Raleigh/Durham NC - N-400 Timeline

Need info

Hi Folks,

I'm glad to see an email thread on Raleigh/Durham NC - N400 timeline. Here are my details:
1.Received FP letter for Nov'12, 2009
2. Had a walk-in and got my FP done on Nov'4, 2009
3.Online shows RFE.
4.Got the clarification that it is a SYSTEM ERROR and there is no RFE for my case
It has been more than 30 days since I got my FP done.
Has the Raleigh office slowed down on processing N400. What is the wait time for IL in Raleigh?
Can seniors advice me of the next steps? Whom to contact?
Any help is highly appreciated.
Hi Folks,

I'm glad to see an email thread on Raleigh/Durham NC - N400 timeline. Here are my details:
1.Received FP letter for Nov'12, 2009
2. Had a walk-in and got my FP done on Nov'4, 2009
3.Online shows RFE.
4.Got the clarification that it is a SYSTEM ERROR and there is no RFE for my case
It has been more than 30 days since I got my FP done.
Has the Raleigh office slowed down on processing N400. What is the wait time for IL in Raleigh?
Can seniors advice me of the next steps? Whom to contact?
Any help is highly appreciated.

30 days after FP is nothing to be alarmed about. Give it at least 45-60 days after FP to start inquiring (ex:Infopass) about your IL if you don't receive it by then.
Hi Folks,

I'm glad to see an email thread on Raleigh/Durham NC - N400 timeline. Here are my details:
1.Received FP letter for Nov'12, 2009
2. Had a walk-in and got my FP done on Nov'4, 2009
3.Online shows RFE.
4.Got the clarification that it is a SYSTEM ERROR and there is no RFE for my case
It has been more than 30 days since I got my FP done.
Has the Raleigh office slowed down on processing N400. What is the wait time for IL in Raleigh?
Can seniors advice me of the next steps? Whom to contact?
Any help is highly appreciated.

Seems like cases in Durham DO are processed according to RD not FP completion date. The processing also seems to have slowed down to 4-5 month timeline for entire process. They will be exceptions (like always). This is MHO.
My RD is October 16, 2009. I would be completing 5 Years of GC on Dec'23, 2009. It has been 38 days now since by FP. The online status still shows RFE although I got the letter from USCIS that it is a System error. So I have no hope on the online status. I can only wait for the Postal Mail for any update.

I'm interested to know what has been waiting period for the IL for folks whose case is being processed in Raleigh DO?
The posted processing time has been 5 months for several months. There's no slowdown in the process if they are meeting the posted goal.

5 months for processing means that applications are taking less than the USCIS goal for processing time (which is 5 months). The actual processing might take 2,3,4 month but it is still listed as 5 months in processing time frame.

My point was the actual processing time seems to be a 4-5 months timeframe now (and still within posted goal - like you pointed out) but is slower than what it had been in recent past.
My RD is October 16, 2009. I would be completing 5 Years of GC on Dec'23, 2009. It has been 38 days now since by FP. The online status still shows RFE although I got the letter from USCIS that it is a System error. So I have no hope on the online status. I can only wait for the Postal Mail for any update.

I'm interested to know what has been waiting period for the IL for folks whose case is being processed in Raleigh DO?

I had FP done on 13th Oct and recieved IL on 7th Dec with ID on 11th Jan. You can do the math....
My n-400 journey completed in 2 1/2 months

Here is a recap of my Interview experience. (PLEASE NOTE: CHARLOTTE DO)
My appointment was scheduled at 1.45 PM. Employment based.
I reached there at 1.40.
I was called in at 2.05 by an officer. He took me to his room.
First step is to take the Oath (with raised hands) and then he offered the seat.
Then he collected my Green card, Drivers license and Passport.
He went through every question in my N-400 application.
I confirmed the facts mentioned in the N-400.
He asked me to write in a sheet of paper one sentence and read a sentence from another sheet of paper……. To test my English language skillsets.
Then he moved to the quiz part.
He went through some pile of papers at the back of his desk and pulled one sheet of paper, that has some 6 questions.
Following are the questions.
These were the same questions my wife went through for her interview last month.
What is freedom of religion ? ( Answer: We can practice any religion or be without practicing any religion)
How many Senators ? (Answer: 100)
Name one state state bordering Canada? (Answer : Newyork)
Which year the Constitution was written? (Answer : 1787)
Eligibility for selective service registration ? (Answer: 18 years to 26 years)
Name of the Ocean in East coast ? (Answer: Atlantic)

