Philadelphia Regional DOL Tracker

I filed from VA in May 2002 and my philly RD is 02/2004 RIR. I also have not got any letter yet.

Checked with my lawyer and she said they have not received any letter yet.

My company attorney is also fragomen and i have found them quite frustrating. I heard from them today that they had received the letter for my case and have responded on 01/07/2005.

My details

VA SESA - 09/2002 (RIR)
Phily DOL - 05/2004
BEC Letter responded - 01/07
Don't worry VAhoper we all here with you still waiting for Lovely bobly letter.

MY SESA RD 01/02/2003
Phily DOL RD 07/23/2004

Today 365+365+22=752 days passed each day I am thinking will bring some good news, each new day for me, full of hope.

My feelings says we have to wait till June to be approved with Final and last Certified blue stamp on it.

Once upon a time a man walking by small village school with his"donkey". He heard the teacher yelling at student loudly " I have made many Donkey like you into human, what you think of me".

Webb who passing by with his Donkey, went inside school and asked teacher's help to covert his Donkey into human. The teacher was very smart, replied it will cost you $30,000 and required time will be 30 years. The honest and simple man Webb agreed with teachers plan.

Another teacher heard this conversation between Webb and teacher, and said to teacher "my dear friend why are you buying uneccessary problem for you".

Teacher- What problem?

Teacher's Friend- How will you convert his Donkey into Human. And moreover I am sure he will come to you oneday for his donkey converted into human, don't you aware of that.

Teacher- My friend you are a big stupid. Let me explain you how it works,
First I will earn $30,000 with out any investing. Secondly he will
be here after 30 years, to take his Donkey.

In long 30 years either Donkey will die or Webb will die or I will will die.


Thats what the game DOL playing with us everyday, every week, every month and every year. Either H1B, will expire all will go home or amnesty will come or Law will be changed sometime.

VAhoper said:
Hi, I'm still waiting for the 45 day letter.

I file from VA, PD 07/2002, Philly RD 04/2004. RIR. Did anyone filed in the same time frame and still waiting for the letter?

I'm getting worried now since they said they have sent out all the letters!
mvermani said:
I filed from VA in May 2002 and my philly RD is 02/2004 RIR. I also have not got any letter yet.

Checked with my lawyer and she said they have not received any letter yet.

We are in the same boat..... See my detail:

WV, EB-2 Non- RIR
SWA in WV: July 2003
DOL in Philly: 01/08/2004
Still waiting for 45-day letter.........
Nice Story Orissa

Orissa, that was a nice story. And a good relief from this chronic frustration infesting this board. I wonder if we have all realised that this board is really active now!! I come back in 15 mins and someone has responded.
BTW I think there will be an end to this. June does seem more likely then say March but I do feel very certain that
1. They will not wait for the national queue to adjudicate our cases.
2. There will be seperate queues For RIR
Call it just my intuition but I think we will all see through this.
thanks Orissa

That was refreshing!!

orissa said:
Don't worry VAhoper we all here with you still waiting for Lovely bobly letter.

MY SESA RD 01/02/2003
Phily DOL RD 07/23/2004

Today 365+365+22=752 days passed each day I am thinking will bring some good news, each new day for me, full of hope.

My feelings says we have to wait till June to be approved with Final and last Certified blue stamp on it.

Once upon a time a man walking by small village school with his"donkey". He heard the teacher yelling at student loudly " I have made many Donkey like you into human, what you think of me".

Webb who passing by with his Donkey, went inside school and asked teacher's help to covert his Donkey into human. The teacher was very smart, replied it will cost you $30,000 and required time will be 30 years. The honest and simple man Webb agreed with teachers plan.

Another teacher heard this conversation between Webb and teacher, and said to teacher "my dear friend why are you buying uneccessary problem for you".

Teacher- What problem?

Teacher's Friend- How will you convert his Donkey into Human. And moreover I am sure he will come to you oneday for his donkey converted into human, don't you aware of that.

