Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

orissa said:
This morning I called, got some answer.

1-Any progress in Labor Certification?
yes. We are sending hundreds of decision letter now every week of April 2001 cases.

2-When you say hundreds, is that really more than 100 or more in number?
yes. Its 4 hundred to 5 hundred a week now.

3-Have you aware that Dallas BEC started approving 2002 september.
yes. Because they have more federal staff there working for backlog cases. And we are less here.

4-How many Federal staff in Dallas more than hundred or what?
No. No. They are more than 500.

5-How many here Philly BEC?
We are just over hundred here. The govt asign more staff to Dallas and here in Philly BEC we are short. See I was in vacation since 3 month now, no one here to cover me.
(note:meternity leave)

6-What you think when you all going to hit 2002 cases?
I would say probably in six month. Once 2001 April cases finish everyting will move fatser.

7-What the problem in 2001 cases, why its taking so much time?
There are several reason to delay in 2001 cases. There are hundreds of frivolous application, and some of them filed many application for one business, but our audit did not find any physical business establishment at all.

8-Decision letter you are sending what % of approval?
We are reviewing carefully all application, we can not simply deny, since they are waiting since years and years. There are hundreds approval for genuine application.

500 !!!! 500 people at Dallas ??? What s the heck is that ? Maybe they are trying to find an excuse ... 500 seems soooo big it s suspicious. I am gonna have a look at the dallas forum to see what they think about that.

Also, 400-500 case processed by week... with an estimated 170 000 application, that mean that 0.3 percent af the total is processed every week.
200-300 members in this forum... statistically we should see 6-10 approvals within us every week. Let s wait and see...
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the BEC director/boss bastard should be in jail if he has no excuse of putting more people in Dallas. We need to know the exact # of people working in the two BEC and be able to trace our case. Folks, is there suggestion we should think of to give to DOL ro correct their mistake? For instance, all EB3 from philly won't need to wait for visa # even if there is no visa #, etc.
Man, we are so fucked up!!! :mad:
luckylucky said:
folks, any suggestions what we should do based on this new information?
Mockery, also what is your suggestion?

We need first to confirm this 500 employees at Dallas. Either it s a mistake or it s completely insane. So far noone confimred on the Dallas Forum.
Congrats gp111! This is awesome news.

gp111 said:

Finally I got something to post regarding to my case

Just got a call from my Attorney that my case has been approved by Dallas Backlog Reduction Center.

Here are the details

Priority Date : Sept 23 2002
Regional Receipt Date : August 14 2003
Dallas BPC Case # D-04320-025xx
45 Day Letter Received/ Replied : March 14 2005
Approval Received in Mail (Attorney): June 30 2005

It was a long journey.. But hey I really had good time (even though lot of fustration, tension, confusion, yelling at eachother) sharing information with all of you guys..

I really hope & pray that all of you will get out of this BPC as soon as possible.


chill folks

don't get tense reading Orissa's post.

Orrisa - no offense. but how reliable is your inside source?
seems she has just returned from Maternity leave after 3 months and may not be in the thick of things just yet.

maybe we can call D-BEC / ask Icarus (insider from DBES on the DBEC forum) how many staff they are at DBEC before jumping the gun.

our nerves on this forum is pretty high strung and any such news is inflamatory. so pls folks use your discretion before posting any kinda info.... or even using words like stupid / f&(* / whatever!

mudra1234 said:
don't get tense reading Orissa's post.

Orrisa - no offense. but how reliable is your inside source?
seems she has just returned from Maternity leave after 3 months and may not be in the thick of things just yet.

maybe we can call D-BEC / ask Icarus (insider from DBES on the DBEC forum) how many staff they are at DBEC before jumping the gun.

our nerves on this forum is pretty high strung and any such news is inflamatory. so pls folks use your discretion before posting any kinda info.... or even using words like stupid / f&(* / whatever!

The best way is to get their phone # and call Dallas directly and talk to somebody inside. ANyway, we need some transparency of what really are going on in Philly and Dallas.
mudra1234 said:
don't get tense reading Orissa's post.

Orrisa - no offense. but how reliable is your inside source?
seems she has just returned from Maternity leave after 3 months and may not be in the thick of things just yet.

maybe we can call D-BEC / ask Icarus (insider from DBES on the DBEC forum) how many staff they are at DBEC before jumping the gun.

our nerves on this forum is pretty high strung and any such news is inflamatory. so pls folks use your discretion before posting any kinda info.... or even using words like stupid / f&(* / whatever!


