Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

mitware said:
MDwatch, My company is legit but they don't have a physical office in Delaware, they filed my LC via a virtual office which probably was used by multiple employers....don't know however, how many employers were using that address.... :confused: anyways...what is done is done....need to resolve the current issue at hand...any more ideas are welcome.... :)

Sorry, I don't have knowledge to suggest anything, but I would advice you to consult a lawyer and meet him/her personally (meeting personally is better than phone consultation, you know why). 500-1000 bucks will be well spent if lawyer comes up with some suggestion.
aprlc2002 said:
Hi All,

I found more info, not convinving and bad to hear... People whosoever are having status something like Final Review: means it is recommended for Approval but, at this stage it could take 4 months.

They are still working on Some petitions which made it to regional and no concrete info when tehy can do. ALso this seems very vague that they do not have agenda every after being pounded by so many requests. I think they do not care for cryout looks like.

So it is so uncertain about what is happening and what has to happen at PBEC. SO Technically though your petition is approved tehy are still sitting and Hibernating over it.

This sounds Terrible isnt it.


It is definitely terrible. Seems like they just don't care at all.
I think stakes are bigger now and we need help from some law firm. I am stunned by selfish agenda by law firms towards PBEC problem.

They (, and rest of the bunch) keep on encouraging people to mail senetors about visa numbers, but I don't remember a single lawyer speaking about PBEC. Even ILW never published a single article on PBEC mess.

Am i missing something ? Why can't we ask Rajiv, Murthy (Monday night chat), email Immigration-law about their thoughts on PBEC? Or they have no clue. MIght its such a mess that nobody wants to talk about it ?
I think its their moral and professional duty to help their customers.

Again I would repeat, stakes are bigger now, its now or never. Please joing yahoo group and participate in awareness effort about PBEC mess and leave visa numbers on pros to fix.
saknia said:
GCcomesoon said:

I haven't seen any approvals from PBEC for the last 2 weeks ?We are not sure of the wat they worl ( FIFO - ?? ) , but at least we expect some approvals , any state regularly.

Please mention about any approvals for everyone to have an idea about thier own cases.

Hi GCcomeoon

Not many people who are struck with PBEC have registered in this Forum . Even out of the Few who are here, many would have got approved but they hardly report. Some time three members might get approved in a single week and we think that things are moving fast.In the next week in fact PBEC would have approved more than 3. All Cases/Memebers are not of this Forum and hence we don't know.

It is a fact that PBEC is very slow . So Wait Patiently

sparse approval from PBEC clearly shows that they are still stuck in 2001/early 2002. There is just no denial that at this pase, DBEC might clear out backlog by mid 2006 and we all still would be guessing and giving benefit of doubt to Philly bas.
mitware, Would you mind telling us your PD date and when did you receive the notice from PBEC? That may helpful for us.

mitware said:
MDwatch, My company is legit but they don't have a physical office in Delaware, they filed my LC via a virtual office which probably was used by multiple employers....don't know however, how many employers were using that address.... :confused: anyways...what is done is done....need to resolve the current issue at hand...any more ideas are welcome.... :)
para_no_id said:
Hi folks,
This may be indirectly related to our discussion. I have been following this forum for quite some time. I was hoping that some would ask a similar question (earlier posted one is some what related).

I am currently in 7th year extension (meaning, my 6 years of H1B are over). Filed for GC and like all others, mine is also stuck in PBEC. Is it possible to switch a company AND get them to file for my PERM (hoping that it gets approved in a couple of months). Since labor is cleared, can I remain on status.

I called a couple of companies to find, they are all saying "YES". I remember even reading on Murthy and other web sites, all indirectly answering this question as a possibility. I know that this is risky, but is this legally possible?

You can change your employement..but your old employer shud not withdraw the LCfiled on youe behalf..You can use that to show as LC is pending for more than 1 yr.

