Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

USCISisMockery said:
Don't you get it, we are not stupid. Stop your personal agenda. Why in the hell we care about L1 fees. Please stop harrassing us, we are already suffering from other problems (you know which one).

Also please stay on topic, this thread is not about visa numbers, L1 fees or H1 numbers, its about PBEC.

I am sorry for spamming and wasting time in this thread. It was a desparate attempt to get attention of as many as posible tonight..

(As many of you all know, if the proposed provisions in the budget bill passes, 1. (many of the) readers of this thread who are effected by retrogression can file 485 immediately after the labor gets cleared(and get all the benefits like EAD, use AC21 to change jobs, etc), 2. spouses and children will be exempted from the gc numbers effectively more than doubling speed at which numbers move.., etc. This bill also includes H1B increase/L1 fee increase, which I dont want to comment on!. So far it was going ok in senate but there is this sudden news, and now these provisions may be deleted from the bill.

I don't have any agenda here, I usually post in DBEC forum but visit this forum also, my application is struck in DBEC, PD april 2003, CA, RIR, though they seems to be processing aug/sept 2003, no news on my case. Even if I get the labor cert, may not matter much as I can not file 485/EAD/etc for a long time. Hoping for some good luck tomorrow and more until this bill becomes law!!)
fastergcwanted said:
From Dallas forum....they just cleared Dec 2003 case...what the hell is going wrong with PBEC and our older cases......Why is this much unfair?????

Initially, I heard there were plans to share same database in FIFO between PBEC and DBEC....Does anyone know what happened to such claims?
Hi All,
any idea which date is PBEC processing ? is it state or regional.
also were they not supposed to clear all backlog by 2006 ?
Selfish motives.....

USCISisMockery said:
Why don't you people have some sympatnhy on us (who are suffering from PBEC onslaught) and spare this thread from whatever your personal agenda. I checked history of ----, ------ (removed names) and many others who suddenly started posting desperately about visa numbers and it seems fishy.
Some of them are all over the board with topics ranging from I140, Labor, DBEC, 485, I140, H1 etc. Most of such people are clearly associated with some law firm.

It also sounds conspiracy that their awareness effort has not a single note about BEC delay.

who is affected by visa retrogression and not by BEC delay ? Nobody, except lawyers (and recent DBEC applicants whose labors were cleared after Sept. 31, but they are very few)

Why in the world we give damn about increasing H1 numbers ? Then who are these people who are advocating increase in H1 numbers ? I would rather advice any newcomer to stay away and go for Australia instead of face US immigration beauracracy for life time.

Just search for posts by these people who are supporting visa awareness, they never posted on PBEC thread and suddenly they started making calls to senetors !!!
USCISisMockery -- I agree with you 100%. No body talks about BEC dealys.... Only, Retrogression and PERM and such things.... How pathetic it is? Self interests of AILA and others...
Call Now !!!!!

XXXX Restrictionists are trying to hijack the debate on immigration and YOU CAN STOP THEM!

Senator Byrd intends to offer an amendment tomorrow (11/2/05) to remove the H-1B and immigrant visa retrogression provisions passed by the Senate Judiciary Committee from the Budget Reconciliation Package.



Your phone call is critical to perserving the integrity of this debate about H-1B and Greencard Relief.

As always XXXXX, thank you for your support.
Sample Message:
"I am a concerned constituent calling to urge Senator ( name ) to vote against an amendment expected to be offered today to the Deficit Reduction Omnibus Reconciliation Act of 2005 by Senator Robert Byrd (D-WV). This amendment reverses action taken by the Senate Judiciary Committee to increase revenue by recapturing authorized, but never used, visa numbers for foreign workers with key skills in jobs for which U.S. workers are not available.
Sen. Byrd's amendment raises the revenue that would be lost by adopting the ill-advised House Judiciary Committee proposal to raise the fees on L-1 intra-company transferees to $1,500 per visa, which would discourage overseas companies from opening plants in the U.S. and would encourage countries to retaliate against U.S. companies seeking to transfer U.S. managers to oversee their international operations.
Please vote no when this amendment comes up for consideration. If not, the Senate will lose the opportunity to raise revenue by allowing the use of visas that were authorized by Congress, but never used due to administrative delays."
I agree with Mockery regarding this thread and the fight we should have. What I personnally want is a freaking approved LC. For the rest .... I have time to think about it later but what would do me a lot of good right now is to have my approved LC.

