Project "Ocean" : Become a U.S. Citizen by 2008 Election !!

Congressional campaign for CSC in KS

I applied my 485 in feb 2002 in CA. I am staying in KS. Can anybody tell me if it will help the I-485 cases in CA if I try to do the "FAQ list for congressional campaign" here in KS?
Originally posted by kashmir
Or we may be able to use karma_yoga's thread. Now, we are requesting a meeting to several Congresspersons.
I think that thread is a great resource, but we need to advertise it more and give it more prominence. I can't understand why people can't send a simple one page fax? I will try to beat it into people's heads that they need to make things happen!

  • D CA 13th - Pete Stark - karma_yoga
  • D CA 14th - Anna Eshoo - kashmir
  • D CA 15th - Mike Honda - kuldeepc
  • D CA 16th - Zoe Lofgren - rk4gc
Once one of the meeting being decided, we should work together like the town hall meeting.

Are the people making contact planning for 1 on 1 meetings? Or is it a precursor for a delegation to sit down with the congressmen to discuss issues?

Also, please allow me to once again thank you and the rest of the hard workers who are doing so much for so many people without expecting any remuneration in return other than the satisfaction of getting the job done. Thank you so much!
Re: Congressional campaign for CSC in KS

Originally posted by r_srinii
I applied my 485 in feb 2002 in CA. I am staying in KS. Can anybody tell me if it will help the I-485 cases in CA if I try to do the "FAQ list for congressional campaign" here in KS?

We are trying to mobilize a country wide campaign of congressmen and senators, so the answer to your question is MOST CERTAINLY! You are not just working towards speeding up CA approvals but also that of every AOS applicant who is waiting for his/her green card.

Your help is much appreciated and you are definitely being a catalyst of change. So please go ahead and work towards that goal!
Originally posted by 140_takes_4ever
I think that thread is a great resource, but we need to advertise it more and give it more prominence. I can't understand why people can't send a simple one page fax? I will try to beat it into people's heads that they need to make things happen!

If we can push the "action required info" thread as important, then it will stay at top and people can access the info easily. I am not populating that thread (natural way to keep it on front). That will defeat the purpose of only relevent info. I have requested moderator but don't know what to do more.

If you guys havent noticed Operations recieved response from Prakash Khatri
they have highlighted that with Red
Originally posted by karma_yoga
If we can push the "action required info" thread as important, then it will stay at top and people can access the info easily. I am not populating that thread (natural way to keep it on front). That will defeat the purpose of only relevent info. I have requested moderator but don't know what to do more.

I will try to bump the thread up as and when it goes down. I will delete the bump messages the moment there is another message under it. That way we will keep the thread as clean as possible without clutter but at the same time keep it on the top for everyone to view. I think we should add links to it in our signature files, that way people who read our other posts can see it and maybe click on it.
Received a letter from Dianne Feinstein on 11/18/2003

I received a letter from Dianne Feinstein yesterday.
It's exactly the same as ngadhia - reply from Senator - 8/1/2003,
so it seems the standard format,
however, I think I can use this letter for my future activities.
It was written by the staff whoese initial was G.B.

November 12, 2003

(my name)
(my address)

Dear Mr. (my last name);

Thank you for taking the time to write to me about problems with the Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services (BCIS). I have read your letter and welcome the opportunity to respond.

In 2000, I introduced and Congress enacted the "Immigration Services and Infrastructure Improvement Act of 2000." The Act required the Department of Justice to issue a report to Congress on the extent of the immigration and naturalization backlogs and the adequacy of the agency's automated systems to manage and reduce its pending workload. The report did not address all of my concerns, however, and BCIS has not issued an update to its efforts to reduce processing delays. Please know that I will continue to raise your concerns with Eduardo Aguirre, Director of BCIS.

Thank you again for writing. Should you have any further questions regarding this issue, please feel free to contact my Washington, D.C. office at (202) 224-3841.

Best Regards.