If you are close to 7th yr or more than 1/2 way to the 7th yr, ask the current company to extend your H1 for another yr(i.e 2007) and then do a transfer to new company so the new H1 will be until 2007 and ther will be no need to rush for another etension in 2006..

Hope this helps...I am in the same situation...
Why we are so few in PBEC_Labor_Victims forum?

USCISisMockery said:
It is definitely terrible. Seems like they just don't care at all.
I think stakes are bigger now and we need help from some law firm. I am stunned by selfish agenda by law firms towards PBEC problem.

They (, and rest of the bunch) keep on encouraging people to mail senetors about visa numbers, but I don't remember a single lawyer speaking about PBEC. Even ILW never published a single article on PBEC mess.

Am i missing something ? Why can't we ask Rajiv, Murthy (Monday night chat), email Immigration-law about their thoughts on PBEC? Or they have no clue. MIght its such a mess that nobody wants to talk about it ?
I think its their moral and professional duty to help their customers.

Again I would repeat, stakes are bigger now, its now or never. Please joing yahoo group and participate in awareness effort about PBEC mess and leave visa numbers on pros to fix.

I am really surprised why we are so few in number in the fight against this PBEC mess.

USCISisMOCKERY -- You are right. No law firm is raising a voice against this mess created at PBEC.

Something is terribly wrong. We should do something ourselves.

BTW, I am not against the people who are figthing for retrogression. I also joined the yahoo group on visa retrogression. To increase their membership, they asked each one of us who are stuck at BRCs to join their group. But, they did not had even one line in their HUB letter about our plight at PBECs.
So, everyone seems to be selfish. Why not we be selfish and fight out overselves?
10/31/2005: Urgent, Urgent: Senate Action Update 6:00 p.m. EST

Senate did not have roll call for this bill today and this bill will be picked up at 9:00 a.m. on the full Senate floor tomorrow morning. Anti-immigration forces are adding pressures to the Senators, and so should the pro-immigration forces. Please contact businesses and urge them to contact via e-mails and phone calls tonight!!! The bill number is S. 1932 and immigration packets are in Title VIII, Section 8001. Please, please, everyone should do something tonight. Businesses in the West Coast, you are still in office hours, 3:00 p.m. PST, and contact your Senators and Congressional delegations before you leave the office!!!!
Shame On Us

I requested a rally against this injustice. I believe we are few in numbers to fight. We are in fault. We want others to fight for us and watch. But we don't want to spend one saturday rallying or protesting. SHAME ON US !

dvp1961 said:
I am really surprised why we are so few in number in the fight against this PBEC mess.

USCISisMOCKERY -- You are right. No law firm is raising a voice against this mess created at PBEC.

Something is terribly wrong. We should do something ourselves.

BTW, I am not against the people who are figthing for retrogression. I also joined the yahoo group on visa retrogression. To increase their membership, they asked each one of us who are stuck at BRCs to join their group. But, they did not had even one line in their HUB letter about our plight at PBECs.
So, everyone seems to be selfish. Why not we be selfish and fight out overselves?
All focus should be on PBEC

I agree with Mockery. Looks like there is a whole lot interest in visa retrogression and they already got a bill on the floor. The number issue is going to be addressed sooner or later. And even it is not, there are proposals for allowing EAD or AP for people whose PD is not current yet.

The ugency for us all who are stuck in PBEC right now is to push to get our LCs out of the PBEC hole. Without a LC approval, there is nothing that can benefit us. DBEC has been working daily. They have reached cases in latter part of 2003. While we still sit here with PD of early 2002 or even 2001. The scariest part is that we haven't seen any movement in PBEC for weeks now.

If the bill for visa retrogression is approved, it is us who are stuck in PBEC that will suffer the most! Imagine the visa numbers ease up and start to progress, people with lc will use up the number quickly. Without a LC in hand, we can do NOTHING. Say John Doe already got his lc approval from DBEC. his PD is Oct.2003, and I have a PD of May, 2002, but my lc is stuck in PBEC. Once the visa number progresses, say, to Oct.2003, (thanks to the fight on visa retrogression). All the people with a LC approval (as long as their PD date is before or in Oct.2003) including John Doe will file 485. Although I have a PD of May 2002 and eligible to file, I CANNOT. SINCE I DONT have a LC approval. I will have to sit and watch other people rushing by and taking the visa numbers till the number is depleted again. This senario is a lot more scary than if I get my lc but visa number is not current for me. ( I still can apply for 140 and get 3 year extension on h1, At least I'll be in line for 485. OR the proposal may get approved for me even able to file for EAD and AP...)

Right, Guys?

If you agree, please join the yahoo pbec_victims group and start make some noise about PBEC.
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sent an email today!

If I am not already late, I just sent an email to the House and the Senate !Hope our voices are heard !
virtual55 said:
Senate did not have roll call for this bill today and this bill will be picked up at 9:00 a.m. on the full Senate floor tomorrow morning. Anti-immigration forces are adding pressures to the Senators, and so should the pro-immigration forces. Please contact businesses and urge them to contact via e-mails and phone calls tonight!!! The bill number is S. 1932 and immigration packets are in Title VIII, Section 8001. Please, please, everyone should do something tonight. Businesses in the West Coast, you are still in office hours, 3:00 p.m. PST, and contact your Senators and Congressional delegations before you leave the office!!!!
one co-worker 2001 got 45 day letter about month & half ago and got his lc approved in a month
2nd co worker -june 2002 got his 45 day letter 1.5week back -
just for info both cases are from ny
Looking forward for your response....


As you all know my Labor was certified on August 15th and I received the 'Final Determination' letter on October 24th. Both my employer and attorney haven’t received any such correspondence from PBEC.

*Has anybody been in similar situation like mine?
*How long does it take for PBEC to dispatch my 750A & 750B to my employer/attorney?


What about AILA/Murthy/Other lawyers?

who represent themselves at DOL monthly meeting?

don't they ask anything about PBEC and why it is moving so slow or not at all?

Seems to me like major glitch in planning. IF there were more cases in eastern region, they should have created two centers OR atleast given more resources to PBEC.

I have sent letters and mails and also urged my attorney to get in touch with PBEC personnels. So far no luck :(
mitware said:
MDwatch, My company is legit but they don't have a physical office in Delaware, they filed my LC via a virtual office which probably was used by multiple employers....don't know however, how many employers were using that address.... :confused: anyways...what is done is done....need to resolve the current issue at hand...any more ideas are welcome.... :)

hi Mitware, if the address was a "virtual" office, your company would have to prove to the DOL that that is the place where you work ... that's gonna be tough, in my opinion, unless the majority of projects you work are/were in Delaware. I once talked to my lawyer about place of work, and he said in case of consulting, your place of work is the state where you do most of your work.
max2005 said:
one co-worker 2001 got 45 day letter about month & half ago and got his lc approved in a month
2nd co worker -june 2002 got his 45 day letter 1.5week back -
just for info both cases are from ny

Max, can u find out which month your 2001 friend had filed ?!

if that's November, then I think we're finally seeing a small trend here ... several people from Oct/Nov 2001 have been certified in the past couple of weeks, and I believe they were all SWA, not regional. Maybe FIFO is finally kicking in ?
Agree with what u are saying.I cant believe to see the law firms refusing to talk about the differences of the approval rates in DBEC and PBEC.And also those few people who appear all of a sudden in the forum asking support for the next stage of the process when we are stuck in the labor stage..Unbelievable

VAhoper said:
I agree with Mockery. Looks like there is a whole lot interest in visa retrogression and they already got a bill on the floor. The number issue is going to be addressed sooner or later. And even it is not, there are proposals for allowing EAD or AP for people whose PD is not current yet.

The ugency for us all who are stuck in PBEC right now is to push to get our LCs out of the PBEC hole. Without a LC approval, there is nothing that can benefit us. DBEC has been working daily. They have reached cases in latter part of 2003. While we still sit here with PD of early 2002 or even 2001. The scariest part is that we haven't seen any movement in PBEC for weeks now.