As far as i am concerned, unless it s confirmed, i still believe DOL official announcement :

'Each BEC is staffed with 35-40 federal employees and approximately 100 contract workers. The contract workers will provide administrative support and the federal employees will adjudicate the cases. Recruitment efforts to fill the federal employee positions included notifying the State Workforce Agencies (SWAs) of the available positions. Dallas has completed more of its recruitment than Philadelphia.
Hi folks, have been following this thread for the last couple of weeks. Its the best thread for Phily BEC cases. Keep up the good work by posting your valuable opinions/experiences.

About the atrocious and unfair distribution of resources to handle the cases at Phily BEC, Orisa, what is the number you called at? I am finding it very hard to believe that there can be such a huge gap(40%-50% extra folks is okay but 500% is just atrocious). I do not doubt your information, but is it possible that someone gave wrong information. Can someone else also check if they have the number.
juntha said:
As far as i am concerned, unless it s confirmed, i still believe DOL official announcement :

'Each BEC is staffed with 35-40 federal employees and approximately 100 contract workers. The contract workers will provide administrative support and the federal employees will adjudicate the cases. Recruitment efforts to fill the federal employee positions included notifying the State Workforce Agencies (SWAs) of the available positions. Dallas has completed more of its recruitment than Philadelphia.
If that 500 is correct, then here is my suggestion:
I am a teacher and if I screwed up something myself, I have to make it up.
Say if one question in their final exam is wrong, then everybody gets a full credit on that question even if they leave that question blank. Otherwise my students are going to tear me apart or report me to my boss.
So, if DOL screws Philly folks like this, then we need a special treament of our labor card on all people whose case is in Philly. We need unlimited visa #, fast process on LC, fast process on I485 and I140. ANd if you are in Pilly and your same month has been processed in Dallas already, then your LC should be granted automaticlly. What else? Remember? If we want an inch, we always ask for a feet, then we may get an inch in the end but that is better than nothing.
Oh, I forgot the most important: We request the unlimited transferring of employers without refiling of H1, without losing our PD as long as Dallas's queue is faster than us. Am I describing a heaven or what?
Oh, also we request Philly to hire 2,500 people to work on our cases in order to catch up with Dallas, that is 5 times of people who are in Dallas now. :D
luckylucky said:
If that 500 is correct, then here is my suggestion:
I am a teacher and if I screwed up something myself, I have to make it up.
Say if one question in their final exam is wrong, then everybody gets a full credit on that question even if they leave that question blank. Otherwise my students are going to tear me apart or report me to my boss.
So, if DOL screws Philly folks like this, then we need a special treament of our labor card on all people whose case is in Philly. We need unlimited visa #, fast process on LC, fast process on I485 and I140. ANd if you are in Pilly and your same month has been processed in Dallas already, then your LC should be granted automaticlly. What else? Remember? If we want an inch, we always ask for a feet, then we may get an inch in the end but that is better than nothing.

Come on now...
Folks, I found out the official call for contractors for the BEC. Anyone knows where i can find the contract signed by DOL and the company who won the bid ?
Thanks for the update Orissa. I do not want to shoot the messenger but clearly there seems to be an inbalance between the two centers..but frankly 500:100 emplyees...that seems to be quite unbelieveable to me...DOL cannot be that stupid...maybe thats not the whole truth from the lady..anyways...another few months before we can see some movement maybe...
Congratulations gp111!

Wish you all the best! If I remember correctly, you were the one who started this thread. So, I guess, the FIFO order is the order in which guys started posting on this thread :cool:
gp111 said:

Finally I got something to post regarding to my case

Just got a call from my Attorney that my case has been approved by Dallas Backlog Reduction Center.

Here are the details

Priority Date : Sept 23 2002
Regional Receipt Date : August 14 2003
Dallas BPC Case # D-04320-025xx
45 Day Letter Received/ Replied : March 14 2005
Approval Received in Mail (Attorney): June 30 2005

It was a long journey.. But hey I really had good time (even though lot of fustration, tension, confusion, yelling at eachother) sharing information with all of you guys..

I really hope & pray that all of you will get out of this BPC as soon as possible.


dcmetro22042 said:
Thanks for the update Orissa. I do not want to shoot the messenger but clearly there seems to be an inbalance between the two centers..but frankly 500:100 emplyees...that seems to be quite unbelieveable to me...DOL cannot be that stupid...maybe thats not the whole truth from the lady..anyways...another few months before we can see some movement maybe...

The good thing (well it s pretty sad ;) ) is that i am early May 2001. So when (if) i get my approval, we ll know april 2001 is done with
just now called up the phili BEC, the lady said, they r processing 2001 cases RIR, & for TR its 2002..and when i asked her that whether procesing means approving, she said, she's not at the liberty to say anything more and anything after 2001 is on hold at the moment.
Don't know when they r going to start 2003?/ :confused: