Project "Ocean" : Become a U.S. Citizen by 2008 Election !!

Re: Linda Sanchez, Anna Eshoo experiences

Originally posted by wac-ed in CA
the aide responsible for CSC liaison at Congresswoman Linda Sanchez' office is Mary Gutierrez. ...
Hi, wac-ed in CA,
Do you live in CA 39th District ?

We will attend Ed Royce (D CA 40th) Town Hall Meeting in Los Alamitos on Saturday12/06/2003.
Are you interested in joining us ?
Congressman Ed Royce Town Hall Meetings

  • CS485
  • vision2001
  • Who Cares
  • kashmir
Los Alamitos
Saturday, December 6th, 2003
2:30-4:30 p.m.
Joint Forces Training Base
Building 19, Colonial Room
4745 Yorktown Ave
(Thomas Guide/ Orange County p.797 B-3)

I will bring two sets of documents:
1) the petition (8 pages)
2) list of signatures (150+ pages)

TO: Each attendee;
Please bring your own cover letter.
See you on Saturday,
TSC - ayansgp and nomadguru - John Lewis (D GA 5th) Town Hall meeting 12/03/2003

(originally posted at TSC forum by ayansgp)
Town Hall Meeting in Atlanta

I want some volunteers to attend TOWN HALL MEETING with Congressman Hon. John Lewis (D-GA-5th), on Dec 3rd, between 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm. The location is Conference Center at 999 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, GA 30309.
(originally posted at TSC forum by ayansgp)
We attended the meeting yesterday (myself and nomadguru). I had already sent the petition to his office. It was a face-to-face talk with the case worker at his office and also verified that the petition is being considered for legislative purpose in DC. Overall it was a good experience.

I would strongly encourage everybody in this forum to FAX/MAIL the petition to your CONGRESSPERSON with a cover letter.

The members of the Core team,
Please FAX/MAIL the petition to the congressmen in your area.
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i live in Congresswoman Eshoo's district and a couple of blocks from her palo alto office. i was introduced to Linda Sanchez' office through mutual friends who have been working with her staff. decided to seek her help given her work with immigration issues and her membership of the hosue subcommittee on immigration, security, etc.

also got a good introduction to ms. eshoo and her aides. have been working on educating the staffers there about 485 issues since summer. typically, the 485s have not been a political priority since they are not seen to cause undue hardships (applicants are allowed to work with EADs, travel with APDs,...). the ever rising graph of pending cases pretty clearly highlights the need to put workers on it OR face >3yrs delays...

A suggestion -- how about contacting Mercury News?

Joe Rodriguez has been regularly commenting on Immigrant issues in the valley newspaper - San Jose Mercury News - and the paper backed the recent removal of registration requirements in an editorial on 12/4.

We should consider providing the paper a copy of the letter/fax plus the processing time/delay data at CSC and the quote from Law 106-313 about Congress' desire for 180 day processing times.

See attached text doc. for the suggested letter. The graphs included are based on the data cited in this thread and elsewhere on this forum.

This is relevant to a large number of Mercury readers and relevant in the current political debate on immigrant rights.

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wac-ed in CA,

The problem with drawing attention to our cause is that it could also draw the wrong kind of attention. Currently there is a wave of anti-immigrant feelings in the community, since they perceive us as taking their jobs, and the ones we don't take are the ones that are farmed out to developing countries like India.

The best way to tackle this problem is to keep it low key and take our issues directly to the people who can actually make a difference, like what you are doing with Congresswoman Anna Eshoo.

Representatives are the only people whose opinions count, and their opinions are swayed by the masses. Let us concentrate on our campaigns which are slowly showing results, and not digress into waking up a vocal opponent, specially those with votes since we don't have any, we will lose if we take them on.

Thanks once again for you efforts with Anna Eshoo. Please keep up the good work.
the political representatives here will not act for a "low-key" issue - however unjust it may be... keeping it low-key and appealing to congressional reps is contradictory...

as for the political climate, at least in the valley it is going to get much worse as mid-level engineering jobs will continue to disappear.

by delaying the eb-485 processing further, CSC helps to accelerate this reverse diaspora (to India, China, ...) and helps displace jobs faster in addition to negating future investments in any sort of new industry (bio-x, nano-x,...).

bottome line: delaying 485 processing does not help keep jobs in the US. it only hurts potential entrepreneurs, potential voters, and potential human-resources required for whatever the next coming of silicon valley is going to be.
Faxed to Nancy Pelosi (D CA 8th) Washington DC office

I have just faxed my cover letter and 8 pages of petition to Nancy Pelosi's Washingtn D.C. office.

Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi
2371 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515-0508
Phone: (202) 225-4965
Fax: (202) 225-8259
Originally posted by wac-ed in CA
the political representatives here will not act for a "low-key" issue - however unjust it may be... keeping it low-key and appealing to congressional reps is contradictory...
Don't quite understand or agree to your statement that keeping it low-key and appealing to congressional reps is oxymoronic.

When I said low-key, I meant below the public eye. As far as your statement about Representatives not acting on low-key issues, I STRONGLY disagree. Check some of the other threads where someone spoke to a Republican Representative about 485 backlogs and was flatly told that due to public pressure there is no chance that the representative could help our cause. As long as there is no strong disapproval, the representative can pretty much do as they feel correct. Our cause is just and right, but they need to look out for their votes and re-election prospects.

As far as your bottom line is concerned, it just won't fly! To give you an analogy, people here are complaining about jobs being sent overseas, but they love to buy their cheap Chinese made goods and Indian textiles. So being logical about the situation just doesn't work.

Anyways, this is the wrong thread for this discussion. I don't mean to discourage you, I was just stating my point of view. If you believe that approaching reporters and news papers about our plight makes a difference, go ahead and take steps to make it happen. But personally, I don't think I will support that campaign, since I believe it to be productive or useful to our long term goals. Infact I consider it to be counter productive and a possible hinderance to speedy processing.

Good luck to you on that issue though.
Re: A suggestion -- how about contacting Mercury News?

Hi, wac-ed in CA,
Thanks for your suggestion, but I have no time today because I am busy to prepare my short trip and Ed Royce's Town Hall Meeting.
I will read it early next week.
Have a nice weekend,
just faxed to her two offices

The following is my fax. Sorry for not faxing earlier.
Kashmir and others, I think it's beeter for you to provide an updated sample letter here.

5225 N. Wilson Blvd. Arlington VA 22205
Phone: (703) 908-4800
United for Dignity, Equality and Acceptance

December 5, 2003

Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren
102 Cannon House
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-3072
Fax: (202) 225-3336

RE: Request to Don Neufeld, Director of CSC, to allocate EB I-485 dedicated resources

Dear Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren:

I am one of Employment based (EB) I-485 applicants suffering from the current processing delay at the California Service Center (CSC) of the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS), and also a member of one of the largest legal worker's online immigrant community -- ImmigrationPortal.Com. One member of our community has already sent you our petition.

The backlog of EB I-485 reached two years at the CSC, and it has been still growing. Many untenable excuses were given out, including security checks, special registration, TSP cases, and religion workers sunset law. However, among major types of applications at the CSC, only the EB I-485 backlog has been significantly growing. The tax-paying and hard-working EB I-485 applicants were singled out!

Could you please write to Don Neufeld, Director of CSC, to allocate enough adjudicators dedicated to EB I-485 as soon as possible? According to recent news, CSC announced to target reducing the I-485 backlog within six months in one year. Please do ask for details of his plan and arrangement regarding the announcement. Many here are afraid it is just a boast and will be gone as many promises CSC made before.

Best regards,



The News:
CSC announced that its goal is to reduce the I-485 backlog to 6 months processing time by November 2004.
ready to file a lawsuit against USCIS for I485 delays

(Originally posted by operations 8th December 2003 02:00 AM

Its a go!
I have Sent out the following e-mail to all concerned people:

Folks, I think we are getting ready to file a law suit against INS for 485 delays. I think we have enough legal support to at least sustain a cause of action. Our team has researched preliminarily some of the law in our support. A member of the community pointed out AC21 also. I doubt if we can file a private law suit to enforce these provisions. But at least we can make an argument. See attached memo. This memo is very rough, so please ignore any semantics that you find faulty.

What I need now from the community now is a list of may be 5 to10 I-485 applicants whose applications have been pending for a long time; who have relatively "clean cases" (degrees from USA, verifiable experience, no criminal background, working with the same employer who is processing the green card and preferably some extraordinary hardship because of the delay).

These people must be committed and make themselves available as needed for speaking with us on the phone. They must sign contracts with our firm agreeing to our representation. They will be charged nothing. But if you folks wish to collect money, please do so on volunteer basis. Vijay Sharma, can open an account to hold the funds. You can contact him directly. We would certainly welcome contributions from the community. It will help us expend more resources towards the litigation.

Suman ji, our team just needs to meet with me today. I will explain the logistics. Monica, post this announcement in the Moderators' forum also.

