Philadelphia Regional DOL Tracker - Old (Archived on 09/23/2004)

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I called my lawyer. He thinks Philly DOL as well other 4-5 DOL from east coast moved many cases to Maryland to try and process their new central processing programme last week (@ 1500 total). This might have affected this AVM screw-up.
July EB3-RIR Approvals?

Congrats all July approvals! Any EB3-RIR approvals for July? My case was transferred to the DOL on July 7th in the EB3-RIR category and I am still waiting for my approval.
I called my lawyer. He thinks Philly DOL as well other 4-5 DOL from east coast moved many cases to Maryland to try and process their new central processing programme last week (@ 1500 total). This might have affected this AVM screw-up.

So thus that means we need to call Maryland AVM and if yes what is the AVM numer at Maryland.

Please let us know.
My case recently moved from Virginia to Phily DOL. I was talking to my firm lawyer, she was saying that many DOL were sending back (she was not sure about Phily Dol) RIR EB2 cases and asking them to be made non-RIR. Is that true for Phily DOL
? How often does anyone see something like this.

Thanks in advance

- akela
Case Approved

Hi Everyone,

One more good news !!!

Just came to know that my Permanent Labor Application has been Certified (through my Lawyer, NOT AVM)

Details below:

Category: EB2-RIR
SWA: Virginia
Receipt Date in Philly DOL: July 25, 2003
Approval Date: Dec 29, 2003

I would like to thank everyone for providing the latest information and keeping this thread alive. Hope everyone gets their approvals soon in the New Year. Wish you all the very best !!!

Thanks once again.
Re: Case Approved

congrats eternallabor
Originally posted by eternal_labor
Hi Everyone,

One more good news !!!

Just came to know that my Permanent Labor Application has been Certified (through my Lawyer, NOT AVM)

Details below:

Category: EB2-RIR
SWA: Virginia
Receipt Date in Philly DOL: July 25, 2003
Approval Date: Dec 29, 2003

I would like to thank everyone for providing the latest information and keeping this thread alive. Hope everyone gets their approvals soon in the New Year. Wish you all the very best !!!

Thanks once again.
To Sunkav

Hi, Sunkav,

Do you know how long it takes for the Philly DOL to make a final decision on the RIR case once the addtional one-day advertising is done and the recruitment report is sent back to the state agency?

Do we have to wait in line again eternally?
Re: Case Approved


Originally posted by eternal_labor
Hi Everyone,

One more good news !!!

Just came to know that my Permanent Labor Application has been Certified (through my Lawyer, NOT AVM)

Details below:

Category: EB2-RIR
SWA: Virginia
Receipt Date in Philly DOL: July 25, 2003
Approval Date: Dec 29, 2003

I would like to thank everyone for providing the latest information and keeping this thread alive. Hope everyone gets their approvals soon in the New Year. Wish you all the very best !!!

Thanks once again.
good news!!!

Hi guys,

I am CTS...

for some reason I couldnot logon under CTS id, so I created another id called CTSGC.

Just Received message from my lawyer that my LC is approved.

Philly DOL RD: SEP-19-2003
Apporved : JAN-05-2004
Category : EB3 RIR
DOT : 030.162.014

thanks for ur kind support & GOOD LUCK TO U guys!!!


Congrats CTS and Eternal_Labor! Hope I get some good news on mine soon! EB3-RIR, Receipt Date - July 7th.
Congrats CTS, eternal_labor.... Good Start for you Guys.

Mine is EB3-RIR Philly Receipt Date : 9/11/2003...
Hope to hear something by this month end....

- DvvB
Congratulations guys for the approval.

Well my case is like you too Case # not found when i call AVM.

One time it took me to certified message but it was not mine but 1998 case :( . Hope to hear something from my lawyer as my RD is 07/16/2003. Not letting my hope die.
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Case not found

Hi all,
I am trying AVM today and found that my case number not located in AVM. I could find it till last week.

Any help regarding this?

What does it mean?

My DOL Reciept date : Aug 11th (Harrisburg)

Re: good news!!!

Originally posted by ctsgc
Hi guys,

I am CTS...

for some reason I couldnot logon under CTS id, so I created another id called CTSGC.

Just Received message from my lawyer that my LC is approved.

Philly DOL RD: SEP-19-2003
Apporved : JAN-05-2004
Category : EB3 RIR
DOT : 030.162.014

thanks for ur kind support & GOOD LUCK TO U guys!!!



Congratulations and good luck on next steps!

Question, how did your attorney find out about the case so quickly?

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