Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

I think I confused you by using the word expedited "status".

What I meant was that the only thing they can get you fast is the status.So for example you apprach them via this route, they shall send you a update that your case is being looked into and when they reach your PD, they shall adjucate your case.They won't pull out your case from the lot and adjucate it.

Hope this clarifies...

NeedMyLC said:
Hi, a_to_z_gc,

How do you find out your friends are in expedited "status"? Could you let me know?

45Day letter received-02/05
ETA: P-04306-xxxxx
ETA Case Number Calculation


My ETA Case Number is : P-04296-XXXXX

As per the attachement (7th Year Extension proof) I got from the PBEC the case received date is

Case Received Date: 10/22/2004

The First 2 letters are the year and the next 3 letter are days i.e 296th day in 2004 is October 22nd and the rest of the letters I am not sure what it is.


Sahil2002 said:
Thanks Juntha - that's appears to be right. I ran some calculations and "day of the year" term is very correct. Also, I found that the day of the year is a "business day" and not the straight calendar day.
How do I get my PBEC case number?

I have been waiting to get my 45-day letter, which according to my lawyer is the only way to get the new assigned case number. I see that many of you already got it without the 45 day letter, so please let me know what do I have to do to at least get it. Thanks.

SWA RD (PD): 04/23/04
SWA sent to Philly DOL: ??? There are many dates on the excel sheet from DOL
45-Day BPC Letter Received: Not received yet :(
New Case Number


new case number can only be found in 45 day letter. I don't think there is any other way to find the new case number. :D

rxs_1234 said:
You want to know what is backlog.... we are sitting like LOGS at BACK of the queue and hence backlog.... ;)



thanks for the laffs at the end of another stressful week with no encouraging news!

Does that year means, date case received by BEC?

juntha said:
Ok.. i dunno where yu found those info.

Here s how it s done.
first 2 numbers : year : 05 means 2005
following 3 numbers day of the year : 125 : 125th day of the year.
then after that it s all about numbers related to fifo or some other crap
Another way of confirmation of 45 Day received is apply to proof of labour application for 7 th Year and more extensions, they will send screen-shot of your record by email.

NeedMyLC said:
My boss just called PBEC for me to find out my case status. Same thing, the ladies were very nice. (I listen from the speaker also, talked to 2 ladies). She said that they are currently processing year 2001 cases, my case is still in pending. At least, they confirmed that they received my 45 day letter and they process the cases by their priority date.

They suggested us to send an email to them to find out the case status details or to have a congress man to talk to them to expidite the case. (yet I don't know any congress man.)

45Day letter received-02/05
ETA: P-04306-xxxxx :mad:
Checkup with lawyer, my lawyer almost would have cost me 5 years!, their office got relocated and new clerk misplaced by 45 letter!!!, it was received on March'23 and lawyer FedEx me on May'22 with deadline of week!!!! :(

Another thing, it could be possible that they are still entering into system, casue your PD looks last years. But you can have your employer to call them and check the status of case.

amossiou said:
I have been waiting to get my 45-day letter, which according to my lawyer is the only way to get the new assigned case number. I see that many of you already got it without the 45 day letter, so please let me know what do I have to do to at least get it. Thanks.

SWA RD (PD): 04/23/04
SWA sent to Philly DOL: ??? There are many dates on the excel sheet from DOL
45-Day BPC Letter Received: Not received yet :(
pleaseGOD said:
Does that year means, date case received by BEC?


Nooo. It s much simpler than that.
It s the date when the information are entered in the system. For the date when BEC received the cases, look in their website and look for a file listing the state and dates.
rxs_1234 said:
You want to know what is backlog.... we are sitting like LOGS at BACK of the queue and hence backlog.... ;)

perfect answer to an imperfect question but also food for thought that if the logs were to gather like we have done here at the forum and perhaps fall over the edge and create the splash required to wake up the system so be it -
i think the suggestion of holding a gathering in fron t of the PBEC sound good as any kind of show of strength would make them sit up so maybe we should get serious and come together and put up a front

just my 2 Cents.........
Not to throw logs in your river, but a united front from us looks most unlikely, judging by the poor response to any proposal. Most of the posts are from Aaya Rams Gaya Rams aka free riders who want to benefit riding on others' coattails.

