Philadelphia Regional DOL Tracker

As I had posted earlier, my case was opened before they moved to BEC (my RD at Phily DOL is 01/25/2003 ) and I was not supposed to get 45 day letter.

It seems they still clearing up the clutter from old Phily DOL.

NOF was issued stating that "employer did not make enough efforts to contact two qualified US workers" ...well they were contacted by phone and were not exact match for the job.

antonioa77 said:
this is insane to get denied after 3.5 yrs. i'm sory man for this but what was the cause of NOF and denial, u think?ur story is sad and many others r going through the same, unfortunaetaly, with the stupid DOL.

but my question to u did u get a letter before final decision from phili BEC that ur case was transfered to them? if so, this means that BEC started processing cases. I'm right?

sory man again.
pinkubenu said:
I'm already in 7th year extension and my attorney is appealing the denial.

Any suggestion how to proceed from here ???

Do we have any thread for BALCA ????

What is the wait time for BALCA ?????

Thanks in advance !


I am SO SORRY pinkubenu!!!!!
I will ask my lawyer and around if there is anything you can do. I will let you know if I get any info!!
Did they say what the cause of denial is so that I (and other people on this tread who could possibly help check) know what to ask for?

Could you please check your PM?



pinkubenu said:
As I had posted earlier, my case was opened before they moved to BEC (my RD at Phily DOL is 01/25/2003 ) and I was not supposed to get 45 day letter.

It seems they still clearing up the clutter from old Phily DOL.

NOF was issued stating that "employer did not make enough efforts to contact two qualified US workers" ...well they were contacted by phone and were not exact match for the job.
juntha said:
thanks for the explanation. I understand better now why ii thought i was the only one taking this BEC news as a good news. Just for information (i dont want to upset anyone in Philly), in SC last month they were working on the application received on the 27th of april 2001.It took them 4 years (FOUR YEARS) to go thru 21 days ! I understand yur point of view. People got the right to be frustrated BUT... those in SC have been frustrated for (like in my case) 4 long years... When yu look at it from my point of view, i understand that it mess up with the good work in Philly but something had to be done.
I also need to add one thing, the track record in Philly was so good that many people applied for a LC using a fake office in the Ph. area ... before the DOL decided to crack down on those practices.
Finallly, assuming the backlog center works the way it s supposed to, it s just a question of months for most of us...
We are sorry we are messing yur system but 4 years is a loooong wait....

You sound like you have no clue about what's going on. Please before you make any comment, do your home work first. This is a very good place for that. Also, please do not start a thread as you like. You are abusing the system here.
Cause of denial

Case was denied for reasons stated in NOF,

NOF was issued stating that "employer did not make enough efforts to contact two qualified US workers" ...well they were contacted by phone and were not exact match for the job.

foret1 said:
I am SO SORRY pinkubenu!!!!!
I will ask my lawyer and around if there is anything you can do. I will let you know if I get any info!!
Did they say what the cause of denial is so that I (and other people on this tread who could possibly help check) know what to ask for?
I am very sad for Pinkubenu LC denied

Pinkubenu it really hurts when you wait for such long year and finally denied.
I am very much concern about my LC now. Who knows how many here will be denied. DOL is very aggressive now a days.
pinkubenu said:
As I had posted earlier, my case was opened before they moved to BEC (my RD at Phily DOL is 01/25/2003 ) and I was not supposed to get 45 day letter.

It seems they still clearing up the clutter from old Phily DOL.

NOF was issued stating that "employer did not make enough efforts to contact two qualified US workers" ...well they were contacted by phone and were not exact match for the job.

What do you mean by "was opened"...what qualifies as "open"?
Absolutely shocking!

I wish we could do something for Pinkubenu....can't believe something like this can spoil a 3.5 years wait in a moment. I'm sure you gave a thought to all the options but here is what I would do:
* Search actively for approved LCs. I was once told by my lawyer that if someone has a labor filed more than a year back and he has to leave the company and has reached the H1 cap for no. of years, he can still use the old labor's priority date (I'm not sure if a denied labor's pd would be valid though) to get H1 extensions.
* Meet someone like Rajiv Khanna or Sheila Murthy...if illegal guys can overstay using some kind of parole or other I'm sure there's a way to keep fighting this case and remain in this country.
* If you are married and your wife can get an H1 then you can get a H4 visa. Its easy to get QA (testing) job with a li'l training.

The above suggestions might have flaws but I thought it might help.
When something similar happened in my company they had to go for additional ads in the media which was suggested by DOL.

pinkubenu said:
Case was denied for reasons stated in NOF,

NOF was issued stating that "employer did not make enough efforts to contact two qualified US workers" ...well they were contacted by phone and were not exact match for the job.
I have a question.

Does Philly used to have a high approval rate?

Did similar cases like pinkubenu's get denied in Philly before?

For some reason I feel this is very unusual. Maybe it was done by a new employee/contractor at Philly BPC.
Could sombody visit the BEC office

As i remember, somebody posted a message before and stated that he/she had personally visited the BEC center. I am just wondering if anybody works or lives nearby could give the BEC a personal visit again. My thought is that they can at least give a word to us WETHER they have already sent out all the 45-day letters OR NOT.
called philly

just called philly and talked to receptionist. she said that she will not give me any info at all. period. but she can tell me that they have 2 stories full of boxes not opened, working on 2001 cases (she wouldn't confirm if that 2001 was for PD), they are entering cases and will RE-SEND new 45 day letters to everyone and those letters will include the new case number.

i tried to understand why they are re-sending letters, but she wouldn't explain. it doesn't make any sense to me at all and i don't know if she was just making it up. or perhaps she was trying to be helpful by giving info, but may not in fact know what's going on. means that we are going back to square 0 if they have to re-do everything.

wish i had not called. i don't know what to think anymore. very confused. may as well just give up trying to understand and just wait.

anyways, just wanted to share the info she gave me. although seems like WRONG info.
foret1 said:
just called philly and talked to receptionist. she said that she will not give me any info at all. period. but she can tell me that they have 2 stories full of boxes not opened, working on 2001 cases (she wouldn't confirm if that 2001 was for PD), they are entering cases and will RE-SEND new 45 day letters to everyone and those letters will include the new case number.

i tried to understand why they are re-sending letters, but she wouldn't explain. it doesn't make any sense to me at all and i don't know if she was just making it up. or perhaps she was trying to be helpful by giving info, but may not in fact know what's going on. means that we are going back to square 0 if they have to re-do everything.

wish i had not called. i don't know what to think anymore. very confused. may as well just give up trying to understand and just wait.

anyways, just wanted to share the info she gave me. although seems like WRONG info.

Just spoke to my lawyer. She says the letter process is absolutely ad-hoc with no logic. She has received some 45 day letters for cases filed by my employer, some of which are as old as Sept 01, some Oct 04, some in 2002 and 2003 (Priority dates)..Mine is not received yet..
Well, one thing is certain... this whole BEC idea was conceived and is now handled by some moron with zero experience in managing such projects. I bet some sort of favouritism/corruption was involved in appointing the top/lead positions and awarding of contracts. How else can one explain the total chaos?? Almost two years have passed since they decided to eliminate backlogs and yet, not ONE case has been certified. In fact, they have messed up at the first step, of entering data and sending letters, and show no signs of improvement.
Hello Tomshu /Akela

Any news from your hot line ?? have they change the fact of beginig to certified by the PD ?? as we read now they are saying they will begin to certified FIFO but not by de PD
Thanks Regards
A lot of questions answered...

I am quite certain most people have not seen the attached BUT it is available to download from this site itself, however the exact link to get to it; I don't have on my person as of typing this note.

I think it answers a lot of questions and in the very least, leaves a few open questions open BUT the DOL and AILA have acknowledged this fact. This in turn means that the DOL is aware of and will provide direction and answers to these questions.

For those that have a lot of questions and haven't already read this, I do recommend a thorough read. I am saw answers to some commonly asked questions
(eg. RIR and NonRIR queues processed separately or not) - As the reader will notice the DOL makes it clear that both will be processed from the same FIFO queue BUT nonRIR will take longer to process by virtue of the fact that RIR applications have already done some of the legwork that may need to be done for the nonRIR applications (I read that as RIR applications have done the advertising etc vs nonRIR havent and may need to do this to be processed)...

Hope this helps.

Phew...resending letters?

I wish we guys could organize some kind of procession in Philly where we all show up in person and have some media attention thrown on the modus operandi of these BRC guys. It might sound crazy to some of you but no harm in trying it.