Sincerely yours,
(Dianne Feinstein's signature)
Dianne Feinstein
United States Senator

Further information about my position on issues of concern to California and the Nation are available at my website . You can also receive electronic e-mail updates by subscribing to my e-mail list at .

re: requesting a meeting with Congressperson

Originally posted by 140_takes_4ever
Are the people making contact planning for 1 on 1 meetings? Or is it a precursor for a delegation to sit down with the congressmen to discuss issues?
Hi, 140_takes_4ever,
We are requesting a group meeting as ImmigrationPortal.Com.
However, it sees very difficult to schedule a meeting with Congressperson,
so it is very important that a lot of people attend the town hall meeting to appeal directly to Congressperson.
Talked to Ms. Julia Lee at Barbara Boxer Washington DC office again on 11/19/2003

(originally posted at the subproject thread)

I have just called to Ms. Julia Lee,
and she told me
1) our document was forwarded to Tim Hauth, Acting Director, Congressional Relations, USCIS, DHS last week.
2) she and I should receive some response maybe in two weeks.
I will let you know once I get some information.
Originally posted by kashmir
I have just talked with Ms. Julia Lee at Barbara Boxer Washington DC office.
She has not seen our petition yet, so I mentioned that several members of ImmigrationPortal.Com had sent letters and that I had sent hundres pages of list.
She promised to read them at first.
I emphasized the followings:
1) only EB I-485 backlog has been significantly growing recently
2) to need to talk to the CSC Director

When I mentioned about the backlog at the CSC, she told that she had heard it from ONE person before.
So, I am 2ND person to claim the backlog at the CSC directly to her.

TO: those who sent a letter to Barbara Boxer's office by fax or by mail;
I encourage to call Ms. Julia Lee at 202-224-3553.
Talked to Ms. Aris Aguirre at Anna Eshoo Washington DC office

I called to Anna Eshoo's Washington DC office this morning and talked with Ms. Aris Aguirre.
1) Anna Eshoo sent a letter to Don Neufeld, Director, CSC on 11/11/2003. He should reply to Congresswoman. Aris will fax me that letter later.
2) no progress for amendment of INA
Originally posted by kashmir

Attended Anna Eshoo town hall meeting in Half Moon Bay on 11/10/2003

I drove to Half Moon Bay yesterday to attend Anna Eshoo's town hall meeting.
There were 30-minute speech and 90-minute Q&A session.
Main focus were MediCare, Energy, National Budget, Education, and Open Space System.
The only discussion on Immigration was H and L visas and outsourcing.
After the meeting, I waited for 30 minutes, and talked directly with Congresswoman.
She remembered me and I updated the current status shortly.
She told me that she had written to Head of Western Service Center (maybe, Director of CSC) and promised to let me now when she would receive a reply.
It took 30 minutes one way, and I spent 4 hours just for the meeting, totally 6 hours including preparation of documents and visiting the office, but I believe it should be worth to talk directly with Congressperson.
Anna Eshoo's Letter to Don Neufeld, Director, CSC 11/11/2003

Originally posted by kashmir
I called to Anna Eshoo's Washington DC office this morning and talked with Ms. Aris Aguirre.
1) Anna Eshoo sent a letter to Don Neufeld, Director, CSC on 11/11/2003. He should reply to Congresswoman. Aris will fax me that letter later.
2) no progress for amendment of INA
I received a fax from Aris Aguirre.

November 11, 2003

Mr. Don Neufeld, Director
California Service Center
Post Office Box 30111
Laguna Niguel, California 92607

Dear Mr. Neufeld,

I'm writing to request information about the back-log of the employment based I-485 Adjustment of Status applications.

As you know, the California Service Center has virtually stopped adjudicating these applications in the past two years and it is just now slowly beginning to review these cases again. Your office is currently adjudicating applications that were received on December 16, 2001 and earlier. This is after being frozen at the adjudication date of 11/16/2001 since January of 2002.

I have many constituents approaching me in frustration as to why these applications are moving at such a slow pace and when more resources will be allocated to adjudicating them. It would be very helpful for me in attempting to answer their questions if you would address this issue with detailed response. As you can imagine, this delay is causing hardship and anxiety to many families awaiting a decision.

Thank you for your time and attention to my request and I look forward to your timely response.

(Anna Eshoo's signature)
Anna G. Eshoo
Member of Congress

Re: Anna Eshoo's Letter to Don Neufeld, Director, CSC 11/11/2003

Originally posted by kashmir
I received a fax from Aris Aguirre.-kashmir


AWESOME! You have done it Kashmir! This is simply great! We are finally making progress of the type which will make things happen!

Not to read too much into it, but in the long run, I am sure it will pay off! :)

Thanks once again to Kashmir and his heroic work! THREE CHEERS!
Re: Anna Eshoo's Letter to Don Neufeld, Director, CSC 11/11/2003

Originally posted by kashmir
I received a fax from Aris Aguirre.

This is awesome. Three cheers to Kashmir. I am sure our hard work will pay. This is just beginning of positive change.

Many thx to Kashmir again.
Hi, 140_takes_4ever and karma_yoga,
My pleasure.