On completion of the quiz, he was going through a big file that has all my papers..........he did mention that he was trying to trace my birth certificate. I was sitting very close to his table. I was able to see that he had all my papers right from labor.... it was big pile of not less than.....probably 200 sheets of papers. But he could not get that.
Then I intervened and told him that I have the original in the file I brought with me... and he can take a copy if needed.
For that he mentioned that "thank you.... I do have all your papers.....and trying to locate.... another officer will go through these things and verify the papers. It should be there in the file we have".

He said CONGRATULATIONS.... I will take you back to the waiting room... we have oath taking ceremony coming up on 12/17.
Another officer, after verifying all the documents, will come by and let you about it.
I went back to the waiting room... After 15 minutes, another officer stopped by and informed me about the Oath scheduled at 8.30 am on Thursday.

DO: Charlotte, NC (Employment based)
10/01/09: N400 FED EXed to Lewisville,TX
10/02/09: N-400 Received
10/06/09: Check cashed
10/20/09: FP notice received
10/27/09: FP Done (I walked in earlier at Raleigh DO and got it done - no questions were asked)
11/09/09: IL received
12/14/09: ID (Done today)
12/17/09: Oath date scheduled on at 8.30 AM


Here is a recap of my Interview experience. (PLEASE NOTE: CHARLOTTE DO)
My appointment was scheduled at 1.45 PM. Employment based.
I reached there at 1.40.
I was called in at 2.05 by an officer. He took me to his room.
First step is to take the Oath (with raised hands) and then he offered the seat.
Then he collected my Green card, Drivers license and Passport.
He went through every question in my N-400 application.
I confirmed the facts mentioned in the N-400.
He asked me to write in a sheet of paper one sentence and read a sentence from another sheet of paper……. To test my English language skillsets.
Then he moved to the quiz part.
He went through some pile of papers at the back of his desk and pulled one sheet of paper, that has some 6 questions.
Following are the questions.
These were the same questions my wife went through for her interview last month.
What is freedom of religion ? ( Answer: We can practice any religion or be without practicing any religion)
How many Senators ? (Answer: 100)
Name one state state bordering Canada? (Answer : Newyork)
Which year the Constitution was written? (Answer : 1787)
Eligibility for selective service registration ? (Answer: 18 years to 26 years)
Name of the Ocean in East coast ? (Answer: Atlantic)

On completion of the quiz, he was going through a big file that has all my papers..........he did mention that he was trying to trace my birth certificate. I was sitting very close to his table. I was able to see that he had all my papers right from labor.... it was big pile of not less than.....probably 200 sheets of papers. But he could not get that.
Then I intervened and told him that I have the original in the file I brought with me... and he can take a copy if needed.
For that he mentioned that "thank you.... I do have all your papers.....and trying to locate.... another officer will go through these things and verify the papers. It should be there in the file we have".

He said CONGRATULATIONS.... I will take you back to the waiting room... we have oath taking ceremony coming up on 12/17.
Another officer, after verifying all the documents, will come by and let you about it.
I went back to the waiting room... After 15 minutes, another officer stopped by and informed me about the Oath scheduled at 8.30 am on Thursday.

DO: Charlotte, NC (Employment based)
10/01/09: N400 FED EXed to Lewisville,TX
10/02/09: N-400 Received
10/06/09: Check cashed
10/20/09: FP notice received
10/27/09: FP Done (I walked in earlier at Raleigh DO and got it done - no questions were asked)
11/09/09: IL received
12/14/09: ID (Done today)
12/17/09: Oath date scheduled on at 8.30 AM



Congratulations! We even had the same set of civil and history questions!
I called up USCIS yesterday and they told me Raleigh DO is still processing N400 applications from May 2009. I hope it is not a long wait
I called up USCIS yesterday and they told me Raleigh DO is still processing N400 applications from May 2009. I hope it is not a long wait

They gave you inaccurate information. The USCIS web site shows 5 months processing as of October 31, 2009 so they extrapolated back to May 2009. However, it is now December so 5 months back would be July 2009.
Is it time for me to take INFOPASS and try to get some more info?

