Prediction on weekly receipt update times

My biggest fear is that even if they clear the frontlog in the next 6 months we may get hit even harder by the backlog which will undoubtedly follow. It already may be having effect on Interview notices/oath timelines. Since USCIS is clearly shorthanded we are in for a very long and bumpy ride. One can only imagine what would other applicants besides EAD and N-400 must be feeling because those dozens of visa type applications will be sitting and just piling dirt for ages to come. I think the good old days of 3-6 month processing time for N-400s are long gone. We may have to count years now.
They still seem to portray N-400 should be adjudicated in 7 months.

If you look at their monthly Visa bulletin, it seems to indicate N400 should take 7 months. I wonder if this is just a farce.... A way of getting the monkey off their back for now.

Either that or they have some kind of a plan on how they're going to process the huge influx of N400 applications. One of their releases on the website indicates that they have hired more contract workers and are requiring overtime in order to deal with the situation. Once they deal with this recent influx, I think their processing times should be back to normal... I don't see why not. However, I think the delay will affect July/August/September filers to some degree.
What no takers today? Let's hope USCIS has some better news this week. With the pace at which they have been going, TSC will be lucky to advance by 1 day . Let's see what they say on the 2:30pm call today.
I sent my N-400 to VSC during the last week of August '07. The receipt update has been at 7/25/07 for the last 3 weeks, and I have a feeling nothing will change this time around either. I think Vik Pal is right. We're in it for the long haul.
Conference call update 10/12/2007

Highlights of today's USCIS conference call:

1.2 million total applications received for July-August

480000 applications still need to be receipted

500000 N400 applications received alone during July-August

All should have receipt date current by end of October

Processing delays will get worse before they get better as frontlog becomes backlog

USCIS will update website with FAQ on a regular basis
Highlights of today's USCIS conference call:

1.2 million total applications received for July-August

480000 applications still need to be receipted

500000 N400 applications received alone during July-August

All should have receipt date current by end of October

Processing delays will get worse before they get better as frontlog becomes backlog

USCIS will update website with FAQ on a regular basis

Oh God.....can't imagine how long July-August filer will finally get the citizenship......2 years? 3 years?...........
Oh God.....can't imagine how long July-August filer will finally get the citizenship......2 years? 3 years?...........

Considering it used to take anywhere from 4-8 months on average I would increase that to 8-13 months average unless they plan on hiring more people to actually adjudicate cases.
Considering it used to take anywhere from 4-8 months on average I would increase that to 8-13 months average unless they plan on hiring more people to actually adjudicate cases.

Really? I thought that they are working at capacity anyway and the delay was due to visa numbers and quotas and not because of being short on workers? I would think that with the hefty fees they get they have enough to keep a considerable pool of officers.
What no takers today? Let's hope USCIS has some better news this week. With the pace at which they have been going, TSC will be lucky to advance by 1 day . Let's see what they say on the 2:30pm call today.

I think it was just released. It shows Aug 13th for TSC and 14th for NSC. Somehow closer than it used to be. Still 4 days to reach 17th. Oh well, I guess I need to wait one more week.
Really? I thought that they are working at capacity anyway and the delay was due to visa numbers and quotas and not because of being short on workers? I would think that with the hefty fees they get they have enough to keep a considerable pool of officers.

An increase in cases would create a higher workload, hence longer processing times. The only solution to resolve this is to have more workers temporarily to speed up the processing process.
Hi everyone. I've just registered, to say thank you for the information I've found here over the past few weeks, and to join the long line awaiting action on N400s.

I sent my N400 to TSC on 26 July. Like everyone else, I'm still waiting for cheque to be cashed.

The information from the conference call is hardly encouraging, :eek:but thanks Bobsmyth - it's appreciated.

Isn't it amazing that a fee increase can bring forth such a flood of applications of all kinds, bearing in mind that applicants MUST have eligibility - not just anybody can suddenly decide to apply. I'd hve thought there'd be a very limited number of eligible people for any one category at any one time.
But there you go - I was wrong!