If all of 53 Congresspersons and 2 Senators in California would send the same kind of letter to Don Nuefeld, Director, CSC,
I believe that EB I-485 must be the top priority at the CSC.
Now, I am trying to contact both Senators' office.
Last edited by a moderator:
Called to Dianne Feinstein Washington DC office on 11/19/2003

I called to Dianne Feinstein's Washington DC office this afternoon.
After telling that I received a letter from Senator yesterday,
I asked an operator the name of the staff (G.B.) handling Immigration issues.
Her name is Ms. Gina Banks, although I was not able to talk directly to her today.
Originally posted by kashmir
I received a letter from Dianne Feinstein yesterday.
It's exactly the same as ngadhia - reply from Senator - 8/1/2003,
so it seems the standard format,
however, I think I can use this letter for my future activities.
It was written by the staff whoese initial was G.B.

November 12, 2003

(my name)
(my address)

Dear Mr. (my last name);

Thank you for taking the time to write to me about problems with the Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services (BCIS). I have read your letter and welcome the opportunity to respond.

In 2000, I introduced and Congress enacted the "Immigration Services and Infrastructure Improvement Act of 2000." The Act required the Department of Justice to issue a report to Congress on the extent of the immigration and naturalization backlogs and the adequacy of the agency's automated systems to manage and reduce its pending workload. The report did not address all of my concerns, however, and BCIS has not issued an update to its efforts to reduce processing delays. Please know that I will continue to raise your concerns with Eduardo Aguirre, Director of BCIS.

Thank you again for writing. Should you have any further questions regarding this issue, please feel free to contact my Washington, D.C. office at (202) 224-3841.

Best Regards.

Sincerely yours,
(Dianne Feinstein's signature)
Dianne Feinstein
United States Senator


go for AC140

guys, great work.

but to those of your facing real time pressure to get GCs - always remember that you can take the AC140 route. from filing of 824 to interview averages 4-6 months for mumbai consulate.

I'd like to encourage to call to your representative's Washington DC office once you sent a letter.

As I posted, I called to three offices today and I could confirm a couple of progresses.

First of all, Congressperson is too busy to read each letter or our petition even if you send a letter to Congressperson,
so it is delivered to one of staffs who handles Immigration issues at Washington DC office.
But she (usually female) is also very busy, so your letter would not be touched for a long time.
I have called a lot of times, and I confirmed it.

So, we need to call to Washington DC office to talk directly with that staff.
If you succeed to talk directly with her or even if you get just her name, it would be very helpful to accelerate your activity.
You can fax your letter directly to her.

However, it is not so easy even just talking directly to the staff at first.
For 80-90% of your call, she is busy talking to other or in a meeting.
Even if you leave a message in her voice mail box, she will never call you back,
so you have to try until you can talk directly with her.

One more tip is:
the operator will usually ask you the organization name,
so you can say "ImmigrationPortal.Com".

Good luck,
Contact Information

Congresswoman Anna Eshoo
Attn: Ms. Aris Aguirre
205 Cannon Building
Washington, DC 20515-0514
Phone: (202) 225-8104
Fax: (202) 225-8890

United States Senator Dianne Feinstein
Attn: Ms. Gina Banks
United States Senate
331 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Phone: (202) 224-3841
Fax: (202) 228-3954

United States Senator Barbara Boxer
Attn: Ms. Julia Lee
112 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510-0505
Phone: (202) 224-3553
Fax: (415) 956-6701
Received a letter from Barbara Boxer on 11/19/2003

Originally posted by kashmir
(originally posted at the subproject thread)
I have just called to Ms. Julia Lee,
and she told me
1) our document was forwarded to Tim Haugh, Acting Director, Congressional Relations, USCIS, DHS last week.
2) she and I should receive some response maybe in two weeks.
I will let you know once I get some information.
I received a letter from Barbara Boxer today.

November 13, 2003

Mr. (my name)
(my address)

Dear Mr. (my last name);

I am writing to acknowledge receipt of your correspondence reporting difficulties with the California Service Center of the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).

I appreciate hearing from you on this issue. I have taken the liberty of forwarding your correspondence to USCIS for review and consideration. Mr. Tim Haugh, Acting Director of Congressional Relations, is in the best position to address the concerns you have raised. I have asked USCIS to contact you directly.

Please feel free to contact Julia Lee at my Washington, D.C. office in the future if you feel that we may be of assistance.

(Barbara Boxer's signature)
Barbara Boxer
United States Senator
