seems to tell us indirectly that they are not very enthu on increasing h-1b visas. We therefore should focus more on retrogression rather than on increasing H-1B visas. I would recommend everyone in this and other threads that please compose a letter focusing more on retrogression and not on increasing H-1B visa. If we do that I am sure we will be able to get what we all want.
Dear xxxxxxx,

In order to meet the high demand for information technology trained employees, in 1998, Congress increased the numbers of H-1B visas to foreign workers with professional specialties. We had enjoyed an economic expansion, and the unemployment rate remained low. However, the recent economic downturn in the information technology sector may have diminished the demand for H1-B workers and raised questions about lay-offs. Keep in mind that employers must justify their need for hiring foreign workers under Department of Labor regulations.

Opponents of H-1B workers believe there in no compelling evidence of a labor shortage in the professional areas that cannot be met by newly graduating students and retaining the existing U.S. work force. They believe we should place a priority on educating and training U.S. workers instead of developing a reliance on foreign workers.

Proponents of current H1-B levels say that the education of students and retaining of the current workforce is a long-term response. They insist that employers need to hire the most qualified applicants for the jobs to be globally competitive. The numbers of H-1B visas that are approvable on yearly basis are mandated by law. Employers must show that the positions are advertised and that all of the U.S. citizens and foreign workers who inquire for the positions are interviewed. The criteria by which the selection was made also has to be disclosed.

We need to keep our companies competitive so they can continue to grow and create jobs, and we need to focus on education and training so that American workers are available to fill those positions. I’m certain we will be able to fill those jobs with Americans, but we cannot delay on filling the jobs today.

Best regards,
Bob Inglis
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Response from senator Tom Harkin

I sent again a letter as part to support the bill in the house, changed the letter and removed H1 cap increase, and I focussed only on EB- retrogression...

Here is the Response (BTW who is democrat)............

Dear Anil:

Thank you for contacting me. I am always glad to hear from you.

I appreciate knowing your views on the need to reform our immigration
laws. My mother was an immigrant to this country, and I am proud to be
first generation American. Each generation of immigrants has enriched
nation both culturally and economically.

The United States has always been a beacon of hope for many around the
world seeking refuge from oppressive regimes, and so I support the
traditional U.S. policy of providing political asylum to those fleeing
such regimes. Additionally, I am supportive of immigration reform
proposals that would bring our immigration laws up to date with modern

I have heard from many Iowa businesses, large and small, that a steady
stream of workers is essential to meet their workforce needs due to the
aging population in Iowa and nationwide. To this end, I am a
of S. 359, the AgJobs bill, which provides for a stable and legal
agricultural wokforce. This bipartisan measure, sponsored by Senator
Larry Craig (R-ID), currently has 47 co-sponsors. Because of the broad
support for this bill, I look forward to the Senate acting upon this
measure as soon as possible.
Recently, President Bush repeated his intention to propose changes to
current immigration laws. The Administration's plan, however, has yet
be formally introduced in Congress. I agree with President Bush that
time has come to address comprehensive immigration reform. Currently,
there are several Senate bills addressing this issue and I am carefully
reviewing these measures. I am hopeful that, when Congress considers
immigration reform, the complex issues facing employers and
migrants will be fully debated and fairly resolved.

Again, thanks for sharing your views with me. Please don't hesitate
let me know how you feel on any issue that concerns you.


Tom Harkin
United States Senator
Hot Urgent !!!

Folks !

We need to stay focussed on the EB Retrogression scenario only. I heard from top lawyers in immigration business ( THey write law text books ! - they are CA based, they said If affected folks are EB Category applicants they have a good chance to get more current dates.

If these folks focus on H1 B CAP INCREASE THEY STAND TO LOOSE EVERYTHING. Since most avg americans and folks in congress think we are " Excess Baggage " if we campaign for H1 B increase. Since our immediate need is a EB Visa, we need to focus exclusively on EB Visa. Why worry about what we can do for H1 cap increase ?. (2) it is big companies like infosys and wipro who benefit and we are fighting proxy for them ??
Right on the money ! - Focus on EB Visa ONLY !