If most of you guys are willing to send tons of emails to senatros and house representatives over the retrogression issue I have one suggestion for you ... send tons of email to the AILA to force them to do something about the BEC mess. They want help with the visa numbers ... fine ! but in return we want help with the BEC. So I urge all of you to write to the AILA and ask them to do something for our problem: the BEC and in particular the PBEC.
RajeevMehta said:
They are over smart. They tactfully combined H1 cap with retrogression issue in single bill. If you support retrogression, you are supporting H1 cap increase. Choice is yours. Our biggest problem is dumb PBEC, need to shout against it. WE NEED JUSTICE.

Just now sent this letter:


To, The Honorable Frank Pallone Jr.
House of Representatives
420 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515-3006

Respected Sir,

I am a computer professional working in US for last 6 years in same profession. As you know, on H4 visa, spouse can not work - IRRESPECTIVE OF HOW CAPABLE SHE IS !

Philidelphia Backlog Elimination center for GC labor processing is killing our day to day life. We are not able to take major decisions like buying home, establish business for spouse or investing in economy in stocks etc.

I request you to look at us and the whole community like us who are highly skilled, peace loving and helping US economy to grow.

Thanks and have a nice day.


My Name
My Address
My Phone Number


I hope someone will take action against PBEC for this mess.

Good luck to all.
Wow !!! Your friend's P-number is close to mine !!!! Somehow I got my 45 days letter 4 and half months ago !!!! Gee!!! What's the logic at PBEC???

Juanito said:
A friend got 45 days letter:

PD: 1/17/2002
State: NY
ETA: P-05122-8XXXX
Bigger fool theory floating around

MDwatch said:
I agree with Mockery regarding this thread and the fight we should have. What I personnally want is a freaking approved LC. For the rest .... I have time to think about it later but what would do me a lot of good right now is to have my approved LC.

If most of you guys are willing to send tons of emails to senatros and house representatives over the retrogression issue I have one suggestion for you ... send tons of email to the AILA to force them to do something about the BEC mess. They want help with the visa numbers ... fine ! but in return we want help with the BEC. So I urge all of you to write to the AILA and ask them to do something for our problem: the BEC and in particular the PBEC.

I could not agree more. I absolutely see a bigger fool theory going around here... People are really forgetting what is THEIR real problem and complaining about retrogression ! All these bills are not going to do any good if YOUR LC is NOT approved. If you can't get your LC, you are nowhere close to retrogression affecting you. Get your LC first, then worry about the retrogressing.

BEC's are upcoming on their 1yr aniversary without any concrete work - only excuses, and data entry work; NO adjudications. Gone are the promises about FIFO and national queue that was promised. DBEC is going on their own Texan way, and PBEC is increasingly freezing their work even before the winter chill is setting in. We need a ball-crusher or anti-freeze to warm up their engines now.

I see so many new born PERM fools, who don't even know the entire scheme of things. I told one of the PERM guy to laminate, frame and hang his LC approval for good in his living room - he is absolutely clueless about the process.

There will be no benefit to us if we get no approvals from PBEC - something really needs to be done to raise the awareness about the stagnant dates in PBEC. I agree whole heartedly now that we need to email/write/contact the AILA and Senators to complain about this mess. BEC's are not living to their promised word.
State: MD
Now Rotting in PBEC
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As long as I still stuck in PBEC, who cares about VISA numbers. Visa number has been available for last 3 years since I was stuck on LC. There are lots of people who has jumped before me into the line of I-140 /485 while their PDs are far behind of me. As I understand, USCIS processes the cases acording to filing dates of I140/485 instead of PD of LCs in the situation of PD is current. So forget about Visa number.

