Project "Ocean" : Become a U.S. Citizen by 2008 Election !!

Get Don Neufeld's commitment by Christmas holidays !!

Several groups have already started contacting Congresspersons at other service centers' area, too.
Again, as this campaign is specific to CSC, I enourage every CSC applicants to participate.
Because CIS budget is limited, if other service centers get more budget, we have less chance to get approved like FY2003.

My targets are:
1) 5 Congressional members write to Don Neufeld.
2) get Don Neufeld's commitment through 2 Congressional offices by 12/24/2003.

I believe the first week of December is very important.

(originally posted at subproject thread 25th November 2003 07:32 AM)

Get Don Neufeld's (Director of CSC) commitment !!

As you know from a couple of sources,
a representative from CSC told at the AILA liaison meeting that additional personnels had been allocated to reduce the processing times for I-485s to within one year in the next six months.
However, we don't want such a prediction or an expectation from CSC, but we need a commitment from Don Neufeld, Director of CSC through several Congressional offices.
Anna Eshoo (D CA 14th) and Mike Honda (D CA 15th) have written to Don Neufeld.
Now, I am working with Senators' offices, Barbara Boxer and Dianne Feinstein.

Please fax to the House of Representative in your congressional district .
Also, visit your representative's district office to talk directly with a staff.
Then, post your experience here at this thread.

(sample letter)

5225 N. Wilson Blvd. Arlington VA 22205
Phone: (703) 908-4800
United for Dignity, Equality and Acceptance

November 26, 2003

Congressman XXXXX XXXXX
Washington, DC 20510-XXXX
Phone: (202) 22X-XXXX
Fax: (202) 22X-XXXX

RE: Request to Don Neufeld, Director of CSC, to allocate EB I-485 dedicated resources

Dear Congressman XXXXX XXXXX;

I am one of Employment based (EB) I-485 applicants suffering from the current processing delay at the California Service Center (CSC) of the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS), and also a member of one of the largest legal worker's online immigrant community -- ImmigrationPortal.Com.

The backlog of EB I-485 reached almost two years at the CSC, and it has been still growing. Security Checks are always used as an excuse. However, Naturalization backlog decreased 11% compared to one years ago. I wonder if it is really a matter of Security Checks. Not only Naturalization, among major types of applications at the CSC, only the EB I-485 backlog has been significantly growing. It must be the discrimination by the U.S. Government against innocent EB I-485 applicants such as legal workers paying tax and their dependents.

Could you please write to Don Neufeld, Director of CSC, to allocate adjudicators dedicated to EB I-485 so that the backlog would not grow more than two years ?

... (your own statement if any) ...

Best regards,

(your signature)

(your name)
(your residential address)
(your contact information)
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Re: Senators Offices

Originally posted by becky

In addition to going to Barbara Boxer's office, I also went to Dianne Feinstein's. They both have their casework offices in San Francisco which was convenient. I dropped off our petition at both places.

I wanted to let you all know that in both places the phone was ringing off the hook the entire time I was there turning in petitions. I think it's a reminder that both Senators represent a huge amount of people... so perhaps it's easier to get direct action from the Representatives. We should keep trying with the Senators, but having seen their offices I can tell you that they're both exceptionally busy!
Hi, becky,
Thanks again for your visiting Dianne Feinstein's office, too.

Also, thanks for your reporting about Senator's office.
Actually, it's been very difficult to talk directly with a staff or even just to fax a letter.

TO: everyone;
As bekcy recommends, we may start with the Representative.
Usually, your representative's district office should be located within 30 minutes,
so you can visit the office and talk with a staff.
Let's plan it at the first week of December.
Rajiv's message

Here is Rajiv's message originally posted at VSC forum.
I totally agree.
Some points from all new messages

1. NEVER be discouraged. Hunker up and keep working at it. What anyone does or does not do should be of no concern to your efforts.

