Philadelphia Regional DOL Tracker - Old (Archived on 09/23/2004)

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As it goes here is some good news and some bad news....

It seems that there is trend in the screwup of the DOL AVM. In my case atleast, after deducting 12843 from my actual case number I was able to find the case in the AVM. DOT Code etc. matches with my case. So looks like we can at least check the case status.

Now the bad news, my case and few other cases received mid-end of Aug are still in received status. Others like MASON, TILE LAYER etc. received after those dates are certified! Any way I care less about those! If I try to check for July cases it didn't work. So, I am not sure if this logic holds good for all case ranges!

Example: Here is a real example to find say case 03395543 I entered 03382700 ... and there it goes and gives the status for case 03395543. In the couple of different attempts in quick succession the AVM was consistent. So, please try and if you can find your cases or any thing useful please let us know.

that may not be correct

Hi pradeep,
When you deduct some number from your case number there is always possibility of getting somebody else case. That will not be your case. What is the use?
How can you confirm that its your case.
At present, I cannot find my case number anyway.

If you read my message carefully

you can see that the case number you enter is not the case number it reports the status on. I (and you will) know this, because AVM repeats the case number back to you. While checking other cases from my Co. I stumbled on this difference, and it worked for me and yes I could find my case! It is still in received status though :-(.

To make it clear, if you enter 03382700, you would expect to hear status for that case, but not 03395543. But the AVM clearly gives you the case number and status for 03395543. And, the difference is 12843. If you extrapolate that, if you enter cases 03383700 you **MAY** hear status for 03396543. I didn't check that particular number, which explains that **MAY** ! At the least it is consistent for few cases (4 or 5) I know including my case filed on Aug. 25th. But again, we don't even know, how accurate is the status we hear from a messed up system to start with.

Hope it helps,
Re: If you read my message carefully

Nice observation PradK, it worked for me when i deducted 12843 from my original case number. Bad news is it's still in 'Received' Status.

Originally posted by PradK
you can see that the case number you enter is not the case number it reports the status on. I (and you will) know this, because AVM repeats the case number back to you. While checking other cases from my Co. I stumbled on this difference, and it worked for me and yes I could find my case! It is still in received status though :-(.

To make it clear, if you enter 03382700, you would expect to hear status for that case, but not 03395543. But the AVM clearly gives you the case number and status for 03395543. And, the difference is 12843. If you extrapolate that, if you enter cases 03383700 you **MAY** hear status for 03396543. I didn't check that particular number, which explains that **MAY** ! At the least it is consistent for few cases (4 or 5) I know including my case filed on Aug. 25th. But again, we don't even know, how accurate is the status we hear from a messed up system to start with.

Hope it helps,
Re: Re: If you read my message carefully

Dive to

What is ur DOL Date


Originally posted by driveto
Nice observation PradK, it worked for me when i deducted 12843 from my original case number. Bad news is it's still in 'Received' Status.

Re: Re: Re: Re: If you read my message carefully


Can U explain what steps u taken to find ur status.
I'm little bit confuse.Thanks in advance


Originally posted by driveto
Aug 20th
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: If you read my message carefully

Subtract your original case number by 12843. Lets say if your case number is 03396234, then you should enter 03383391 (03396234-12843) into AVM. Even though you enter revised cases number(if it is true), AVM will reply a message stating your original case number i.e. 03396234.

Hope it will help.

Dial the hotline # 215-861-5286
- Followed by option 1 (Permanent application)
- Followed by option 1 (Search by case #)
- Entered my case #. 0338*

Originally posted by nagulapati

Can U explain what steps u taken to find ur status.
I'm little bit confuse.Thanks in advance

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: If you read my message carefully

Thank You Somuch

Originally posted by driveto
Subtract your original case number by 12843. Lets say if your case number is 03396234, then you should enter 03383391 (03396234-12843) into AVM. Even though you enter revised cases number(if it is true), AVM will reply a message stating your original case number i.e. 03396234.

Hope it will help.