Not really since your 5th year anniversary is Dec 23. The may be waiting to schedule your interview after Dec 23. Be patient.Give it a few weeks after Dec 23 to inquire if you haven't received answer by then.
Hi Gee24,


A quick q- Is birth certificate a must for clearing the Interview? During GC, I used the option of "there is no birth certificate" through my lawyer and USCIS accepted it.

I got a letter from the village administrative officer from where I was born that showed that there is no record of birth for myself since I was born in my grandma's home, etc. I got that notarized from the village notary and submitted it for GC.

Will this pose a problem in my interview?

Hi Gee24,


A quick q- Is birth certificate a must for clearing the Interview? During GC, I used the option of "there is no birth certificate" through my lawyer and USCIS accepted it.

I got a letter from the village administrative officer from where I was born that showed that there is no record of birth for myself since I was born in my grandma's home, etc. I got that notarized from the village notary and submitted it for GC.

Will this pose a problem in my interview?



The answer to your question is "THERE SHOULD BE NO PROBLEM AT ALL"
I don't think Birth certificate is that important.....for N-400 processing.
However when I went through the interview process (after all the questions were done), the officer was glancing through all the hard copies of my file......and I was just sitting and observing.....
After 3 minutes, he did mention to me that he was trying to trace my birth certificate from the file.

I had the original (the stamp paper in which we testify confirming about the birth etc ... etc signed by 2 family members etc).
I did mention to the officer that I can give the original again and he may make a copy of the one that I submitted for GC process..... for this the officer said "Thanks.... I can get it from the binder they already have and another officer will go through this".
The documents that you submitted (for proof of birth for GC Process) should be GOOD ENOUGH to be accepted now.

PLEASE DO NOT offer any thing.... unless you are asked to provide...Don't volunteer to provide any thing on your own.

You should be through easily....without any hazzles....
good luck

(I am just like any other applicant.......with minimum knowledge )
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My wife & I have FP appointments in the Durham DO 1 hour apart noon time monday.

I was wondering if we could go a couple of hours sooner (around 9~10) and get the fp's done, so I dont have to take the whole day off.
any thoughts?
my wife & i have fp appointments in the durham do 1 hour apart noon time monday.

I was wondering if we could go a couple of hours sooner (around 9~10) and get the fp's done, so i dont have to take the whole day off.
Any thoughts?

My suggestion.

Give it a shot............there should be no hazzles.

Here is what happened in my case.

My DO is actually charlotte.
Due to job reasons, I stay in Raleigh.

I got my FP appointment some time in last week of october 09.

I was reluctant to drive all the way to Charlotte for this sake.... so I just wanted to try in Durham DO and so...I walked in (4 days earlier than the prescribed date)..........just went in to durham DO...............showed them the letter......

There was absolutely no questions whatso ever.....
(I thought they might ask me "your are scheduled for FP at charlotte DO...........why did you come to raleigh DO...etc etc.?"
No one even noticed that at all..... so they may not care about the time/date as well..).

So you should be good to go earlier and save 1/2 day's time off.
Just a minor suggestion:
"Do not volunteer or say any thing to the front desk guys or the security like
''hey.... my scheduled time of FP....is ONLY in the afternoon....but I want to get it done now... blah....blah...hmmm..hummm.....da......da ........hee heee....."

You just show the letter and keep quite.

Good luck....

(I am just another applicant like you..... of course not an expert in this process)
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FP experience at Durham DO.

Thanks Gee24. We went at 10am, I told the officer that we were early, and he said that was not a problem. There were just 2-3 people ahead of us. We got out exactly in 30 min.