2. EVERY organization, AILA, ACLU, every organizatin has their own agenda. They will help you only if their agenda is furthered by it. Only YOU truly have an agenda for yourself. take control of your own situation.

I have seen today's business/legal world for too long. Everyone is motivated by their own, short sighted goals. You folks are good people. How many of you would get behind a cause that was of no direct concern to you. Well, that is just the way it is. If we know reality and be at peace with it, then and only then we can be effective.

Bottomline: keep going.

Rajiv S. Khanna; Law Offices of Rajiv S. Khanna, PC - Your Host;
703-908-4800 Extension 110

Last edited by operations on 26th November 2003 at 04:36 PM
"Ocean" subproject - Evidence of Discrimination

New thread was started for evidence of discrimination as follows.
"Ocean" subproject - Evidence of Discrimination

Almost two weeks ago, I posted the following message at Project Ocean main thread, and Dadagiri, Edison, and karma_yoga had replied.
I've been struggling with OpenOffice for a couple of weeks to manipulate ND022202's data originally from USCIS Monthly Statistical Reports.

I will post some data and graphs that would be useful for Project Ocean in this thread.
But I believe some of you can create better ones than mine,
so I'd like you to post your data and graphs that would be helpful for our campaign, too.

Originally posted by kashmir 16th November 2003 02:43 PM


Our current main focus is Congressional offices, but also we are targetting a lawsuit in near future.
I'd like to start new campaign
because I have come to think that the current precessing delay targetting only EB I-485 cases must be the discrimination by the U.S. Gevernment against EB I-485 applicants.

The official execuse is always Security Check(s), but I don't think so.
Even if bad economy is real reason of processing delay,
it is significanly unfair to us and it must be illegal.

I have been gathering the data to prove the discrimination by the USCIS, especially based on the USCIS official statistical reports.

If "DISCRIMINATION" Campaign would succeed,
it would help the lawsuit, too.

Please post your idea or comment.
Get Don Neufeld's commitment by Christmas holidays !!

Please fax to the House of Representative in your congressional district .
Also, visit your representative's district office to talk directly with a staff.
Then, post your experience here at this thread.

Our targets are:
1) 5 Congressional members write to Don Neufeld, Director of CSC.
2) get Don Neufeld's commitment through 2 Congressional offices by 12/24/2003.

This week is very important !!

As you know from a couple of sources,
a representative from CSC told at the AILA liaison meeting that additional personnels had been allocated to reduce the processing times for I-485s to within one year in the next six months.
However, we don't want such a prediction or an expectation from CSC, but we need a commitment from Don Neufeld, Director of CSC through several Congressional offices.
Anna Eshoo (D CA 14th) and Mike Honda (D CA 15th) have written to Don Neufeld.
Now, I am working with Senators' offices, Barbara Boxer and Dianne Feinstein.

Several groups have already started contacting Congresspersons at other service centers' area, too.
Again, as this campaign is specific to CSC, I enourage every CSC applicants to participate.
Because CIS budget is limited, if other service centers get more budget, we have less chance to get approved like FY2003.

Please fax to the House of Representative in your congressional district .
Also, visit your representative's district office to talk directly with a staff.
Then, post your experience here at this thread.

(sample letter)

5225 N. Wilson Blvd. Arlington VA 22205
Phone: (703) 908-4800
United for Dignity, Equality and Acceptance

December 1, 2003

Congressman XXXXX XXXXX
Washington, DC 20510-XXXX
Phone: (202) 22X-XXXX
Fax: (202) 22X-XXXX

RE: Request to Don Neufeld, Director of CSC, to allocate EB I-485 dedicated resources

Dear Congressman XXXXX XXXXX;

I am one of Employment based (EB) I-485 applicants suffering from the current processing delay at the California Service Center (CSC) of the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS), and also a member of one of the largest legal worker's online immigrant community -- ImmigrationPortal.Com.