Let me know.
Attended Ed Royce (R CA 40th) Town Hall Meeting in Los Alamitos on 12/06/2003

(Originally posted by CS485 7th December 2003 01:45 AM

First of all, it was really great to meet meet kashmir and who cares. Myself, Kashmir and who cares met @ ambala dhaba. Went to the location around 2:45pm. There were around 200 people appx in the hall (full). Tried to hand over the petition directly to the congressman. Due to the crowd and his busy schedule, we just handed over the petition(along with signatures) to his secretary Jennifer. She said she will hand it over to congressman for review. After that, we met Patty, the lady who looks after immigration issues. I met patty earlier at congressman's office in fullerton when I went there to handover our petition. I reintroduced myself to her (she vaguely remembered me), asked her, whether the congressman had a chance to review the petition, which I submitted earlier. She said no. I mentioned to her that I resubmitted the petition to Jennifer. She asked me to contact her sometime in mid-jan to check about the status. I'll contact her again next month.

I am also planning to submit the petition to Congresswoman Jane Harman(D - CA 36th). Some how, I feel that, republicans dont even bother to take a look at the immigrant petitions(my personal opinion).

Originally posted by kashmir 7th December 2003 08:46 PM
Originally posted by kashmir
I will leave San Francisco Bay Area for Southern California soon.
See you at Ambala Dhaba at 1:30pm on 12/06/2003,
I'm back from Southern California just before.

It was my 7th town hall meeting but the 1st Republican one.
The mood of the meeting was pretty different from Democrat's ones in Bay Area.
Especially, it was held in the Joint Forces Training Base, so there were lot of soldiers with camouflaged clothes,
and 80% of discusstions were related to the noise pollution of helicopters.

As CS485 described, it is our homework how to handle Republicans.
Anyway, it was a great experience to attend the meeting with CS485 and "Who cares".
List of Activities in December 2003 as of 12/07/2003

12/01 westlakeuser    - Elton Gallegly (R CA 24th) Fax
12/01 kashmir         - Elton Gallegly (R CA 24th) Fax
12/01 kashmir         - Ed Royce       (R CA 40th) Fax
12/02 kashmir         - Howard Berman  (D CA 27th) Fax
12/02 kashmir         - Linda Sanchez  (D CA 39th) Fax
12/03 san_gcwait      - Tom Lantos     (D CA 12th) [B]District Office[/B]
12/03 INS best friend - Tom Lantos     (D CA 12th) [B]District Office[/B]
12/03 140_takes_4ever - Tom Lantos     (D CA 12th) [B]District Office[/B]
12/03 kashmir         - Tom Lantos     (D CA 12th) [B]District Office[/B]
12/?? becky           - Nancy Pelosi   (D CA  8th) [B]District Office[/B]
12/04 srohit          - Mike Honda     (D CA 14th) Fax
12/04 srohit          - Dianne Feinstei(D CA Sen.) Fax
12/04 srohit          - Barbara Boxer  (D CA Sen.) Fax
12/04 wac-ed in CA    - Linda Sanchez  (D CA 39th) Fax
12/05 kashmir         - Ed Royce       (R CA 40th) Fax
12/05 kashmir         - Nancy Pelosi   (D CA  8th) Fax
12/05 wittAAAA        - Zoe Lofgren    (D CA 16th) Fax (both main and district offices)
12/06 CS485           - Ed Royce       (R CA 40th) [B]Town Hall Meeting[/B]
12/06 Who cares       - Ed Royce       (R CA 40th) [B]Town Hall Meeting[/B]
12/06 kashmir         - Ed Royce       (R CA 40th) [B]Town Hall Meeting[/B]
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Lamar Smith (R TX 21st) Town Hall Meeting in Austin on 12/06/2003

Originally posted by leahwang 7th December 2003 11:28 PM

Town Hall Meeting with Lamar Smith

I and another guy (and his wife) from this forum attended the meeting. The main topic of dicussion were health care and job loss (H1B and IT jobs out sourcing were blamed). Emotion ran very high. I dugged my head low throughout the meeting...

After the meeting, I approached Simth's secretary who is in-charge of immigration affair. I wanted to hand over the i485's backlog petition letter. She refused to accept and said they are already aware of the backlog problem at TSC. The only thing we can do is to wait for your turn. The only time they will get involved is when there is life-or-death or US's security related situations.

I mentioned about possible layoffs for H1B holders at this bad economy time. She said by law you should go home if that occurs. She said that having a job is the basis for an employment-based GC to begin with.

So much so for the townhall meeting...

Faxed to Ms. Aris Aguirre at Anna Eshoo's Washington DC office

I faxed a letter to follow up.

December 8, 2003

Congresswoman Anna Eshoo
Attn: Ms. Aris Aguirre
205 Cannon Building
Washington, DC 20515-0514
Phone: (202) 225-8104
Fax: (202) 225-8890

RE: Reply from Don Nuefeld ?

Dear Ms. Aris Aguirre;

Have you got any reply from Don Neufeld, Director of CSC, since Congresswoman wrote to him on 11/11/2003 ? It's almost one month.

