Philadelphia Regional DOL Tracker

What number can the lawyer contact for BEC status

Is there s number the lawyer can contact to get the case status from BEC. I applied in May 2002 (RIR) and my 2 - colleagues who work with me and applied in Sept 2002 (RIR) got their letters. They filed through another attorney. Is this going by attorney or what ?
I am getting very concerned now. Any inputs
I have a theory: They are sending the letters based on the way the applications are sorted - but they are not sorted on priority date: They are perhaps sorted on (Applicant last name - Descending) + (Company name - Ascending) + (Lawyer's name - Descending) + (Applicant first name - Ascending) + (Company zip code - Ascending) + (Lawyer's zip code - Descending) + (Priority date - Descending) ... or some such combination :D
I hope it works that way per your proposed theory. Atleast this way, it is predictable... but its good take...
Pineapple said:
I have a theory: They are sending the letters based on the way the applications are sorted - but they are not sorted on priority date: They are perhaps sorted on (Applicant last name - Descending) + (Company name - Ascending) + (Lawyer's name - Descending) + (Applicant first name - Ascending) + (Company zip code - Ascending) + (Lawyer's zip code - Descending) + (Priority date - Descending) ... or some such combination :D

I don't care what it would be sort by as long as it is sorted by something so calculate the time it would take for approval.
USCIS/DOL Propose H-2B USCIS Direct Filing With Potential DOL Post-Filing Audit

:( Today, USCIS and DOL simultaneously released proposed regulations to streamline the H-2B filing procedure from the current two-tier system to the single-tier system. Under the proposed regulation, H-2B employers will file H-2B petitions with the attestations with the USCIS and the DOL will be involved when it determines to conduct post-filing audit of attestations. Certain occupations are excepted from the procedural change. Comment period ends on 02/28/2005. Read on.

1 - DOL Rule

2 - USCIS Rule
orissa said:
:( Today, USCIS and DOL simultaneously released proposed regulations to streamline the H-2B filing procedure from the current two-tier system to the single-tier system. Under the proposed regulation, H-2B employers will file H-2B petitions with the attestations with the USCIS and the DOL will be involved when it determines to conduct post-filing audit of attestations. Certain occupations are excepted from the procedural change. Comment period ends on 02/28/2005. Read on.

1 - DOL Rule

2 - USCIS Rule
Please stop posting this kind of message here. It has nothing to do with Philly Regional Track. You are abusing the system here.
Legal Action against DOL

Hi Guys,

I think we all agree that DOL is unfair in making us wait for atleast another year but getting ready to approve the PERM applications filed after March 28th. Some of us think that legal action is the only way to let DOL know that this is unfair and they would have to process the backlogged applications before they start processing the PERM ones. May be the DOL thought that once PERM is in place lot of us would convert to PERM but my attorney told me that its not a good idea to do it especially if its filed under EB3.

All I am asking is think about this for a moment. We need lot of support to get this going. I am thinking we atleast have 100000 people waiting for their labor and if we each contribute $100, we could raise a million dollars. That should be suffiicient to hire an attorney and start the legal proceedings. If I am totally wrong and I am missing something, please do let me know and I would be the happiest person on the Earth if I am gonna get this thing done without any fuss.

I have started a new thread at for this purpose. I created a poll to gauge the interest of the fellow forum members in this matter. Please take a moment to vote so that we would know how many people are interested.
Received BPC Letter

I received my Backlog Processing Center Notificaion Letter today. Just asking for continuation, nothing else.


PD: Sept/2001, MD, RIR
Philly DOL RD: Dec/2003
from Philly ?

Received it from philly or Dallas ?

sanbaj said:
I received my Backlog Processing Center Notificaion Letter today. Just asking for continuation, nothing else.


PD: Sept/2001, MD, RIR
Philly DOL RD: Dec/2003
BRC is another shit org

LoveNY said:
Received it from philly or Dallas ?

By creating BRC DOL has fooled all of us. making us to wait I dont know what for. This org is created to make us suffer....... F****** people
Maybe after all the wait, cases would randomly be approved and randomly rejected like one guy whose case was rejected after 3.5 years. That is a lot of nonsense. There is no trust in this process...the comp who got the contract for BRC is just going to enjoy the money for two years till some moron would say we do not have funds anymore we are going to ask you to wait or jump onto the other PERM bandwagon..either way we can wait and cause enough headache on their part by filing more cases lawsuits. Hey you can also have fun with them while they are with your case.


mamamiax said:
By creating BRC DOL has fooled all of us. making us to wait I dont know what for. This org is created to make us suffer....... F****** people
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resending ...what?

Hey instead they can use email effectively..keep resending them as much as you want...why waste precious paper resource!

ha ha resending letters...maybe this BRC got the contract to only resend letters...and send letters..there is going to be another BRC that will come up and do something more unique...maybe like is the person on the labor app still alive after 40 yrs? and then they will say we could give to their kids...because they want to justify themselves...their kids can then joing the line....

maybe I am not making any sense..


yours_sincerely said:
I wish we guys could organize some kind of procession in Philly where we all show up in person and have some media attention thrown on the modus operandi of these BRC guys. It might sound crazy to some of you but no harm in trying it.
gc_dude123 said:
Hi Guys,

I think we all agree that DOL is unfair in making us wait for atleast another year but getting ready to approve the PERM applications filed after March 28th. Some of us think that legal action is the only way to let DOL know that this is unfair and they would have to process the backlogged applications before they start processing the PERM ones. May be the DOL thought that once PERM is in place lot of us would convert to PERM but my attorney told me that its not a good idea to do it especially if its filed under EB3.

All I am asking is think about this for a moment. We need lot of support to get this going. I am thinking we atleast have 100000 people waiting for their labor and if we each contribute $100, we could raise a million dollars. That should be suffiicient to hire an attorney and start the legal proceedings. If I am totally wrong and I am missing something, please do let me know and I would be the happiest person on the Earth if I am gonna get this thing done without any fuss.

I have started a new thread at for this purpose. I created a poll to gauge the interest of the fellow forum members in this matter. Please take a moment to vote so that we would know how many people are interested.

I think it would be more to the point if the campaign's purpose is to request disclosur of information rather than attacking PERM. For people who have been waiting so long and are stuck in BRC, we want commitment and communcation from DOL. If DOL is running on Tax money and we are all tax payers, we have at least the right to know what is planned and what is going on in DOL regarding our cases.

We should demand
1) A Clear broken down milestone that DOL has regarding backlog reduction. (how many cases they are going to process each month in total).
2) Their road map to the final elimination of the backlogged cases.
3) A sort of public report on processing progress each month.
4) A tracking system by case number, or Tax ID
5) A support staff that can answer technical questions when there were mistakes or ambiguity in the paperwork from DOL.

But I do agree that we should take some sort of action.
Hello Guys

Please be patient for another two or three months and see the results until BRC starts adjucting cases. Most of us waited on an average of three years. Let's give them a last chance. meanwhile please dont post any unrealted matters here.
Got the 45 days letter

Hi, Guys,
I have just gotten a letter from my attoney today about the 45 days letter. Here is the letter:
The above mentioned LC application was transferred to Philadephia Blaclog Processing Cnter for further processing in January 2005, WE have received a notice with an Attached " selection of Continuation Option letter",with a due date of March 7, 2005 for response. Please kindly check the box to indicate whether you would like to continue the process of this case "

This letter is a copy letter sent to my employer, so I don't have that 45 days letter, The date on the letter from attoney is 1/26/2005.

My information:
Applied in VA, 9/24/2002
To Philadaphia, 6/17/2004.

Could somebody kindly add my onformation to the tracking excel file ?

Also in the letter, the attoney sent updated G-28 for my company to sign, what is G-28 forms?

Thank you guys for the information I have gotten from you so far.
PERM Update

Highlights of PERM Meeting in Chicago - Jan 2005

The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) held its first PERM training meeting in Chicago, Illinois on January 11, 2005. To ensure that we stay abreast of the latest information on PERM, we sent an attorney from The Law Office of Sheela Murthy, P.C. to the session. This valuable information is the latest available on backlog reduction and PERM. It should help MurthyDotCom and MurthyBulletin readers in making their plans.