VA RIR EB3 Region
PD 4/2002

Sahil2002 said:
I could not agree more. ...
Lets focus on PBEC

I agree. The thing that worries me most is that PBEC IS NOT MOVING. At this point, I don't even dream about FIFO. I just need to see PBEC churning out some approvals on daily basis. Because one case approved is one case less in their pile. Every case removed from their pile increase a shread of chance for my case to make it to their desk. DBEC may not be processing strictly on FIFO, but if you look at the tracker JustWatching is maintaining, you will see, of all the cases in DBEC, more than 40% are approved. While for PBEC, there is only 9% approved. And it stay at 9% for a month now since PBEC has stayed still like dead for the past month.

People draw us into different campaigns. But for us still with PBEC, the fundamental first step is do all we can to push PBEC to start producing on a steady pace. The only group I know that is solely focusing on the effort to fight PBEC delay is the yahoo group PBEC_victims. We should all join and start making noises. Let us be loud, be clear and be consistent.
Sahil2002 said:
I could not agree more. I absolutely see a bigger fool theory going around here... People are really forgetting what is THEIR real problem and complaining about retrogression ! All these bills are not going to do any good if YOUR LC is NOT approved. If you can't get your LC, you are nowhere close to retrogression affecting you. Get your LC first, then worry about the retrogressing.

BEC's are upcoming on their 1yr aniversary without any concrete work - only excuses, and data entry work; NO adjudications. Gone are the promises about FIFO and national queue that was promised. DBEC is going on their own Texan way, and PBEC is increasingly freezing their work even before the winter chill is setting in. We need a ball-crusher or anti-freeze to warm up their engines now.

I see so many new born PERM fools, who don't even know the entire scheme of things. I told one of the PERM guy to laminate, frame and hang his LC approval for good in his living room - he is absolutely clueless about the process.

There will be no benefit to us if we get no approvals from PBEC - something really needs to be done to raise the awareness about the stagnant dates in PBEC. I agree whole heartedly now that we need to email/write/contact the AILA and Senators to complain about this mess. BEC's are not living to their promised word.
State: MD
Now Rotting in PBEC

I agree 100%. What the hell will a recapture of 90,000 visas be of any use to us if we done get a chance to use them. Someone else with a priority date much later than ours whose LC is being adjudicated right now may get a chance to use it. We should concentrate on getting our LC's adjudicated first which are currently rotting in PBEC.

On the brighter side, retrogression is not really affecting us now :)

I still have no way to check the status of my application even though the 45 day letter I received in March mentioned that we can check the status after 90 days. Its over 180 days and still no clue. My well informed lawyer says its currently in process. When in the last freaking x.x years was it not in process.

I had six months remaining for my labor when I heard about backlog reduction centers. Thought it would actually speed it up. Now 1 year after creation of centers and no clue whatsoever. What a mess. Someone should be fired for creating backlogs within backlog elimination centers. Govt is out of funds and is begging for money ($500) from immigrants for H1 or immigrant visa recapture from previous years. Guess what, they wasted 100 mil in Backlog reduction that created more backlogs.

Why cant they offer one time amnesty for legal tax paying immigrants and allow us to file adjustment of status. I dont mind paying $5000 now to get my GC. They did it once for illegal immigrants in 2001. Why not do someting for genuine contributers to the economy in good faith. I dont think H1/H4 slaves dont think much of the American system anymore. What good is a GC if it requires >5 year sacrifice of career, opportunities, spouse's career. We all will have GCs one day but what will the GC really remind us of.
USCISisMockery said:
Don't you get it, we are not stupid. Stop your personal agenda. Why in the hell we care about L1 fees. Please stop harrassing us, we are already suffering from other problems (you know which one).

Also please stay on topic, this thread is not about visa numbers, L1 fees or H1 numbers, its about PBEC.

What are you talking? Do you even understand the bill that is being discussed or is being proposed? It is not just H1 or L1. There is GREENCARD RELIEF too. Once PBEC clears your labor, this bill will help you file your I485 or get you a greencard a few years earlier then you should have got.
Please stop floating your ads along with your postings.We dont need any

free stuff.

Pareshan4GC said:
What are you talking? Do you even understand the bill that is being discussed or is being proposed? It is not just H1 or L1. There is GREENCARD RELIEF too. Once PBEC clears your labor, this bill will help you file your I485 or get you a greencard a few years earlier then you should have got.
I agree 100%

coolguy11 said:
I had six months remaining for my labor when I heard about backlog reduction centers. Thought it would actually speed it up. Now 1 year after creation of centers and no clue whatsoever. What a mess. Someone should be fired for creating backlogs within backlog elimination centers. Govt is out of funds and is begging for money ($500) from immigrants for H1 or immigrant visa recapture from previous years. Guess what, they wasted 100 mil in Backlog reduction that created more backlogs.

Why cant they offer one time amnesty for legal tax paying immigrants and allow us to file adjustment of status. I dont mind paying $5000 now to get my GC. They did it once for illegal immigrants in 2001. Why not do someting for genuine contributers to the economy in good faith. I dont think H1/H4 slaves dont think much of the American system anymore. What good is a GC if it requires >5 year sacrifice of career, opportunities, spouse's career. We all will have GCs one day but what will the GC really remind us of.

You said it well.
First LC

Pareshan4GC said:
What are you talking? Do you even understand the bill that is being discussed or is being proposed? It is not just H1 or L1. There is GREENCARD RELIEF too. Once PBEC clears your labor, this bill will help you file your I485 or get you a greencard a few years earlier then you should have got.
First push for LC. Then we will talk about GC. How much do you make with these free ad posting here? Don't you understand our pain?
Pareshan4GC said:
What are you talking? Do you even understand the bill that is being discussed or is being proposed? It is not just H1 or L1. There is GREENCARD RELIEF too. Once PBEC clears your labor, this bill will help you file your I485 or get you a greencard a few years earlier then you should have got.

Hi Pareshan4GC

To Quote your own words

Once PBEC clears your labor, this bill will help you file your I485 or get you a greencard

Question is : When PBEC is going to Clear our cases.

We need to focus on this. We will cross the Brodge of 485 when it comes.Let us not worry about that for now till PBEC start moving again

Till then all of you Guys Donlt post anything that addresses other than PBEC PLIGHT here. This Forum is for PBEC Rotten Folks Only
Stop the paranoia

I have posted very few times in this group. I reckon per USCISMockery's criterion of 'recent poster', I would have an ax to grind.


I agree that our first step is to get out of the PBEC mess.

However, I also support a parallel effort to reform immigration that eliminates retrogression and increases the H1B cap. I know students who can't get jobs because of the H1B cap. I know that even if my labor were cleared tomorrow from PBEC, I would be stuck without EAD and AP.

Everyone that is accusing other people of having an ax to grind, remember, you yourself are grinding your own ax.
Stop mocking at yrself!

Why do you think we are not concered with PBEC ? Our application has been rotting with PBEC ever since it was created and we are as agonized with the delay by PBEC as any other member. Just because 'did not post a comment on particular issue that you expected ' to, does not mean we are here with our "personal agenda". Who did not discuss anything other than PBEC ? Visa retrogression, I140, 485, even 7th year extension are equally discussed thruout this forum? Why don't you google your own history on this forum? If writing on this forums is all about PBEC action, then some members including you would have already been a GREENCARD HOLDERS !I would say stop mocking at yrself by advocating to be a PBEC action pioneer !
USCISisMockery said:
Why don't you people have some sympatnhy on us (who are suffering from PBEC onslaught) and spare this thread from whatever your personal agenda. I checked history of ----, ------ (removed names) and many others who suddenly started posting desperately about visa numbers and it seems fishy.
Some of them are all over the board with topics ranging from I140, Labor, DBEC, 485, I140, H1 etc. Most of such people are clearly associated with some law firm.

It also sounds conspiracy that their awareness effort has not a single note about BEC delay.

who is affected by visa retrogression and not by BEC delay ? Nobody, except lawyers (and recent DBEC applicants whose labors were cleared after Sept. 31, but they are very few)

Why in the world we give damn about increasing H1 numbers ? Then who are these people who are advocating increase in H1 numbers ? I would rather advice any newcomer to stay away and go for Australia instead of face US immigration beauracracy for life time.

Just search for posts by these people who are supporting visa awareness, they never posted on PBEC thread and suddenly they started making calls to senetors !!!