Back to the waiting then, until next weekend. Good luck y'all, and thanks again.
TSC receipt times for N400 still at July 18 as of Oct 12..this is so pathetic:mad:

VSC still shows July 25. This is the 4th week that it's been at that date. I'm seriously considering withdrawing my N-400 and reapplying after all this nonsense is over.
VSC still shows July 25. This is the 4th week that it's been at that date. I'm seriously considering withdrawing my N-400 and reapplying after all this nonsense is over.

Won't help!!! They work on FIFO basis. If you apply later then you will get stuck even more. If they can't get July end done then how will they ever get to August and later? Wait till 11/17 and then see what happens.
As I've repeatedly said that only talking about this matter over here and taking out your frustration and not doing anything won't do any good. If you REALLY want this situation to change then you should REPEATEDLY bombard USCIS about your disappointment on this kind of delay in processing of applications, which might get their attention. Otherwise, do not hope this situation to be changed anytime soon.

Do not forget that USCIS already has 3 months to take care of this mess, but they did nothing so far in this regard except just empty talks. You should also write in your email that USCIS has shown a complete lack of understanding and professionalism becuase they failed to anticipate in advance before making such a hike in fees about filing of this much high volume of immigration applications from immigrants. I mean, they should have known/anticipated this problem beforehand prior to making an increase in fees, which could have made them to take necessarily steps to deal with this kind of mess. Further, a valid point should also be made that why you are paying this much fees for shady services, while it should have been other ways around. There should not be any excuse for this shady service.

Unless you guys show a collective effort in writing your disappointment and frustration to USCIS and First Lady and whoever you could write to, do not expect this mess to be over anytime soon. Rather I think it could get more messy. You don't have to be scared in writing to USCIS or anyone. Again, talking about this matter over here and taking out your frustration won't do any good. Do something about it than just sitting and waiting something to be happened itself. Be proactive especially when you are dealing with the most bureacratic agency of US govt.

Good luck...
Johnny Cash

Although I agree with your sentiments I doubt that writing to people would do much good, other than maybe make us feel a little better.

I already wrote to Sheila Jackson-Lee a Rep for Texas, who is on the committe which deals with immigration and citizenship in Congress. I got no acknowledgement.

USCIS are already inundated with packets and letters, so it would probably take them three months or more to even open our complaints.

If you or anyone has any ideas, I'd be happy to help.

How about a petition? On-line? I am not computer savvy enough produce anything like that though.

I feel that having all reached this stage, every one of us has invested a lot of $$$s in LEGAL immigration procedures, years of our lives, not to to even mention capital, in the USA. I think we deserve more consideration.

Now I'm getting really angry:(
Won't help!!! They work on FIFO basis. If you apply later then you will get stuck even more. If they can't get July end done then how will they ever get to August and later? Wait till 11/17 and then see what happens.

Good point. I'm just so frustrated over this mess.
Johnny Cash

Although I agree with your sentiments I doubt that writing to people would do much good, other than maybe make us feel a little better.

I already wrote to Sheila Jackson-Lee a Rep for Texas, who is on the committe which deals with immigration and citizenship in Congress. I got no acknowledgement.

USCIS are already inundated with packets and letters, so it would probably take them three months or more to even open our complaints.

If you or anyone has any ideas, I'd be happy to help.

How about a petition? On-line? I am not computer savvy enough produce anything like that though.

I feel that having all reached this stage, every one of us has invested a lot of $$$s in LEGAL immigration procedures, years of our lives, not to to even mention capital, in the USA. I think we deserve more consideration.

Now I'm getting really angry:(

I thought about starting an online petition (this can be done by creating one at, but I've heard from numerous sources that online petitions are useless. Perhaps an organized effort to send actual letters to DHS would do something?
Highlights of today's USCIS conference call:

1.2 million total applications received for July-August

480000 applications still need to be receipted

500000 N400 applications received alone during July-August

All should have receipt date current by end of October

Processing delays will get worse before they get better as frontlog becomes backlog

USCIS will update website with FAQ on a regular basis

I read something in a different thread that during the conference call, the ombudsman stated that the CIS is hoping to have the receipting delay caught up with by January 2008. He also stated that this will most certainly result in processing delays after the receipts are issued. Judging from this, I don't see how they realistically expect to process N-400 applications within 7 months. I think it'll definitely take well over a year.