Philadelphia Regional DOL Tracker - Old (Archived on 09/23/2004)

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just an understanding of the processing dates...

sep 19; jan 7
sep 19; jan 7
sep 24; jan 7

all the above applications have been certified... :)
seems like they are processing sep 24th as of today!

sep 24; recvd
sep 24; recvd
sep 24;recvd
sep 24;recvd
Yes same here have been trying since morning today. Any other number... haven't found anything new for my case as I keep getting case not found....hopefully everything returns back to normal with some good news...
Sometining is not right with the dates, is it already at Sept 24. No August cases have been cleared. Is everything OK.

No body knows whats the criteria for DOL processing, AVM got messed up, they are skipping july and aug cases and processing sept cases. Let's hope they fix AVM soon so that we know exactly what's going on.

Originally posted by akela
Sometining is not right with the dates, is it already at Sept 24. No August cases have been cleared. Is everything OK.

just checked these cases in AVM...
none of date received are correct.

whats going on........

Originally posted by varsityboyz
just an understanding of the processing dates...

sep 19; jan 7
sep 19; jan 7
sep 24; jan 7

all the above applications have been certified... :)
seems like they are processing sep 24th as of today!

sep 24; recvd
sep 24; recvd
sep 24;recvd
sep 24;recvd
Because AVM is working properly now. add 12843 to those numbers instead.
Originally posted by philava
just checked these cases in AVM...
none of date received are correct.

whats going on........
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Just got in a while ago.
Seems like the erroneous case number situation has been fixed. Still not sure how authentic the system is!

AVM got messed up again

Originally posted by varsityboyz
Just got in a while ago.
Seems like the erroneous case number situation has been fixed. Still not sure how authentic the system is!

What's going on ! ! ! I tried and again hearing messages "case not found". Most of the times busy signal is relayed. something not desirable ! ! ! !
Hi There,

I have peculiar case..pls let me know if any one faced this problem..
I have filed my LC on Nov 2002 in Delaware ( NON-RIR, as per my lawyer's suggestion)..then got a salary based query and my lawyer replyed for that. finally my lawyer recived a letter from Philly DOL saying they have recieved my application on July 31st . How come regional center send it to DOL without asking my company for ADS..

RIR regional current processing date

My case in RIR.
My state processing file: April 7 2003.
Approved & Moved to Regional: Sep 19 2003

But I don't see any progress in Regional Labor Processing date. It looks like is stuck at May 2003 till today from Sep 2003.

Is this correct or some body has approved case from Sep 19.

Thank you
Called my Lawyer (One of those big firms eh). Here is what is happening, Phily DOL has changed (or was it this way always) the way it process. It has sent a 'chunk' to be processed at the many processing centers it has. According to my Lawyer, some one is already doing dec 2003. So, what gives? I dunno how correct the info is (I mean my lwayer wouldn't lie, she might not be intepreting the situation right). Anyone with more info.

I think akela's lawyer is right, I know a guy whose file was sent to Philli from MD sesa in Nov. and got approved in first week of Jan.

I called the philly phone number to chk the status of my case.I used the Employer's number.The message I got was No more casses.

Can someone tell what it means.
hi !!

Hi gc_chk,

Since AVM is screwed up, we are getting all sorts of weird messages.

I too get the same message. That doesn't mean all our cases are approved.

I hope, they will restore it soon.

SESA to Regional ??


I have a new one. Most of you've already gone on to the Regional office and I am hoping one or more of you can share your views on this...

My case was filed as a non-RIR case - God knows it's been frustrating to sit and watch the days turn into months into years...
Finally, the case file moved and we sent back the recruitement report after advertising etc was complete.
How long should it be normal to wait for the file to move from SESA to the Regional office.
My lawyer (I wish better sense had prevailed earlier and I'd gone with my instinct on the lawyer... but never mind that now- too late) - my lawyer tells me she called the dept of labor and they tell her that they're backlogged and it could take upto 3 months for my file to move to the Regional office....

Can you guys tell me how long it took in your case for the file to move... Also is there some place I can call to check the status of my file??? It's still with the SESA office and since the Philly office doesn't give out a number etc at this stage I don't have that to try and figure this one out...

And I thought I was done with lines when I got on that plane to America....

cheers fellowship of the green...
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