Dial the hotline # 215-861-5286
- Followed by option 1 (Permanent application)
- Followed by option 1 (Search by case #)
- Entered my case #. 0338*

Hey VarsityBoyz,

My case was sent back to SWA with recruitment report recd Dec 04, 2003.

How can I check if it was cleared and passed on to DOL?

My case disapperared from AVM.

We now both know that we need to substract the case number with another number S, say 12843, to retrieve correct case from AVM.

I noticed S is not a constant. It changes and depends on your case number. Anyway, I was able to figure it out and to retrive cases around me, say MyCaseNum+1 and MyCaseNum-1. But my case disappeared.

Let me use a concrete example to show what happened:

when I enter 1000, it retrieve case MyCaseNum-1
but when I enter 1001, it retrieve case MyCaseNum+1

Where is my case? Any suggestions?

You are correct. The number subtracted is not constant across different case number ranges, but only to some ranges. Since mine (RD Aug. 25th ) and driveto 's (Aug. 20th) are close to each other we both we able to find our cases with the same formual(?). But, in any case it is interesting that your case is completely missing. But, I wouldn't worry much about it, except that it would 've been nice to know your case status as well.

What is your RD at DOL? And, are you IT?
Cases are present

I also used the formula ... but didnt find the case ..

But I looked around the same range ... i subtracted another 19 from the result .. and found my case ....

Aug 20th is my Date.
Re: freewalker

My receive date at DOL is 7/16/2003. It is an IT job. But my case was remanded to my employer. My employer resubmitted the original ad and did not do the recruiting again because my employer told me DOL asked for the original ad.

Originally posted by PradK
You are correct. The number subtracted is not constant across different case number ranges, but only to some ranges. Since mine (RD Aug. 25th ) and driveto 's (Aug. 20th) are close to each other we both we able to find our cases with the same formual(?). But, in any case it is interesting that your case is completely missing. But, I wouldn't worry much about it, except that it would 've been nice to know your case status as well.

What is your RD at DOL? And, are you IT?
hi driveto

I tried exactly as driveto mentioned. I could locate my case number and it says my actual case number is certified where my reciept date is aug 11th, 2003.
It didnt mentioned when it is certified.
I called my attorney, and he says nothing recieved yet.

Is it really certified or just screwed up AVM?

Anyhow, if it is correct Millions thanks to pradeep good work.

Let me wait and see.

By the way How long it takes to reach attorney about approval.

Can you pl. give us more details of your case. Thats definitely great news. I think it takes a week or 2 before your attorney receives the certified LC.

The details such as

DOT Code
SESA state and details...
EB2 or EB3.
Date of Receipt.

Your case defintely falls in the next possible cases for approval since we already see that some cases from mid-late july are approved recently.
Hi pradeep

My case no:03394659
Dot code:
State: harrisburg
DOL recieved date: Aug11th,03

I used your formula - 100 -5 to reach my exact case number.
Message clearly says my above case number certified.

Unable to control the excitement as it's a year long dream. But waiting confirmation from my attorney.
Also I used option 3 to fax my message. But I havent recieved till yet.

I also tried few other cases whose reciept date is afte aug 11th and they all are certified.

Sorry pradeep

Case is not certified yet.
Wrong message heard.
Sorry guyz...

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Re: Hi pradeep

Thats cool. I am positive that this is working. It is just not you, but I am sure we all are excited since it means some decent progress by Phily DOL. Let me be the first to congratulate you :)

Oh btw, that FAX back feature never worked for me or any one I have known!

Others in the same date range, please check your cases and post here. A couple of more instances like this will really help us.

Thanks rmandiga again for the great news and good luck,

Originally posted by rmandiga
My case no:03394659
Dot code:
State: harrisburg
DOL recieved date: Aug11th,03

I used your formula - 100 -5 to reach my exact case number.
Message clearly says my above case number certified.

Unable to control the excitement as it's a year long dream. But waiting confirmation from my attorney.
Also I used option 3 to fax my message. But I havent recieved till yet.

I also tried few other cases whose reciept date is afte aug 11th and they all are certified.

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