By the way, according to several immigration attorney's web sites, at the AILA liaison meeting being held in November, a representative from CSC seemed to talk that additional personnels had been allocated to reduce the processing times for I-485s to within one year in the next six months (or to within six months in the next one year). However, we can not see any improvement as of today (12/08/2003). We don't want such a lip service from CSC but we need to see Don Neufeld's written commitment and the actual implementation plan to reduce the EB I-485 backlog through Congressioanl office.

We will attend Congresswoman's town hall meeting in Palo Alto on 12/13/2003. If she can update it at that meeting, we'd appreciate it very much.

Best regards,
(my signature)
(my name)
(my address)

1) Excerpts from Immigration Attorney's Web Sites
2) Congresswoman's Letter to Don Neufeld - 11/11/2003

Originally posted by kashmir 19th November 2003 07:58 PM

I'd like to encourage to call to your representative's Washington DC office once you sent a letter.

As I posted, I called to three offices today and I could confirm a couple of progresses.

First of all, Congressperson is too busy to read each letter or our petition even if you send a letter to Congressperson,
so it is delivered to one of staffs who handles Immigration issues at Washington DC office.
But she (usually female) is also very busy, so your letter would not be touched for a long time.
I have called a lot of times, and I confirmed it.

So, we need to call to Washington DC office to talk directly with that staff.
If you succeed to talk directly with her or even if you get just her name, it would be very helpful to accelerate your activity.
You can fax your letter directly to her.

However, it is not so easy even just talking directly to the staff at first.
For 80-90% of your call, she is busy talking to other or in a meeting.
Even if you leave a message in her voice mail box, she will never call you back,
so you have to try until you can talk directly with her.

One more tip is:
the operator will usually ask you the organization name,
so you can say "ImmigrationPortal.Com".

Good luck,
List of Activities in December 2003 as of 12/09/2003

12/01 westlakeuser    - Elton Gallegly (R CA 24th) Fax
12/01 kashmir         - Elton Gallegly (R CA 24th) Fax
12/01 kashmir         - Ed Royce       (R CA 40th) Fax
12/02 kashmir         - Howard Berman  (D CA 27th) Fax
12/02 kashmir         - Linda Sanchez  (D CA 39th) Fax
12/03 san_gcwait      - Tom Lantos     (D CA 12th) [B]District Office[/B]
12/03 INS best friend - Tom Lantos     (D CA 12th) [B]District Office[/B]
12/03 140_takes_4ever - Tom Lantos     (D CA 12th) [B]District Office[/B]
12/03 kashmir         - Tom Lantos     (D CA 12th) [B]District Office[/B]
12/?? becky           - Nancy Pelosi   (D CA  8th) [B]District Office[/B]
12/04 srohit          - Mike Honda     (D CA 14th) Fax
12/04 srohit          - Dianne Feinstei(D CA Sen.) Fax
12/04 srohit          - Barbara Boxer  (D CA Sen.) Fax
12/04 wac-ed in CA    - Linda Sanchez  (D CA 39th) Fax
12/05 kashmir         - Ed Royce       (R CA 40th) Fax
12/05 kashmir         - Nancy Pelosi   (D CA  8th) Fax
12/05 wittAAAA        - Zoe Lofgren    (D CA 16th) Fax (both main and district offices)
12/06 CS485           - Ed Royce       (R CA 40th) [B]Town Hall Meeting[/B]
12/06 Who cares       - Ed Royce       (R CA 40th) [B]Town Hall Meeting[/B]
12/06 kashmir         - Ed Royce       (R CA 40th) [B]Town Hall Meeting[/B]
12/08 kashmir         - Anna Eshoo     (D CA 14th) Fax
12/09 kashmir         - Ed Royce       (R CA 40th) Fax
12/09 kashmir         - Barbara Boxer  (D CA Sen.) Phone, Fax
12/13 .......         - Anna Eshoo     (D CA 14th) [B]Town Hall Meeting[/B]
Please call to Washingonton D.C. office to talk directly with a staff handling Immigration issues
to follow up once you had sent a letter to Congressional office.
2,000th message

This is my 2,000th message at this forum.
Project Ocean

Registered: May 2002
Location: California 14th District
Posts: 1999[/color]
Project Ocean

Registered: May 2002
Location: California 14th District
Posts: [B]2000[/B][/color]
Just few minutes back I posted a message on VSC forum that I was looking forward for your 2000th message.

Thanks for all your efforts.

Let me be the first person to congratulate you.

Originally posted by kashmir
This is my 2,000th message at this forum.
Project Ocean

Registered: May 2002
Location: California 14th District
Posts: 1999[/color]
Project Ocean

Registered: May 2002
Location: California 14th District
Posts: [B]2000[/B][/color]