If the bill for visa retrogression is approved, it is us who are stuck in PBEC that will suffer the most! Imagine the visa numbers ease up and start to progress, people with lc will use up the number quickly. Without a LC in hand, we can do NOTHING. Say John Doe already got his lc approval from DBEC. his PD is Oct.2003, and I have a PD of May, 2002, but my lc is stuck in PBEC. Once the visa number progresses, say, to Oct.2003, (thanks to the fight on visa retrogression). All the people with a LC approval (as long as their PD date is before or in Oct.2003) including John Doe will file 485. Although I have a PD of May 2002 and eligible to file, I CANNOT. SINCE I DONT have a LC approval. I will have to sit and watch other people rushing by and taking the visa numbers till the number is depleted again. This senario is a lot more scary than if I get my lc but visa number is not current for me. ( I still can apply for 140 and get 3 year extension on h1, At least I'll be in line for 485. OR the proposal may get approved for me even able to file for EAD and AP...)

Right, Guys?

If you agree, please join the yahoo pbec_victims group and start make some noise about PBEC.

cantstandit said:
Max, can u find out which month your 2001 friend had filed ?!

if that's November, then I think we're finally seeing a small trend here ... several people from Oct/Nov 2001 have been certified in the past couple of weeks, and I believe they were all SWA, not regional. Maybe FIFO is finally kicking in ?
VAhoper said:
I agree with Mockery. Looks like there is a whole lot interest in visa retrogression and they already got a bill on the floor. The number issue is going to be addressed sooner or later. And even it is not, there are proposals for allowing EAD or AP for people whose PD is not current yet.

The ugency for us all who are stuck in PBEC right now is to push to get our LCs out of the PBEC hole. Without a LC approval, there is nothing that can benefit us. DBEC has been working daily. They have reached cases in latter part of 2003. While we still sit here with PD of early 2002 or even 2001. The scariest part is that we haven't seen any movement in PBEC for weeks now.

If the bill for visa retrogression is approved, it is us who are stuck in PBEC that will suffer the most! Imagine the visa numbers ease up and start to progress, people with lc will use up the number quickly. Without a LC in hand, we can do NOTHING. Say John Doe already got his lc approval from DBEC. his PD is Oct.2003, and I have a PD of May, 2002, but my lc is stuck in PBEC. Once the visa number progresses, say, to Oct.2003, (thanks to the fight on visa retrogression). All the people with a LC approval (as long as their PD date is before or in Oct.2003) including John Doe will file 485. Although I have a PD of May 2002 and eligible to file, I CANNOT. SINCE I DONT have a LC approval. I will have to sit and watch other people rushing by and taking the visa numbers till the number is depleted again. This senario is a lot more scary than if I get my lc but visa number is not current for me. ( I still can apply for 140 and get 3 year extension on h1, At least I'll be in line for 485. OR the proposal may get approved for me even able to file for EAD and AP...)

Right, Guys?

If you agree, please join the yahoo pbec_victims group and start make some noise about PBEC.

1000% Agreed

All of us struck here should turn Selfish and request the following

ASK any Law Firm who has influnece in AILA meeting with Labor to speak for us ( we can pay for that !!!)

If we fall out of sync with other GC Guys in Dallas - No harm done

Request implementation of Retrogation effect ( even if Visa is captured till 2003) to wait until PBEC and DBEC are on same page - Otherwise no FIFO (Guys who are approved from DBEC from 2003 will use up the Visa while people are waiting from 2001 here)

Get GC First - To priority - Without this Visa Recapturing or what ever is not going to help.
Checking with the DBEC looks like they are also not following an established sequence/order for approvals.There are some with PD in 2002 still stuck without an approval where as some in Sep 2003 have got their approvals.

Looks like DBEC is following its own rules like clearing all the REGIONAL-RIR's irrespective of the PD and gettting back to the other categories.