Update on Backlog Elimination Centers

The meeting began with a Backlog Elimination Center (BEC) update. There are the two BECs in Philadelphia, PA and Dallas, TX, as well as two "satellite" backlog centers - New York, NY (with Boston, MA) and San Francisco, CA. The two satellites will stay open for approximately another year. The oldest cases from the regional offices are at the BECs. Open cases at the regions are not moving to the BECs. Each BEC has approximately 200 contract staff members. The federal staff moved to the BECs from the regional offices will make all final case decisions.

San Francisco had the largest volume of backlog cases, so 10,000 of their cases went to Dallas and 10,000 to Philadelphia. The DOL is using UPS for backlog shipments. The contract staff from Exceed Corporation is responsible for getting all of the cases moved to their proper locations. The current expectation is that there are an additional 200,000 cases from the states beyond those moved from the regions.

As of January 4, 2005, only 17 states had sent their backlogged cases that were due on December 31, 2004. This is approximately 24,000 cases. Larger states are slower because they have more cases to box.

Procedures at BECs

BEC operations have been making progress each day. There are many challenges because of the large volume of cases. There is a brand new software system that has glitches and a largely new staff that needs training. To date, they have sent approximately 26,000 "45-day letters." These are letters to potential employers essentially verifying whether or not the employer wishes to pursue the case. Of these, 11,000 had potentially unnecessary questions about the existence of the company because of the insufficient database that was in use. They now have other databases and they will continue to send out these 45-day letters. The DOL requests that the 11,000 letters also be answered, as this is more efficient than their having to send out revised letters.

When the BEC gets a case, it goes through data entry and then the 45-day letter is issued. When the response is received, the case is put into one of the 2 processing streams (RIR or Regular), and those streams are adjusted for FIFO (first-in / first-out order) on a routine basis. Information is in the process of being set up for a public system. Right now, the Boston and New York regional offices are the only locations with accurate information available to the public. The initial data entry that precedes issuance of the 45-day letter is under consideration for possibly being abbreviated so that the files may more quickly be identified as having arrived at the BECs. A national database is being implemented so that it will be possible to call one BEC and get information about the location of the file, regardless of which BEC has the file.

Efforts are currently focused on data entry. It does not appear that cases are being processed as yet. The next step will be to share the BEC software with New York / Boston and San Francisco, once more of the programmatic problems have been worked out.

The DOL expects backlog procedures to be fully defined by the PERM start date of March 28, 2005. Anything filed prior to PERM will be considered a part of the backlog. Backlog elimination is estimated to take approximately 24 to 30 months once PERM has begun. This, in part, depends upon the number of people re-filing under PERM.

Expect DOL Transitional Guidances

The DOL expects to release two more guidances on transitional procedures in the near future. The first will guide the states on procedures once PERM has been implemented. This is expected to be published in the next month. The second notice will outline which states will use the Atlanta National Processing Center (NPC) and which will use the Chicago NPC for PERM. Both guidances will appear in the Federal Register.

Temporary programs, like the H2B program, will move to Atlanta, GA and Chicago, IL so that BECs will be able to focus on backlogs. This transition has not been completed yet. DOL will issue guidance on handling non-PERM cases received after March 28, 2005 (postmarked before March 28, 2005, etc).

What Triggers an Audit under PERM?

Under PERM, there are certain programmatic "flags" that will trigger DOL case audits. Audits will be triggered by responses on the forms. The DOL is using technology to detect anything odd, down to whether the phone number provided for a company is a cell phone number.

Processing Timeframes under PERM

Most PERM cases are expected to be completed in 45 to 60 days, but this processing time will not apply to those cases that are submitted by mail. The system will assign a date to an eFiling automatically. Paper filings will be date stamped.