Teacher- My friend you are a big stupid. Let me explain you how it works,
First I will earn $30,000 with out any investing. Secondly he will
be here after 30 years, to take his Donkey.

In long 30 years either Donkey will die or Webb will die or I will will die.


Thats what the game DOL playing with us everyday, every week, every month and every year. Either H1B, will expire all will go home or amnesty will come or Law will be changed sometime.
Thanks all for the response. After so many ups and downs. yes, over 900 days of hoping, waiting, praying... For a moment, I paniced.

I really like the story. Yes, there will be a resolution. Either we finally get it , or we all go home. But hope is a good thing. When we are not in control, we can only hope.

I also try to remind myself that GC is not the purpose of my life. Not getting it doesn't mean I will stop having a happy life.
juntha said:
State : 04/11/01
Just been told case was sent to Philly 3 weeks ago

No love letter either


Could you please let us know how you fount out? Who informed you?

Was it sent to Philly DOL or Philly BEC?

Thanks in advance!!
Doleta website gave me the Alien certification Unit phone number in Columbia SC. Called them, checked withe the lady who said she sent all the case pending (meaning with a case number) received before January 2003 to Philladelphia at the BACKLOG center. Doleta Website was updated and show now that SC employement office are goignthru January 2003 cases... which confirms what the lady told me.

Whatever people say around here, Philly received SC case on the last week of december 2004. Every states were required to do so by the 30th of december. I still think that it s way to early to be worried about not receiving the letter... in my case they received my case 3 weeks ago with tons of others one from my state but also from other states. ANd for those case received after january 2003 and not processed yet ? They are still in local employment office. They will be sent in March 2004 to the BEC center.
I personally dont believe in those who claim that every case has been placed in the BEC computers and the letter were sent. 3 weeks is wayyyy to short. I ll start to get worried by march 2005
juntha, you are right, 3 weeks is too short a time for the letters to be sent out to everyone in the entire country. But thats not the point. The point is:

A) Everyone's case here in this thread was already in Philly DOL, which was doing quite well, thank you, before all this BEC exercise started.
B) As a result, ALL activity at Philly DOL ground to a halt, that is, an 'artificial' backlog was created here in Philly.
C) Philly DOL cases were supposed to be entered into the system much before the end of 2004 and
D) People Are receiving letters. The problem is, who gets the letter is pretty much random, which is quite unsettling.

As if that were not enough, Quite a few people with PD in 2003 got their LCs in 2003, while the powers that be were using Philly DOL as a guinea pig, so people here are understandably quite fed up of the whole BEC idea.
thanks for the explanation. I understand better now why ii thought i was the only one taking this BEC news as a good news. Just for information (i dont want to upset anyone in Philly), in SC last month they were working on the application received on the 27th of april 2001.It took them 4 years (FOUR YEARS) to go thru 21 days ! I understand yur point of view. People got the right to be frustrated BUT... those in SC have been frustrated for (like in my case) 4 long years... When yu look at it from my point of view, i understand that it mess up with the good work in Philly but something had to be done.
I also need to add one thing, the track record in Philly was so good that many people applied for a LC using a fake office in the Ph. area ... before the DOL decided to crack down on those practices.
Finallly, assuming the backlog center works the way it s supposed to, it s just a question of months for most of us...
We are sorry we are messing yur system but 4 years is a loooong wait....

don't be panic 45-day love letter

After reading the memo (, i guess it is time to calm down for all of us who haven't yet gotten the 45-day letter.

on page 2 of 8
"Backlog Reduction
In the Initial Cases from the Dallas, Philadelphia and San Francisco Regional Offices data entry has been completed. Letters are going out. Letters have not gone out on all cases. The same letters are being sent for RIR and traditional cases"
Recieved Love Letter