At an individual level, the least one can do is to write to your local Congress(wo)man, Senator, national newspapers and keep your employer abreast though for a typical desi employer, this is the best of all worlds. One can hope that a substantial collection of this individual effort would create at least a ripple if not a splash in the stagnant waters of BECLand.


max2005 said:
perfect answer to an imperfect question but also food for thought that if the logs were to gather like we have done here at the forum and perhaps fall over the edge and create the splash required to wake up the system so be it -
i think the suggestion of holding a gathering in fron t of the PBEC sound good as any kind of show of strength would make them sit up so maybe we should get serious and come together and put up a front

just my 2 Cents.........
rxs_1234 said:
You want to know what is backlog.... we are sitting like LOGS at BACK of the queue and hence backlog.... ;)

LOL...That was a nice one rxs.

MEW, I saw a similar one liner from you in the PERM forum asking about PERM. Why don't you read the past threads to find out more and then ask more specific questions.

Individually, it is hard to make a difference. I have written to every politician I can think of, except to the President (I am seriously thinking about it; hey, this is a free country). Let us form a formal Association, with a catchy name like "Ass. of tax-paying victims of DOL", or "Ass. of Tax payers in Limbo", or any name that will tell part of the story in itself, and will stimulate curiosity to know more. If we have enough memebrs willing to give a small contribution, we could have an ad campaign or even (I am day-dreaming) have our own lobbyist on their case. For the media, one of us, fluent in English, eloquent, no accent (that excludes me, unfortunately) would be our spokeperson. The public would then see we are the girl or guy next door, not from another planet. The point is some kind of organized, coordinated effort is needed, or we're all going crazy. Let's at least think about the possibility...
With a catchy name like "Ass of .....", Backlog and Log in the Back would become synonymous :)

ScorpioB said:
Individually, it is hard to make a difference. I have written to every politician I can think of, except to the President (I am seriously thinking about it; hey, this is a free country). Let us form a formal Association, with a catchy name like "Ass. of tax-paying victims of DOL", or "Ass. of Tax payers in Limbo", or any name that will tell part of the story in itself, and will stimulate curiosity to know more. If we have enough memebrs willing to give a small contribution, we could have an ad campaign or even (I am day-dreaming) have our own lobbyist on their case. For the media, one of us, fluent in English, eloquent, no accent (that excludes me, unfortunately) would be our spokeperson. The public would then see we are the girl or guy next door, not from another planet. The point is some kind of organized, coordinated effort is needed, or we're all going crazy. Let's at least think about the possibility...
worth a thought-gurus come foward

ScorpioB said:
Individually, it is hard to make a difference. I have written to every politician I can think of, except to the President (I am seriously thinking about it; hey, this is a free country). Let us form a formal Association, with a catchy name like "Ass. of tax-paying victims of DOL", or "Ass. of Tax payers in Limbo", or any name that will tell part of the story in itself, and will stimulate curiosity to know more. If we have enough memebrs willing to give a small contribution, we could have an ad campaign or even (I am day-dreaming) have our own lobbyist on their case. For the media, one of us, fluent in English, eloquent, no accent (that excludes me, unfortunately) would be our spokeperson. The public would then see we are the girl or guy next door, not from another planet. The point is some kind of organized, coordinated effort is needed, or we're all going crazy. Let's at least think about the possibility...
Hello gurus,
This is my temp case# T-05145-41XXX, Do you guys think I will get 45 day letter this year?

Priority Date: Feb 2003


People whose LC went to Dallas are sending emails to philadelphia for a screen shot check and they are getting replies. This implies that both centers are using the same data base and how come we are hearing SW glitches in PBEC?
Also dallas is not responding to emails so people are sending emails to PBEC for screenshot.
And the way things are going in PBEC, it seems like they will go through all the TR cases first. I think they should work on both the cases based on FIFO (spam)...............
No more approval news from PBEC this week....

:mad: It has several days never heard any approval news from PBEC. What are the staff in PBEC doing? Are they still crazy doing data entry or all take vacation during summer time? It seems only DBEC staff doing the hard work.......
Update from PBEC

Hi All,

PBEC currently working on July 2001 RIR cases and July/Aug 2002 TR cases which made it to Regional. As well they are also working on Data entry with rest of the applications including adjuducating the Cases whcih havent made it to regional.

Hopefully they are expecting the RIR and TR should have same processing time frames by the end of this year (2005).

Thats all folks.

DISCLAIMER: All this info is just an assement and cannot be brougth under any jurisdiction of law.