The backlog of EB I-485 reached almost two years at the CSC, and it has been still growing. Security Checks are always used as an excuse. However, Naturalization backlog decreased 11% compared to one years ago. I wonder if it is really a matter of Security Checks. Not only Naturalization, among major types of applications at the CSC, only the EB I-485 backlog has been significantly growing. It must be the discrimination by the U.S. Government against innocent EB I-485 applicants such as legal workers paying tax and their dependents.

Could you please write to Don Neufeld, Director of CSC, to allocate adjudicators dedicated to EB I-485 so that the backlog would not grow more than two years ?

... (your own statement if any) ...

Best regards,

(your signature)

(your name)
(your residential address)
(your contact information)
Elton Gallegly (R CA 24th) - Re: Fax

Originally posted by westlakeuser
Faxed letter to Congressman Elton Gallegly, 24th district. Thanks Kashmir for your initiative!
Thanks, westlakeuser.
Elton Gallegly is a Republican and a member of House, Committee on the Judiciary, Subcommittee on Immigration.
I will fax to his Washington office later, too.

where can I find the congressman belongs to my distrct??

My address: pleasanton, CA

Another friends address: San jose, CA

Faxed to Elton Gallegly (R CA 24th) Washington D.C. office

Congressman Elton Gallegly
2427 Rayburn HOB
Washington, DC 20515-0523
Phone: (202) 225-5811
FAX: (202) 225-1100
Originally posted by kashmir
Thanks, westlakeuser.
Elton Gallegly is a Republican and a member of House, Committee on the Judiciary, Subcommittee on Immigration.
I will fax to his Washington office later, too.
List since 12/1/2003 as of 12/1/2003

12/01 westlakeuser    - Elton Gallegly (R CA 24th) Fax
12/01 kashmir         - Elton Gallegly (R CA 24th) Fax
12/01 kashmir         - Ed Royce       (R CA 40th) Fax
12/03 san_gcwait      - Tom Lantos     (D CA 12th) [B]District Office[/B]
12/03 140_takes_4ever - Tom Lantos     (D CA 12th) [B]District Office[/B]
12/03 kashmir         - Tom Lantos     (D CA 12th) [B]District Office[/B]
12/05 CS485           - Ed Royce       (R CA 40th) [B]Town Hall Meeting[/B]
Faxed to two Democrat Congresspersons, Members of the House, Subcommitee of Immigrati

Member of the House Judiciary Committee's Subcommitee on Immigration

Congressman Howard Berman (D CA 27th)
2221 Rayburn H.O.B
Washington, D.C. 20515
Phone: (202) 225-4695
Fax: (202) 225-3196

Congresswoman Linda Sanchez (D CA 39th)
Congresswoman Linda Sanchez
1007 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515-0539
Phone: (202) 225-6676
Fax: (202) 226-1012

TO: residents of the above districts;
Let's fax your letter, or visit his/her district office, then post your experience.
visit anna eshoo's office

My representative is anna eshoo. Am wondering if I should be visiting her office again (as she has already sent a letter) OR should I spend some time assisting other friends who will be going to their respective represtantive's office in other districts
Re: visit anna eshoo's office

Originally posted by desi_mazdur
My representative is anna eshoo. Am wondering if I should be visiting her office again (as she has already sent a letter) OR should I spend some time assisting other friends who will be going to their respective represtantive's office in other districts
Hi, desi_mazdur,
I strongly recommend you to visit her office in Palo Alto downtown.
I attended her town hall meeting twice, but I was the only person to bring Immigration issue.
You can talk directly to her staff with your own words different from mine, and it's important.
List since 12/1/2003 as of 12/2/2003