We need to stay focussed on the EB Retrogression scenario only. I heard from top lawyers in immigration business ( THey write law text books ! - they are CA based, they said If affected folks are EB Category applicants they have a good chance to get more current dates. We are fighting a losing battle by asking H1 increase !!!.

If we all folks focus on H1 B CAP INCREASE WE STAND TO LOOSE EVERYTHING. Since most avg americans and folks in congress think we are " Excess Baggage " if we campaign for H1 B increase. Since our immediate need is a EB Visa, we need to focus exclusively on EB Visa. Why worry about what we can do for H1 cap increase ?. (2) it is big companies like infosys and wipro who benefit and we are fighting proxy for them ??

pdakwala said:
One individual who has posted a new thread have received the following letter from 'Bob Inglis', a house representative, 4th District, South Carolina.

The letter seems to tell us indirectly that they are not very enthu on increasing h-1b visas. We therefore should focus more on retrogression rather than on increasing H-1B visas. I would recommend everyone in this and other threads that please compose a letter focusing more on retrogression and not on increasing H-1B visa. If we do that I am sure we will be able to get what we all want.
Dear xxxxxxx,

In order to meet the high demand for information technology trained employees, in 1998, Congress increased the numbers of H-1B visas to foreign workers with professional specialties. We had enjoyed an economic expansion, and the unemployment rate remained low. However, the recent economic downturn in the information technology sector may have diminished the demand for H1-B workers and raised questions about lay-offs. Keep in mind that employers must justify their need for hiring foreign workers under Department of Labor regulations.

Opponents of H-1B workers believe there in no compelling evidence of a labor shortage in the professional areas that cannot be met by newly graduating students and retaining the existing U.S. work force. They believe we should place a priority on educating and training U.S. workers instead of developing a reliance on foreign workers.

Proponents of current H1-B levels say that the education of students and retaining of the current workforce is a long-term response. They insist that employers need to hire the most qualified applicants for the jobs to be globally competitive. The numbers of H-1B visas that are approvable on yearly basis are mandated by law. Employers must show that the positions are advertised and that all of the U.S. citizens and foreign workers who inquire for the positions are interviewed. The criteria by which the selection was made also has to be disclosed.

We need to keep our companies competitive so they can continue to grow and create jobs, and we need to focus on education and training so that American workers are available to fill those positions. I’m certain we will be able to fill those jobs with Americans, but we cannot delay on filling the jobs today.

Best regards,
Bob Inglis
I agree with Anil, Sundar and all others who favor that EB retro should be fixed first. Multinationals should push for increasing H-1. I guess, anti immigration americans are more concerned about increasing H-1 numbers because they are afraid of loosing jobs to foreigners, whereas EB is already DOL veryfied or extra ordinarily qualified (EB-1) or NIW apporoved jobs for which no suitable americans are available. Therefore, we all should contact the right Senators / Congressmen for recap of unused EB numbers, not counting dependents and make a sustainable immigration reform for future which should not have sudden blackout (like sudden power failure in India, waiting to fix the fault). I request those who have contact with Techworkers group to contact them and ask to rewrite their fax by removing H-1 increase demand before it is faxed.

sundar99 said:
Folks !

We need to stay focussed on the EB Retrogression scenario only. I heard from top lawyers in immigration business ( THey write law text books ! - they are CA based, they said If affected folks are EB Category applicants they have a good chance to get more current dates.

If these folks focus on H1 B CAP INCREASE THEY STAND TO LOOSE EVERYTHING. Since most avg americans and folks in congress think we are " Excess Baggage " if we campaign for H1 B increase. Since our immediate need is a EB Visa, we need to focus exclusively on EB Visa. Why worry about what we can do for H1 cap increase ?. (2) it is big companies like infosys and wipro who benefit and we are fighting proxy for them ??
WE should focus on Retrogression only

I fully agree with views expressed above. Average American does not know about Retrogression, but they do know about H1B which in their opinion, is for taking away their jobs.

In view of this, I have updated content of ram-ram's very immpressive letter which is reproduced below.

I am planning to send this modified letter to all congressman from all 6 states from New England area.

My regards to all these dedicated people in this forum who are doing their best for the benifit of most of us.