Previous RIR or Regular Cases Re-Filed as PERM

The DOL will be posting information on the conversion to PERM of cases previously filed under the regular LC or RIR programs. Re-filed applications may take longer to process than other PERM cases that are filed on the new ETA Form 9089. The time will depend upon how many of these are received and where the original case files are located. Most likely, they are going to have a relationship between the BEC database and the PERM database to use technology as much as possible to check whether the filings are identical - a requirement for retaining the original priority date. DOL expects that re-filing a case should still result in a faster labor certification processing than if the case is left at the BEC and not re-filed. With priority date retrogression preventing EB3 cases from reaching the I-485 stage, this faster processing may not result in any net gain in overall green card processing time for those nationals from India, mainland China, and the Philippines affected by the EB3 retrogression of dates. For a detailed analysis of this topic, see our January 21, 2005 MurthyBulletin article, PERM and EB3 Candidates - File Regular LC Now!, available on MurthyDotCom.

Employer Obligations Regarding Recruitment

If there is any doubt as to whether a case is for a professional job, the DOL recommends that the employers complete the professional recruitment. For all cases, the State Workforce Agency or SWA job order must be sent to the SWA, not just America's Job Bank.

If there are laid-off U.S. workers, an explanation as to why they are not qualified should be in the employer's recruitment report. The DOL thinks that recruitment reports are even more important under an attestation model. They do not want "the ink to be too wet" on a recruitment report if there is an audit. That is, it should be prepared at the time the recruitment occurs, not at the time of an audit. The DOL will also be checking whether the employer is aware that a case was filed for the particular employee. Thus it appears that there may be greater scrutiny by the DOL if an employer files on behalf of a future employee.

Deadlines for Responses to DOL

Under PERM, there is supposed to be a 30-day deadline for any information that the DOL requests. The DOL believes this is better than different deadlines for different types of requests. The DOL emphasized that 30 days for audit letters is only taking into account that someone may be out of town, but they expect the data to be readily available and sent in much earlier.

Prevailing Wages

The DOL is working with the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) on the four prevailing wage levels required under the 2004 Omnibus Act and expect to have guidance and training available on this issue prior to March 8, 2005. As some of our readers may be aware, PERM requires the DOL to consider four levels of wages instead of the existing two levels. This has caused a great deal of hardship and potential problems for employers and employees.


We appreciate the DOL's efforts in holding these meetings around the country to explain PERM. Although the DOL did not answer specific audience questions about PERM, they did collect written questions they intend to answer on an FAQ page on the DOL WebSite in the future.

As always, we at The Law Office of Sheela Murthy are pleased to be able to share this cutting- edge information with our readers. We will continue to monitor the DOL's various presentations and update MurthyDotCom and MurthyBulletin readers on this hot topic that will affect many lives.

Copyright 2005, The Law Office of Sheela Murthy, P.C. All Rights Reserved
VAhoper said:
I think it would be more to the point if the campaign's purpose is to request disclosur of information rather than attacking PERM. For people who have been waiting so long and are stuck in BRC, we want commitment and communcation from DOL. If DOL is running on Tax money and we are all tax payers, we have at least the right to know what is planned and what is going on in DOL regarding our cases.

We should demand
1) A Clear broken down milestone that DOL has regarding backlog reduction. (how many cases they are going to process each month in total).
2) Their road map to the final elimination of the backlogged cases.
3) A sort of public report on processing progress each month.
4) A tracking system by case number, or Tax ID
5) A support staff that can answer technical questions when there were mistakes or ambiguity in the paperwork from DOL.

But I do agree that we should take some sort of action.

yes It doesn't hurt to have some $$ in hand to take some kind of action. Nothing moves with out $$, even if one of us needs to visit attorney, or law makers or our destination office in Philly we need some funds. Please go ahead and collect the sensus in the separate thread. If we pool good amount and just post the numbers on the internet, things will move on their own .....
BEC news update

I called this moring hotline number, and I asked some question to that lady.

1 - In what order they are sending 45 days letters?

A - To be honest with you there is no order in printing those lettres.
Those application feed into system are generating letters. We still
at data process for new aplication prior to 1/1/2005.

2- When are you going to process after receiving reply from 45 days letters?
Will you process immediately or will wait reply for all 310,000 cases.

A - No will not wait for all cases reply, we will process immediately after
receiving reply from employer or attorney.

3 - So when we will expect some approval in near future?

A - In fact the First batch of process will be next two week.

4 - That means you are saying there will be many approval in next week?

A - Yes. But I can't say that many approval or many NOF (Notice of Findings).

Thank you every one for their patience and hope.