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total pending cases vs Sept approvals

this graph shows how much work is done in September and how much is left to do.
This is a very unpleasant picture, those having heart and/or stomach problems, please, have your medicine handy :).
Re: total pending cases vs Sept approvals

Originally posted by ND022202
this graph shows how much work is done in September and how much is left to do.
This is a very unpleasant picture, those having heart and/or stomach problems, please, have your medicine handy :).
If this slow pace continues,
it will take another one year just clearing cases filed in 2001,
and five to six years clearing all WAC-02 cases.
Even if it become twice faster from coming October 1st as reported in CSC liason meeting, it is far from satisfactory pace.
We should do what we can do now, such as faxing the petition to Congressional offices.
Re: total pending cases vs Sept approvals

Originally posted by ND022202
this graph shows how much work is done in September and how much is left to do.
This is a very unpleasant picture, those having heart and/or stomach problems, please, have your medicine handy :).

Ooohh! This is a good one. tells lot about the whole situation. Though according to BCIS, there are far more approved than we see in the scans. May be online status not updated? But from what I see in the approvals posted, I don't think anybody said that their online message hasn't been updated.
Re: approvals in Oct

Originally posted by ND022202
see attachment.
shows approvals since 09/28/03 vs. summer monthly average.
looks to me like things r moving faster... (knock-knock on the wood)

Link to original kashmir csv report
Hi, ND022202,
Thnaks for your creating the greaph every time, and also informing me about new type of CARDORDERED message.

By the way, you wrote:
> looks to me like things r moving faster...
however, new approvals are:
21 ... October 1,2.3
53 ... 9/30/2003
32 ... 9/29/2003
32 ... 9/26/2003
25 ... 9/25/2003

The CSC had approved 142 cases for the last four days of September, but only 21 cases for the first three days of October.

Also, even 53 cases per day is still not enough.

We definitely need 15 adjudicators for only EB I485 at the CSC,
and they will not be allocated if we are just waiting.
Project "Ocean" : Become a U.S. Citizen by 2008 Election !!
Re: Re: approvals in Oct

Originally posted by kashmir
Hi, ND022202,
The CSC had approved 142 cases for the last four days of September, but only 21 cases for the first three days of October.

Also, even 53 cases per day is still not enough.

We definitely need 15 adjudicators for only EB I485 at the CSC,
and they will not be allocated if we are just waiting.
Project "Ocean" : Become a U.S. Citizen by 2008 Election !!

Kashmir, I just have a hunch that it goes little bit faster...
and it goes faster when we are not watching :).
was just wondering, if there is considerable movement since oct 1st.

Longwaits charts does not show much progress unlike your graphs. ..

Thanks for your effort to put these graphs together ..

yes, there is definitely a movement, especially, with re-fingerprinting. I hope this ends up in more approvals, not delays.

One thing which I don't like is that they still approve many cases out of order, disregarding JIT.

Unfortunately, I cannot track touched cases from csv report, because it does not store date.

The graph is built automatically from kashmir's csv reports. It may show more progress than tracking only approvals, because the count may include denied/withdrawn/dropped/unknown, in other words, anything which works towards reducing the backlog :).
Added later: specifically, 24 cases where withdrawn.

Link to how the graph is built

Personally, I wish they could manage to move JIT into January 02 by the end of this year.
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Originally posted by eventually
was just wondering, if there is considerable movement since oct 1st.

Longwaits charts does not show much progress unlike your graphs. ..

Thanks for your effort to put these graphs together ..

I double checked last graph and discovered an error, which made the progress look better than it was. The graph shows progress since 08/29/03, not 09/28/03, as shown on the graph. This includes all September approvals.:(
Sorry for the mistake, it happened because I used different computers and did not check the base date.
I will post the correct graph shortly

Thanks for correcting that .. :) it looks like it tallies with Longwaits data ..

so, approval wise we are not seeing anything better now :( but we are seeing more 2nd FPs ..

Not sure, if that translates to more approvals in Nov and Dec ??