12/01 westlakeuser    - Elton Gallegly (R CA 24th) Fax
12/01 kashmir         - Elton Gallegly (R CA 24th) Fax
12/01 kashmir         - Ed Royce       (R CA 40th) Fax
12/02 kashmir         - Howard Berman  (D CA 27th) Fax
12/02 kashmir         - Linda Sanchez  (D CA 39th) Fax
12/03 san_gcwait      - Tom Lantos     (D CA 12th) [B]District Office[/B]
12/03 INS best friend - Tom Lantos     (D CA 12th) [B]District Office[/B]
12/03 140_takes_4ever - Tom Lantos     (D CA 12th) [B]District Office[/B]
12/03 kashmir         - Tom Lantos     (D CA 12th) [B]District Office[/B]
12/05 CS485           - Ed Royce       (R CA 40th) [B]Town Hall Meeting[/B]
12/06 kashmir         - Ed Royce       (R CA 40th) [B]Town Hall Meeting[/B]
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Re: visit anna eshoo's office


It would awesome if you could do both, contact anna eshoo as well as encourage your friends to talk to their representative. What that will do is add further Congressional pressure to the case which will translate into speedy approvals for you, your friends and not to mention the rest of us! :)


I have posted the minutes of today's meeting at Congressman Lantos's office at Please add your comments if I have missed anything.

When is our next meeting? Or whom should we meet up with next? Let us keep the pressure up for this month, and next month we can follow up on all our petitions and request face time with the Congressmen.
(post originally at Minutes of the meeting at CA 12th District Congressman's office)

TO: those who says "Thanks".
You're welcome.
Also, I encourage your participation such as faxing a letter to your representative or visiting his/her office, then posting your experience in this forum.

If you live in San Fransico Bay Area such as CA 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th, and 16th District, we have already had a direct contact with the representative office, so post your district information at first.

I strongly feel that the situation has been chaning since mid November, but we don't see any firm result yet.
Accellerating our project, we would see a real result early in 2004.
Linda Sanchez, Anna Eshoo experiences

the aide responsible for CSC liaison at Congresswoman Linda Sanchez' office is Mary Gutierrez. She is quite educated on the 485 and other processing time related issues. their office filed an expedite petition on my behalf a few months ago as did Congreesswoman Eshoo's office. In the follow ups since (where i provided more data about # of EB I-485s and the rate of processing etc), its been the same answer from CSC/neufeld's office "They are working to get the processing time to 6 months for I-485s". No indication of how/when.

i am not going to fax the additional letters since these offices already have email/fax/letter communications on the topic from me since March 2003. please let me know if additional efforts are being tried and I will contact these offices again.

any other advice?

fax reply received from CSC

Congresswoman Sanchez' office has forwarded a fax reply received from CSC to my queries about processing times etc: He letters states"

Comments"The above referenced cases are pending within processing time. According to the PTR we are processing cases received on 12/16/01 and prior. Please be advised the applicant fingerprints have expired, the applicants will be rescheduled for fingerprints at a later time."

I will be writing back to the congresswoman using the graphs/data in the "Evidence of discrimination" thread as well as the citation from the Ocean thread./letter::

"Immigration Services and Infrastructure Improvement Act of 2000", which was signed into law (no. 106-313), (introduced in senate on 5/18/2000 bill no. S.2586, and incorporated into S.2045.). From Section (2)(c)-

"POLICY- It is the sense of Congress that the processing of an immigration benefit application should be completed not later than 180 days after the initial filing of the application, except that a petition for a nonimmigrant visa under section 214(c) of the Immigration and Nationality Act should be processed not later than 30 days after the filing of the petition."

Reference: Lookup S. 2586 @

Given the CSC-JIT report (published bi-weekly by CSC), I notice that processing times on Employment Based I485 applications may be in violation of this law.

will post here again if i hear from their office. i plan to send the letter with 485pending and allpending graphs later today.

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wac-ed in CA

Best of luck, I did call the 1-800 number of BCIS couple of days back for an address change. The lady was quite courteous, however at the end of call when I asked whether she would know how long it MIGHT take for my case to be approved, she had no clue about JIT !!! However after pondering for a while she told me the JIT was 12/16 and my WAC-02-245 would be approved in another year or so. Obvioulsy that was a wild guess.