Hello Friends

I've recieved today fax from my HR regarding my 45 day Letter
and they confirmed send it back on 20th
Please Clear this issue

mvinays said:
01/21/2005: DOL Backlog Reduction Processing Update

Opened Cases vs. Unopened Cases: Under the Transition Guideline, unopened cases have been transferred to the Backlog Centers and opened cases will be completed by the SWAs. The definition of "opened cases" is the application packages which are at the SWAs in unopened boxes or where no letters have been issued by the SWAs to the applicants. Accordingly, those who received a letter from the state offices may be completed at the state offices rather than being transferred to the Backlog Centers.
Notification of Address Changes of the Applicants or Attorneys: If one knows that his/her case has been transferred to the Backlog Centers, the notification should be addressed to the Backlog Centers. If one does not know, DOL suggests to such notification to both the Backlog Center and the SWA office.

under breaking news

My case was filed on Oct'2003 from DE under EB2(RIR) and as far now they are processing Sept'2003. I am confused about my case. Could any of you clear me what will happened tpo my case?
will DE state open it and procees my case or it will be transferd to BEC?
If the will open it then will they approved my labor?
Thanks you for your reply.
LC denied

Finally a decision is made by Phily DOL ( BEC ) on my case.

They denied the LC.

SWA RD - 06/20/2001 (non RIR)
Forwarded to Phily DOL - 01/25/2003
NOF by DOL - 11/15/2003
Rebuttal - 12/31/2003
LC denied - 01/10/2005

waste of 3 and 1/2 years.

My co-workers LC exactly like mine with same filling date was approved by Phily DOL on 11/15/2003 ( same day they issued NOF in my case ????? )

Wish everyone else wating in this queue very best and hope you come out of this queue alive.
Seeking your advise

I'm already in 7th year extension and my attorney is appealing the denial.

Any suggestion how to proceed from here ???

Do we have any thread for BALCA ????

What is the wait time for BALCA ?????

Thanks in advance !


pinkubenu said:
Finally a decision is made by Phily DOL ( BEC ) on my case.

They denied the LC.

SWA RD - 06/20/2001 (non RIR)
Forwarded to Phily DOL - 01/25/2003
NOF by DOL - 11/15/2003
Rebuttal - 12/31/2003
LC denied - 01/10/2005

waste of 3 and 1/2 years.

My co-workers LC exactly like mine with same filling date was approved by Phily DOL on 11/15/2003 ( same day they issued NOF in my case ????? )

Wish everyone else wating in this queue very best and hope you come out of this queue alive.
pinkubenu said:
Finally a decision is made by Phily DOL ( BEC ) on my case.

They denied the LC.

SWA RD - 06/20/2001 (non RIR)
Forwarded to Phily DOL - 01/25/2003
NOF by DOL - 11/15/2003
Rebuttal - 12/31/2003
LC denied - 01/10/2005

waste of 3 and 1/2 years.

My co-workers LC exactly like mine with same filling date was approved by Phily DOL on 11/15/2003 ( same day they issued NOF in my case ????? )

Wish everyone else wating in this queue very best and hope you come out of this queue alive.

this is insane to get denied after 3.5 yrs. i'm sory man for this but what was the cause of NOF and denial, u think?ur story is sad and many others r going through the same, unfortunaetaly, with the stupid DOL.

but my question to u did u get a letter before final decision from phili BEC that ur case was transfered to them? if so, this means that BEC started processing cases. I'm right?

sory man again.
Pinkubenu, sorry to hear about ur case...a friend of mine made an appt with Murthy and worked out something to continue his case, u can try the same...

SWA VA 09/13/2001
Forwarded to Phily , no idea when part of Pilot pogram, got a letter stating that the national processing center is handling my case and thats it...

pinkubenu said:
Finally a decision is made by Phily DOL ( BEC ) on my case.

They denied the LC.

SWA RD - 06/20/2001 (non RIR)
Forwarded to Phily DOL - 01/25/2003
NOF by DOL - 11/15/2003
Rebuttal - 12/31/2003
LC denied - 01/10/2005

waste of 3 and 1/2 years.

My co-workers LC exactly like mine with same filling date was approved by Phily DOL on 11/15/2003 ( same day they issued NOF in my case ????? )

Wish everyone else wating in this queue very best and hope you come out of this queue alive.